Monday, November 30, 2009

October 19, 2007

Senator Patrick Leahy
Chairman – Senate Judiciary Committee
433 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515


Dear Senator Leahy,

On October 18, 2007, I invoked the rights, privileges, and protections afforded under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 in declaring myself a federal whistleblower. In addition to your Chairmanship of the Senate Judiciary Committee, if is for this reason that I am writing you today.

In January 2007, I had written your office advising that alleged criminal activity might have occurred during the United Airlines bankruptcy including possible criminal collusion and judicial corruption, which resulted in billions of dollars in employee concessions, the loss of pensions and company control through the Employee Stock Ownership Program (ESOP). To date, the Department of Justice has not responded to our petition to investigate these matters, nor have they thus far provided the requisite witness protection/immunity to prosecute these alleged crimes.

There presently exists strong evidence that supports allegations of judicial corruption in the United Airlines bankruptcy. U.S. citizens must rely on the Department of Justice and Congress to investigate matters concerning possible judicial corruption. It is within your domain of authority to do so.

Additionally, I have petitioned the office of Congressman Conyers to commence a criminal investigation given the evidence at hand. As there are other possible crimes that may have been committed involving possible White House collusion, pension termination, fraudulent government application processes, and other criminal activities, I have asked the offices of Senator Kennedy and Congressman Miller and Waxman to intercede on our behalf.
Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, it is hereby requested that federal witness protection and immunity from prosecution as well as other legal and physical protections be granted to myself and my family, former CEO and Chairman of McCook Metal LLC Michael Lynch and his family, and all other criminal informants and their families who are willing to come forth and provide honest testimony regarding these issues.

The congressional committee powers of subpoena is warranted and authorized by law in this instance. Since the Department of Justice has shown no concern in addressing serious criminal allegations in the United Airlines bankruptcy, it is requested, on behalf of tens-of-thousands of financially disenfranchised United Airlines employees and retirees, that you exercise your Congressional powers as Senate Judiciary Chairman in upholding the law and our constitutional rights as U.S. citizens. I know that you will do what is right. Thank you so much for your consideration and help in this matter.

Very Respectfully,

Dan Hanley

Encl: Letter dated October 19, 2007 to Senator Kennedy
Letter dated October 19, 2007 to Congressman Conyers
Letter dated October 19, 2007 to Congressman Miller
Letter dated October 19, 2007 to Congressman Waxman
Letter dated October 19, 2007 to Congressman Westmoreland

Cc: Senator Kennedy
Congressman Miller
Congressman Waxman
Congressman Conyers
Congressman Westmoreland


October 19, 2007

Congressman Henry Waxman
Chairman – Government Oversight Committee
2204 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515


Dear Congressman Waxman,

On October 18, 2007, I invoked the rights, privileges, and protections afforded under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 in declaring myself a federal whistleblower. In addition to your Chairmanship of the House Oversight Committee, it is for this reason I am writing you today.

In November 2006, I had written your office advising that alleged criminal activity might have occurred during the United Airlines bankruptcy including possible criminal collusion and judicial corruption, which resulted in billions of dollars in employee concessions, the loss of employee pensions and company control through the Employee Stock Ownership Program (ESOP). To date, the Department of Justice has not responded to our petition to investigate these matters, nor have they thus far provided the requisite witness protection/immunity to prosecute these alleged crimes.

Since last fall, I have been in phone contact with your staff member, Matt Siegler, who has been kept apprised of these matters and has been most cooperative and helpful. Recently surfaced evidence indicates possible fraudulent activity involving United Airlines post-9/11 application for a government loan guarantee authorized through the Airline Transportation Stabilization Act and must be investigated.

Additionally, an investigation must be conducted as to why one of the three voting members of the ATSB, Treasury Under Secretary Brian Roseburo, voted in against the wishes of Secretary of Treasury John Snow who was prepared to vote in favor of the loan guarantee for United Airlines. The appointment of Baker-Botts attorney Kirk Van Tine to this board raises questions as well.

