Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Nyberg Report. Minister Noonan, allow me to confuse you with the facts.

RTÉ - Noonan demands shake-up of bank boards
Updated: 18:56, Tuesday, 19 April 2011
The Government is to hold a referendum later this year to enable Oireachtas committees to compel witnesses to attend hearings. The development follows the publication of the Nyberg Report into the Irish banking crisis.
At a press conference this afternoon, Finance Minister Michael Noonan said the previous Government had failed to deal with the Abbeylara court decision which had limited the powers of investigation of committees...

REALLY?!? Minister Noonan, the Mr. Nyberg was was appointed on Sept 22nd. 2010,  seven months after Senator David Norris raised the issue of the liquidity catastrophe at UniCredit Ireland which was ignored by the Financial Regulator. 

Sepetmber 2010 was FOUR months after I met with a senior Fine Gael deputy at a law firm in Ballsbridge. This is the meeting you allegedly know nothing about, why else would you have issued such a sweeping denial of the fact that Fine Gael had had any dealings with me? 

Sepetmber 2010 was also two years after the entire Irish banking sector ran dry of liquidity which was why the 'blanket gurantee' was put in place. Now you want to "compel witnesses to attend hearings"?  I volutarily provided Fine Gael with an account of the liquidity breaches at UniCredit Ireland, and this was evidenced by a very senior banker. What more could you have wanted?  

Please Minister Noonan, spare us the drama. We will be paying for the Fianna Fail saga for generations to come. We expected more of our new government.


If it is the 'honest truth' that you are after, how do you explain the fact that Kathleen Barrington of the Sunday Business Post can not get a straight answer from anyone in official Dublin  in regard of Anglo's austrian deposists? Let us not forget that Anglo is now headed by a FG man.



All we want to know is: 

Are we bailing out via NAMA and/or other schemes people who are allegedly bankcrupt, but actually have millions stashed away in a bank which is now Swiss-owned?  We do not want names, just a simple Yes/No answer will suffice. Surely now that we, the people of Ireland, own Anglo-Irish Bank, we are entiteled to know what it got up to in the 'good old days'.

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