Saturday, May 21, 2011

Chronology: DOJ stonewalling over five year period


                                                      November 20, 2006
                                                      4204 Lakeside Way
                                                      Newnan, Georgia 30265

Patrick J. Fitzgerald
United States Attorney
Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division
219 South Dearborn Street, 5th Floor
Chicago, Illinois 60604


Dear Mr. Fitzgerald,

I personally have admired you from afar as a man of honesty, courage, and professional integrity in your capacity as a law enforcement official.  This is specifically why I am writing you today to address grave matters that lie within your legal jurisdiction as U.S. District Attorney.

Through the unnecessary United Airlines Chapter 11 bankruptcy that commenced in December 2002 and ended in February of this year, tens of thousands of honest, law-abiding citizens (like you and I) have been criminally wronged.  Since United Airlines and the Seventh Circuit Court system lie within you legal domain, I feel you need to be apprised of our current legal and political plight. 

There are individuals within certain agencies and organizations, who strongly believe they possess substantial criminal evidence of, and have witnesses to, this pathetic criminal activity.  We desperately need a trustworthy human as a legal channel to oversee an investigation, analysis, and collation of these data to confirm our collective allegations and bring to justice these consciousless, white-collar criminals.  You’re him.

A massive number of disenfranchised airline employees from every airline in the country (as well as workers in other industries) will also be in receipt of this letter and waiting with bated breath for your decision regarding your response to our legal and political concerns.  On behalf of those 40-million American workers who are covered by over 30,000 defined-benefit pension plans, don’t let us down now.

It is hereby respectfully requested, at your earliest convenience, that you contemplate the initiation of a grand jury investigation into all questionable legal matters pertaining to the United Airlines and McCook Metals, LLC bankruptcies.  I have included as enclosures for your perusal, other letters of petition to high-ranking government officials also requesting a congressional investigation into these matters that will hopefully lead to a full Senate hearing on this and other airline industry and pension issues.  Your affirmative decision to engage this much needed legal process will have a profound and dramatic impact on workers from every industry in the country. 

Please be there for us; we’re all counting on your honesty, compassion, and professional legal expertise to win the day for millions of real American citizens.  Thank you for your consideration.  I will patiently await your reply.    

                                                                               Very Respectfully,

                                                                                Dan Hanley

Encl:  Letter dated April 6, 2006 to DOJ, DOT, and DHS
          Letter dated November 18, 2006 to Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA)
          Letter dated November 18, 2006 to Senators Harry Reid, Senator Richard Durbin,
          Senator Barak Obama

cc:     Honorable Alberto Gonzales, Attorney General of the United States
          Honorable Michael J. Chertoff, Department of Homeland Security
          Honorable Mary E. Peters, Department of Transportation
          Senator Harry Reid (D-NV)
          Senator Carl Levin (D-MI)
          Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL)
          Senator Barak Obama (D-IL)
          Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
          Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA)
          Congressman George Miller (D-CA)
          Congressman John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI)
          Congressman Jerry Costello (D-IL)
          Glenn Tilton, CEO United Airlines
          Jack Brace, CFO United Airlines
          Paul Lovejoy, General Counsel United Airlines
          Captain Mark Bathurst, Chairman, United ALPA MEC
          Robert Nichols, Attorney, United ALPA MEC
          Dr. Donald Hudson, ALPA National Aeromedical Consultant
          New York Times
          Washington Post
          Chicago Tribune
          St. Louis Post Dispatch
          Belleville New Democrat
          Detroit Free Press
          Los Angeles Times
          San Francisco Chronicle 

                                                                                 April 1, 2007
                                                                                 4204 Lakeside Way
                                                                                 Newnan, Georgia 30265

Mr. Robert D. Grant
Special Agent-in-Charge
Federal Bureau of Investigation
U.S. Department of Justice
2111 West Roosevelt Road
Chicago, Illinois 60608

Dear Mr. Grant,

I am a union man and a former United Airlines B-777 Captain.  Kindly review the attached correspondence for an overview of my plight as such from 9/11 to present.  I attempted to whistle blow on numerous federal issues (including RICO) as an airline pilot in the post-9/11 era and was removed from scheduled flight operations and subsequently ‘medically’ retired after a 35-year career in aviation. In direct violation of federal law, United Airlines, my union (the Air Line Pilots Association), and the Federal Aviation Administration stonewalled my filed federally mandated safety and security reports.