Under the Act, Congress authorized $10-billion in loan guarantees to financially distressed post-9/11 air carriers and only $1.5-billion was let. United Airlines lost two aircraft that fateful day and employees had already financially conceded in a large way to help survive the airline. The ATSB further demanded $10-billion in
concessions before the loan application would be approved. With the denial of the monies, United Airlines filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy. An investigation must be conducted to determine the rational of ATSB Chairman Eddie Gramlish’s financial standards imposed to qualify for the loan guarantees. In conjunction with this, the evidence that has been produced, which indicates a fraudulent loan application must be criminally investigated.

As Chairman of the Government Oversight Committee, you have the authority to initiate a congressional investigation into these matters. I have contacted the offices of Senator Kennedy and Leahy and Congressmen Miller and Conyers on other related allegedly criminal pension and judicial corruption issues in the United Airlines bankruptcy.

There were tens-of-thousands of financially disenfranchised United Airlines employees and retirees as a result of these potentially criminal acts that may have included collusion between this administration and the senior level management at United. It is incumbent on government to serve the citizens of this country while demanding an honest system of government and justice. It is for these reasons that I implore you to exercise your congressional authority in investigating these matters. Your interest and concern is greatly appreciated.

Very Respectfully,

Dan Hanley

Encl: Letter dated October 19, 2007 to Senator Kennedy
Letter dated October 19, 2007 to Senator Leahy
Letter dated October 19, 2007 to Congressman Conyers
Letter dated October 19, 2007 to Congressman Miller
Letter dated October 19, 2007 to Congressman Westmoreland

Cc: Senator Kennedy
Senator Leahy
Congressman Conyers
Congressman Miller
Congressman Westmoreland


October 19, 2007

Congressman John Conyers, Jr.
Chairman – House Judiciary Committee
2426 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515


Dear Congressman Conyers,

On October 18, 2007, I invoked the rights, privileges, and protections under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 in declaring myself a federal whistleblower. In addition to your Chairmanship of the House Judiciary Committee, it is for this reason that I am writing you today.

There presently exists strong supporting evidence to allegations of judicial corruption in the United Airlines bankruptcy that has not, as yet, been investigated by the Department of Justice, nor have they provided the requisite witness protection/immunity from prosecution in these potentially criminal matters.

It is for this reason that I petition your committee to commence an independent congressional investigation given the evidence at hand. I have contacted Senator Leahy on these issues as well. Since there is also evidence that suggests possible White House collusion, violation of ERISA laws, fraudulent application processes, and other matters in the bankruptcy, I have contacted the offices of Senator Kennedy and Congressmen Waxman and Miller as well.

Under the provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, it is hereby requested that witness protection and immunity from prosecution as well as other legal and physical protections be granted to my family and myself, former CEO and Chairman of McCook Metals LLC Michael Lynch and his family, and all other criminal informant who are willing to come forth and provide evidence and honest testimony in this case.

The congressional committee powers of subpoena is warranted and authorized by law in this instance. Since the Department of Justice has shown no concern in addressing serious criminal allegations in the United Airlines bankruptcy, it is requested, on behalf of tens-of-thousands of financially disenfranchised United Airlines employees and retirees, that you exercise your congressional powers as House Judiciary Chairman in upholding the law and our constitutional rights as U.S. citizens.

Thank you so very much for your honorable and patriotic service to our nation for so many years as a U.S. Congressman. There are thousands who are counting on you for support in this legal and political effort.

