Monday, April 18, 2011

Can we have the truth, PLEASE?

Dear Minister Noonan,

Now that we have officially been told by Moody's that our banks are junk, is there any chance that you might break with the tradition of your predecessors in office and start telling us THE TRUTH?

Frankly, we, the Irish people who are struggling to make ends meet, would like to know once and for all what the REAL situation is. We are sick and tired of relying on foreign entities like Moody's, S&P, ECB & IMF in order to discover what goes on in our own back yard. 

Further to my posting below from last Thursday, I would like to share some more correspondence with Fine Gael. This might serve to refresh your memory and that of your senior colleagues. It is rather surprising that you had chosen to completely deny that I had had any dealings with Fine Gael.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 11 June 2010 09:11
Subject: Re: Update
Hi N.,

Thank you for the update.

I look forward to hearing from you if/when there are any further developments....


On 10 June 2010 16:48, N wrote:

Hi ...,
Deputy X [of Fine Gael, WB] has been in touch with the Financial Regulator, and set out the concerns raised at the meeting on the matters which do not appear to have been addressed. I understand that these concerns are being followed up by the Regulator who has promised Deputy X a reply in due course.
I gather that the Regulator may be contacting you directly in order to garner more information. Perhaps you could let me know if you have received any more information since then.
Regards, N. 

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