After my medical ‘grounding’, in accordance with federal law, I filed an online Federal Aviation Whistleblower Protection Program Report alleging violation of federal aviation law and possible RICO statute violations.  The Federal Aviation Administration never responded to my filed report.  As a result, on April 12, 2006, I wrote DOJ Gonzales, DHS Chertoff, and DOT Mineta petitioning their assistance in the investigation of possible criminal wrongdoing surrounding the post-9/11 United Airlines Chapter 11 bankruptcy.  (Encl)

On July 3, 2006, Gerald A. Toner of the U.S. Department of Justice Criminal Division (Assistant Chief for Labor-Management Racketeering, Organized Crime and Racketeering Section) responded with a letter that advised me to contact the nearest FBI office in my community if I had ‘evidence of potential violations of the federal criminal laws’.  (Encl)  This, in part, is why I am writing to you today. 

In mid-July 2006, I had a chance encounter with Mr. Michael Lynch of Lake Forest, Illinois (via email and phone conversation) who advised me that through over three years of personal investigative work, his team had uncovered substantial evidence of judicial corruption and possible illegal White House collusion regarding various issues surrounding the McCook Metals, LLC/United Airlines bankruptcies including the distress-termination of employee defined-benefit pension plans.  Additionally, he informed me that he had been coordinating his efforts with the white-collar criminal division of DOJ, the FBI, and other organizations and law enforcement officials.

Based on this information, in November, 2006 I wrote District Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald and numerous politicians imploring legal and political intercession in these grave matters given the compelling evidence and testimony that had been produced by Mr. Lynch and his team. (Encl)  On December 11, 2006, the Screening Committee of Patrick Fitzgerald’s office wrote me and suggested that I contact you if I had ‘any evidence of violations of federal law’. (Encl)  As you well know, Mr. Lynch does have substantial incriminating evidence pertaining to these legal matters and has discussed these facts with members of your white-collar criminal division.

Of late, I was advised that after several years of bureau cooperation with Mr. Lynch, the FBI recently suspended their investigation after the Lynch team introduced overwhelming evidence and testimony provided by organized crime informants and others that implicated certain FBI officers and incriminated numerous state and federal judges.  When I heard this, I was at once both perplexed and dismayed, especially in light of the current controversy surrounding the firing of eight U. S. District Attorneys.

Given that the Bush administration has set priorities for U.S. District Attorneys in the cases they are to investigate, one might reasonably conclude that cases involving purported federal judicial corruption and possible illegal White House collusion in these bankruptcies do not rank high in priority for this administration.  I realize that Mr. Fitzgerald’s office is limited in staff and that the Scooter Libby trial has taken precedent in his case load, but it does arouse one’s curiosity as to who in DOJ would suspend a criminal investigation into legal matters that involve the loss of pension benefits and other union contractual provisions surrounding a victim-airline of 9/11 in bankruptcy given the compelling evidence at hand.  Both Senator Durbin and Senator Obama have been apprised of these matters as well.  (Encl)

I have included several letters to various politicians petitioning their committee chairs to convene a congressional investigation into these grave legal issues. It is morally inconceivable for one to imagine that ostensibly this White House, through alleged illegal collusion with the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC), financial institutions, criminal elements, and alleged corrupt federal judiciary would have the audacity to exploit the horrific events of 9/11 for selfish financial gain.  I am certain that you will agree with me on this. The truth must be told as to what occurred and justice served.  In that regard, we are all counting on the good services of your office to deliver.

Several hundred thousand angry disenfranchised airline employees nationwide are in receipt of this letter as well as the enclosed correspondence since the implications and ramifications for these workers and retirees are profound.  Additionally, 40-million workers with defined-benefit pension plans from all industries across the country will be collaterally affected by your legal response to our petition.

I have been stonewalled at every step along the way at all levels of government.  The issues at hand are potentially serious breeches of public trust and gross violations of federal law.  I am merely a patriot exercising my constitutional rights of freedom of speech while demanding a fair and impartial system of justice unimpeded by external influences. Thank you for your consideration.  I will patiently await your response.