Very Respectfully,

Dan Hanley

Encl: Letter dated October 19, 2007 to Senator Leahy
Letter dated October 19, 2007 to Senator Kennedy
Letter dated October 19, 2007 to Congressman Waxman
Letter dated October 19, 2007 to Congressman Miller
Letter dated October 19, 2007 to Congressman Westmoreland

Cc: Senator Leahy
Senator Kennedy
Congressman Waxman
Congressman Miller
Congressman Westmoreland


October 19, 2007

Congressman George Miller Chairman – Committee on Labor and Pensions

2205 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20515


Dear Congressman Miller,

On October 18, 2007, I invoked the rights, privileges, and protections afforded under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 in declaring myself a federal whistleblower. In addition to your Chairmanship of the Committee on Labor and Pensions, it is for this reason I am writing you today.

In February 2007, I wrote your office regarding possible federal criminal activity involving the distress-termination of United Airline employee pension while the airline was in Chapter 11 bankruptcy. At the time, I had requested that your staff commence an investigation into these matters. Recently surfaced evidence suggests the possibility of fraudulent PBGC activity in the termination process, which includes a possible conflict of interest, fraudulent deceit, possible violations of ERISA laws, nondisclosure of a valuable financial asset during the bankruptcy, and alleged judicial corruption.

As Chairman of the House Committee on Labor and Pensions, you have the authority to investigate some of these matters. I have contacted the offices of Senators Kennedy and Leahy as well as Congressmen Waxman and Conyers on other related allegedly criminal pension and judicial corruption issues in the United Airlines bankruptcy.

There were tens-of-thousands of financially disenfranchised United Airline employees and retirees as a result of these potentially criminal acts that may have included illegal collusion between this administration and senior level management at United Airlines. Realizing your exclusion in committee hearings regarding last years pension legislation, you are now in a position as Committee Chairman to exercise your oversight authority in addressing these issues.

It is herein petitioned, on behalf of the United Airlines workers and retirees, that you initiate a congressional investigation in these matters. I will await your response with the knowledge of your belief in doing what is honest and just for the citizens that you serve as a U.S. Congressman and Chairman of your committee. Thank you for your consideration and help.

Very Respectfully,

Dan Hanley

Encl: Letter dated October 19, 2007 to Senator Kennedy

Letter dated October 19, 2007 to Senator Leahy

Letter dated October 19, 2007 to Congressman Waxman

Letter dated October 19, 2007 to Congressman Conyers

Letter dated October 19, 2007 to Congressman Westmoreland

Cc: Senator Kennedy

Senator Leahy

Congressman Waxman

Congressman Conyers

Congressman Westmoreland


October 25, 2007

Senator Carl Levin
Chairman – Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
199 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-2202


Dear Senator Levin,

On November 26, 2006, I wrote the enclosed letter to you on behalf of the subject association, imploring your political intercession in the investigation of possible white-collar criminal corruption in matters surrounding the post-9/11 bankruptcy of United Airlines. A close review of the enclosed correspondence will further describe the exhaustive measures employed in writing to other relevant political and law enforcement officials in petitioning them to fulfill the obligations and responsibilities of their offices. As you will notice, we have run the full gamut; this should not have been necessary for ordinary citizens to investigate potential federal criminal wrongdoing.

As evidenced by the recent Attorney General Gonzales hearings, our system of justice and government is broken and in dire need of repair. It is for this reason that I once again call upon your good office to assist in this regard. The employees and retirees of United Airlines were sorely disenfranchised before and during the bankruptcy process. Evidence exists of criminal wrongdoing that has not been investigated by appropriate oversight authority. Like so many other American citizens, the men and women of the subject association no longer trust this administration to do what is right, good, and just for the tax-payers who support them. Please do not allow our plea to fall, yet another time, on deaf ears.

Recognizing that you spearheaded the in-depth examination and analysis into the collapse of Enron, which led to the enactment of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, coupled with your introduction and passage of the Whistleblower Protection Act, are the reasons that I am writing you today.

In addition to existing evidence that strongly supports allegations of judicial corruption in the United Airlines/McCook Metals LLC bankruptcies, recently surfaced evidence was uncovered by another grassroots organization which implicitly suggests possible White House collusion, fraudulent accounting practices, securities fraud, nondisclosure of certain financial assets during the bankruptcy, fraudulent government loan application processes, questionable abidance with the requisite corporate governance provisions of Sarbanes-Oxley, a government appointee which involves a conflict of interest, and potentially illegal transactions between United Airlines and the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC) in the distress-termination of defined-benefit employee pensions.

