Sunday, August 9, 2009

Are You Mildly Displeased With Air Travel Today?

Are You Mildly Displeased With Air Travel Today?

August 9, 2009

Passenger Rights Stakeholder Hearing

On Tuesday, September 22, 2009, the passenger rights group and other consumer groups and travel industry organizations will conduct a Stakeholder Hearing in the Hart Senate Office Building regarding airline passenger rights. The purpose of the hearing is to examine passenger safety-related problems such as extended ground delays. Desired outcomes from the hearing include a better understanding of passenger safety problems; best practices from the EU in the area of passenger protections; and the potential efficacy of proposed Congressional solutions. Experts representing all sides in this debate have been invited to participate in this hearing.

In addition to audience members attending the hearing, stakeholders will comprise “Witnesses” and “Questioners.” Witness panels will include passengers and airline, airport, association and government executives as well as functional-area experts from acadème and industry. Witnesses will present 5-minute statements. After all statements are made, Questioners will address their queries to each of the Witnesses. Questioners will include corporate travel managers, functional area experts and former DOT IGs. Also joining as Questioners will be members of the press to provide an extra measure of impartiality.

The Stakeholder Hearing will also have a roundtable discussion among Senators and Representatives interested in this issue moderated by a media luminary.

While attendance is free of charge, registration is necessary at and seating is limited.

Anyone desiring to personally contact the host for this event please do so here .

Attendance At This Event

Even to the most casual observer within the ranks of employees within airline industry, the FAA, and airline passengers, the management failures within the senior ranks of the airlines and the FAA have become blatantly obvious in terms of poor service and airline employee morale, and apparent chaos and lack of appropriate oversight within the FAA and the Department of Transportation. Relevant congressional oversight committees to date have failed to appropriately address these serious concerns, which negatively impacts the current dismal bottom-line profits, or lack thereof, within the airline industry. FAA and airline employees have had enough, as have the passengers they serve.

The subject hearing on September 22nd is your opportunity to show your phenomenal displeasure regarding dismal failures in airline management and passenger service in camera's view and before members of Congress and the American traveling public. Representatives of grassroots whistleblower groups from the FAA, airline employees, medical health professionals/passenger health groups, the traveling public, and others are attending this hearing. Will you?

If you live in the DC area, it is hoped that you will attend in your airline uniform and participate in this important grassroots movement of 'We the People' . Government and management have failed us the past eight years and it's time we tell them that 'we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore!'. We are hoping for maximum participation at this event and, if you fail to support this effort, then you must resign yourself to the hell that you've endured the past eight years.

Passenger service, safety, comfort, and health are at risk at present. It is an gross understatement to say that airline employees are displeased with what has transpired the past eight years. Get mad as there on September 22nd! Register for the event here.

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