                                                                                 Very respectfully submitted,

                                                                                  Dan Hanley

Encl:  Letter dated April 12, 2006 to DOJ Gonzales, DOT Mineta, and DHS Chertoff
          Letter dated July 3, 2006 from DOJ Gerald A. Toner
          Letter dated November 20, 2006 to District Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald
          Letter dated December 11, 2006 from District Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald
          Letter dated November 13, 2006 to Congressman Henry Waxman
          Letter dated November 18, 2006 to Senators Reid, Durbin, and Obama
          Letter dated November 26, 2006 to Senator Carl Levin
          Letter dated November 28, 2006 to DOJ Gonzales, Supreme Court Justice Stevens,
          Senator Leahy, and Congressman Conyers
          Letter dated January 25, 2007 to Senator Patrick Leahy
          Letter dated January 25, 2007 to Congressman Conyers
          Letter dated February 1, 2007 to Senator Kennedy
          Letter dated February 1, 2007 to Congressman Miller

Cc:  Airline Employees Worldwide
       George Bush, President of the United States
       Dick Cheney, Vice-President of the United States
       Harriet Miers, White House Counselor
       Karl Rove, Advisor to the President
       Alberto Gonzales, Attorney General of the United States
       Robert Mueller, Director of the FBI
       District Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald
       Senator Harry Reid
       Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi
       Senator Patrick Leahy
       Senator Ted Kennedy
       Senator Richard Durbin
       Senator Barak Obama
       Senator Carl Levin
       Congressman George Miller
       Congressman Henry Waxman
       Congressman John Conyers
       Members of the Whistleblowing United Pilots Association
       TV and Print Media Outlets
       Captain John Prater, ALPA National President
       Captain Mark Bathurst, United Airlines ALPA President
       Glenn Tilton, CEO United Airline 

                                                               February 2, 2009                                
                                                               4204 Lakeside Way
  Newnan, Georgia 30265

Mr. Robert D. Grant
Special Agent-in-Charge
Federal Bureau of Investigation
U.S. Department of Justice
2111 West Roosevelt Road
Chicago, Illinois 60608


Dear Mr. Grant,
This morning, I flew from my home domicile of Atlanta to Chicago, rented a car and drove to the Chicago Office of the FBI with the intent of providing criminal evidence and a list of witnesses as directed in letters by members of the Department of Justice on three separate occasions, which I have enclosed for your perusal.

I must admit that I was very much shocked and disheartened by the meeting that I had with one of your agents in the briefing room immediately behind the check-in desk on the first floor of the building.  I announced to the female agent, (whose name she claimed she could not provide due to FBI regulations), that I was a disenfranchised unprotected FAA and Sarbanes-Oxley whistleblower whose legal rights had been denied.  Additionally, I advised her that I was a public spokesperson for the subject association, had filed federal complaint (#2008-9580) a year ago, and had written your office during this time frame in hopes of arranging a meeting with FBI agents, as suggested at the time by Agent David Barusko, to which I received no response.

Additionally, I told her that, although unprotected, I wanted to provide material evidence and a list of preliminary witnesses that supported my stated criminal allegations in the affidavit that was previously sent to your office.  I went on to tell her that I had brought a USB storage device that contained much information, but the security guards at the gate told me that it would have to be stored in one of the lockers and, if the agent desired this information, I could give her the key and she would retrieve it.  She refused to retrieve this device.

Disappointed, but not frustrated after having been stonewalled by DOJ for almost three years, I asked her if I could at least speak to an agent in the white-collar criminal division of your office.  She refused this request, so I asked her if I could possibly speak to the agent in charge of this department since my associate, Michael Lynch, had already briefed this department on other matters and had a file there containing evidence relevant to my case.  She refused.

Finally, although I knew you were presently encumbered with the Blagojevich debacle and other matters, I asked if I could talk to you personally for just a few minutes, since two letters previously sent to your office had gone unanswered.  She refused and then informed me that the Department of Justice was not going to investigate our case, which was bewildering to me.

I then queried as to how the FBI could arrive at such a decision not to prosecute a case without ever having viewed a single shred of evidence or questioned witnesses, given that United Airlines was the single largest employer in the state and the bankruptcy and pension termination were amongst the largest in history.  She could not provide an answer, but continued to insist that DOJ was not going to investigate this case.

This was the ultimate DOJ stonewall in the history of this case, especially after I was merely following the DOJ direction of reporting criminal evidence to an FBI office.  Why should one bother to even file a federal criminal complaint, if the FBI will not even receive evidence or hear witness testimony in the matter?  Better yet, why should one even risk being an FAA or Sarbanes-Oxley whistle blower if the protective covenants afforded by these acts are ignored?
Due process of federal law is not being served here.   