Grassroots groups should not have had to uncover such evidence with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act establishment of the Public Company Oversight Accounting Board (PCOAB), which should have detected the possible criminal activity sited above. Nor should grassroots have to beg law enforcement intervention in these matters, including federal witness protection and immunity for informants who hold valuable information on these crimes.

It is for these reasons, after nearly four years of frustrating attempts to help expose possible criminal wrongdoing in the United Airlines bankruptcy, that I resorted to the drastic measure of legally embracing the rights, responsibilities and protections afforded by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 in declaring, yet another time, myself to be a federal whistleblower.

On October 18, 2007, I wrote the enclosed letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox declaring the same while citing relevant Titles of the Act requiring investigation. It is a significant challenge requiring a great leap of faith to believe that a thorough examination of these issues will be performed by this federal agency in a just and equitable manner given the past performance and shortcomings of the Commission. It is for this reason that I petition your office to initiate an independent investigation through political collusion with the Committees of Senators Leahy and Kennedy and Congressmen Conyers, Waxman, and Miller.

The truth must be exposed and criminal justice served on the selfish white-collar criminals who perpetrated these crimes against the honest and hard-working employees of United Airlines who, in the post-9/11 era, were willing to give the shirt off their backs to help survive the airline and the industry. In the end, they gave much, much more. I will close this letter as I did my last letter to you.

Help me, Senator. Get me out of my present dilemma; I shouldn’t be here.

Very Respectfully,

Dan Hanley

Encl: My letter to you dated November 26, 2006
Letter dated October 18, 2007 to SEC Chairman Christopher Cox
Signed and sworn affidavit by Daniel W. Hanley dtd October 25, 2007
Ltr dated April 12, 2006 to DOJ Gonzales, DOT Mineta, and DHS Chertoff
Letter dated November 13, 2006 to Congressman Henry Waxman
Letter dated November 18, 2006 to Senators Reid, Durbin, and Obama
Letter dated November 20, 2006 to District Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald
Letter dated January 25, 2007 to Senator Patrick Leahy
Letter dated January 25, 2007 to Congressman John Conyers, Jr.
Letter dated February 1, 2007 to Senator Ted Kennedy
Letter dated February 1, 2007 to Congressman George Miller
Letter dated April 1, 2007 to Chicago FBI Director Robert Grant
Letter dated September 1, 2007 to Asst Attorney General Alice Fisher
Letter dated September 3, 2007 to Senator Daniel Akaka
Letter dated October 24, 2007 to Senator Ted Kennedy
Letter dated October 24, 2007 to Senator Patrick Leahy
Letter dated October 24, 2007 to Congressman Henry Waxman
Letter dated October 24, 2007 to Congressman John Conyers, Jr.
Letter dated October 24, 2007 to Congressman George Miller
Letter dated October 24, 2007 to Ms. Joan Currie-Leonard
Report dated March 18, 2004 of Examiner Ross O. Silverman

Cc: Members of Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations:
Senator Thomas Carper (D-DE)
Senator Mark Pryor (D-AR)
Senator Barak Obama (D-IL)
Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO)
Senator Jon Tester (D-MT)
Senator Norm Coleman (R-MN)
Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK)
Senator Pete Domenici (R-NM)
Senator John Warner (R-VA)
Senator John Sununu (R-NH)
Senator Ted Kennedy – Chairman, Senate Committee on Pensions & Labor
Senator Patrick Leahy – Chairman, Senate Judiciary Committee
Congressman Henry Waxman – Chairman, Government Oversight Cmte
Congressman George Miller – Chairman, House Cmte on Pensions & Labor
Congressman John Conyers, Jr. – Chairman, House Judiciary Committee

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