While recognizing that 18 U.S.C.§ 4 “Misprison of felony” only applies to those who knowingly conceal and do not as soon as possible report a federal crime to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States at the risk of being fined or imprisoned not more than three years, or both, the converse holds true here in that I’m attempting to report a federal crime in accordance with Sarbanes-Oxley, but being prevented from doing so by the very federal law enforcement agency empowered to prosecute, while posing grave risk to myself in the process. 
If a deferred prosecution agreement has been reached between United Airlines, the Department of Justice, and an assigned external monitor, then would someone in the Department of Justice kindly do me the small favor of informing of such, so I can at least explain this to the association membership and investigative journalists and authors who are tracking this case, while at the same time apologize to my broken family for having wasted three years time with this senseless and frustrating legal exercise in futility?   I’m still unprotected; that isn’t asking much.

Last year, the Department of Justice provided a partial list of those corporations who had reached such agreements, with the consequence of white-collar criminal exoneration of their wrongdoings, and financially disenfranchised victims being offered no legal recourse to recoup their losses.  United Airlines was not on this list, which I believe is still under investigation by the House Judiciary Committee. 

Additionally, would your office staff be so kind as to at least provide a written response to this correspondence alone, explaining the reason(s) your office will not review evidence in this case, since I have received no responses in the past?

 On January 31, 2009, I wrote to Glenn Fine, the Department of Justice Inspector General advising him of the chronology of DOJ legal stonewalls of the past few years, while requesting DOJ cooperation in this case.  Today’s response from your office was not the level of cooperation I had hoped for.

Very respectfully,

Dan Hanley
Spokesperson – Whistleblowing United Pilot Association

Encl:  Letter dated December 11, 2006 from Patrick Fitzgerald
           Letter dated May 16, 2007 from FBI DC
           Letter dated December 5, 2007 from Deputy Asst AG John Keeney
           Letter dated January 31, 2009 to DOJ IG Glenn Fine

Cc:  Senator Patrick Leahy – Chairman, Senate Judiciary Committee
        Senator Charles Grassley – Senate Judiciary/Senate Finance Committees
        Congressman John Conyers, Jr. – Chairman, House Judiciary Committee
        Glenn Fine – Inspector General, Department of Justice
        Calvin L. Scovell – Inspector General, Department of Transportation
        Patrick P. O’Carroll – Inspector General, Social Security Administration
        H. David Kotz – Inspector General, Securities and Exchange Commission
        Eric Thorson – Inspector General, Treasury Department
        Eric Holder – Attorney General
        Rita Glavin – Acting Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division
        Robert Mueller – FBI Director
        Patrick Fitzgerald, District Attorney, Northern District of Illinois
        Tom Devine – Government Accountability Project Legal Director
        Eric Lichtblau – New York Times Investigative Journalist
        Mary Williams-Walsh – New York Times Investigative Journalist
        Members of the Whistleblowing United Pilots Association 

Whistleblowing United Pilots Association

       "Patriotism and Freedom of Speech in Action"      
                                                    February 6, 2009
                                                     4204 Lakeside Way
                                                            Newnan, Georgia 30265

Eric Holder – Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001


Dear Mr. Holder,

On behalf of the subject association, please allow me to extend to you our sincerest congratulations and best wishes on your recent confirmation as attorney general, the highest law enforcement official in our great nation.  As such, we hold great hope that you share in President Obama’s promise of change in governance enabling a greater openness in our government and law enforcement agencies, thereby routing out the cancerous white-collar corruption that has permeated throughout all levels and branches of government and business the past several years.

In consonance with the Department of Justice stated mission, all members of our association share these same hopes and visions for a better tomorrow.

 "To enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans."

Established in April 2006, the ‘Whistleblowing United Pilots Association’ is a national grassroots coalition comprised of employees and retirees from all airlines whose purpose is to help discover the truth regarding alleged white-collar criminality associated with post-9/11 airline bankruptcies and serve justice on the criminals who perpetrated these crimes.  I serve as a public spokesperson for this group.

On April 12, 2006, I sent the attached letter to then Attorney General Alberto Gonzales announcing the establishment of our association, while petitioning his support of our grassroots efforts.  Four months later in a letter response dated, DOJ Gerald Toner advised me to contact an FBI office with evidence of alleged federal criminality.

On November 20, 2006, I wrote District Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald a letter advising him of our knowledge of the existence of federal criminal evidence, while asking for his prosecutorial support in this case.

On December 11, 2006, I received a letter from the office of Patrick Fitzgerald suggesting that I contact Robert Grant, Chicago FBI Special Agent-in-Charge, if I had 'any evidence of violations of federal law'. 

Without expounding, on April 1, 2007, I wrote the attached letter to Mr. Grant that was forwarded by his office to the FBI DC Public Corruption Unit, an administrative arm of the FBI, who responded in a letter dated May 16, 2007 by suggesting that I contact the FBI Field office in Atlanta.  Because I was aware that FBI Chicago already had a filed open federal complaint on a matter related to this case, as well as other issues under consideration at the time, I chose not to contact this specific office for reasons that I will not outline in this letter.

On February 2, 2009, I paid a visit to the Office of the FBI in Chicago for the express purpose of delivering federal criminal evidence and a list of witnesses, but this information was declined by an agent in this office.  Additionally, I was informed that the FBI did not intend to prosecute this case, even though no one within the bureau had reviewed the tiniest shred of evidence.  I am nonplussed, as are members of our association.

On this same date, I transmitted the attached letter to Chicago FBI Special Agent-in-Charge Robert Grant expressing our concerns regarding the fact that due process of federal law was not being served in this case, even though I was merely adhering to DOJ recommendations on three separate occasions  to contact the FBI if I had evidence of alleged federal criminality as a Sarbanes-Oxley whistle blower.

As our newly-appointed highest federal law enforcement official in government, request is hereby made that the Department of Justice kindly provide our membership the reason(s) as to why said evidence has been refused by the department resulting in the apparent unconcern of alleged federal criminality surrounding the United Airlines bankruptcy.  Other agencies of the federal government have been contacted on relevant legal issues in this case as well, and I have included this related correspondence for your perusal.

 President Obama campaigned on a promise of open government, which included the exposition of white-collar corruption, untoward lobbyist pressures, and excessive executive compensation.  Although encumbered with current economic problems and many other pressing issues, it is hoped that he will fully support whistle blowers willing to step forth to expose white-collar corruption, given the sorry state of economic affairs in this country which, in part, has been caused by corrupt schemes derived by the likes of Bernie Madoff and others.

The overriding concern and consideration more generally addressed herein is whether or not we do, in fact, have whistle blower laws in this country, but more importantly the question as to whether the federal agencies empowered to investigate and prosecute alleged white-collar criminality while protecting the rights of whistle blowers still exists.  We want to believe that the United States has a system of federal laws, legislated by Congress, enacted by the President, with legal processes in place to ensure adherence.

Our association membership embraces the precepts enshrined in our sacred Constitution, which ensures first amendment freedom of speech rights by patriots who stand guard against diminishments of these ideals.  The citizens of this great land do not need a Patriot Act to delegate 'patriotism', as it was exemplified by the courageous words and deeds of our forefathers who were willing to risk their lives in support of these virtues and ideals.  Our association motto is "Patriotism and Freedom of Speech in Action" in consonance with this same theme.       

Reflecting on the words offered to Attorney General Gonzales in April 2006:

You are hereby advised of our plight and our efforts.  If DOJ, DOT, and DHS are disinterested in our investigation, that is acceptable, although not understandable, to us.  However, you must be forewarned, we will be successful in discovering the truth and serving justice and then will be calling on your good offices to explain your apathetic behavior towards our just and noble cause”.
Our association membership asserts that much of the truth regarding federal white-collar criminality in this case has been uncovered.  Service of federal justice is a jurisdictional matter outside the association domain of control.  It is a Department of Justice function.  Ordinary grassroots citizen groups should not be required to investigate and prove federal criminality, as this is a Department of Justice function also.  Will you join us in our just and noble cause in support of the stated mission of the Department of Justice?  To date, our association efforts have been most ineffective in our legally persuasive processes of the past.

Very respectfully,

Dan Hanley
Spokesperson – Whistleblowing United Pilots Association

Encl:  Letter dated April 12, 2006 to AG Gonzales, DHS Chertoff,  DOT Mineta
          Letter dated July 3, 2006 from DOJ Gerald Toner  
          Letter dated November 20, 2006 to District Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald
          Letter dated December 11, 2006 from District Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald
          Letter dated April 1, 2007 Chicago FBI Special Agent-in-Charge Grant
          Letter dated May 16, 2007 from FBI DC PCU Michael Anderson
          Letter dated September 1, 2007 to AG Fisher, Leahy, Schumer, Conyers
          Letter dated December 5, 2007 from Deputy Asst AG John Keeney
          Letter dated February 10, 2008 to Deputy Asst AG John Keeney         
          Email dated February 2, 2009 to FBI Special Agent-in-Charge Robert Grant
          Letter dated January 25, 2009 to Calvin L. Scovel, DOT Inspector General
          Letter dated January 28, 2009 to H. David Kotz, SEC Inspector General
          Letter dated January 31, 2009 to Gordon S. Heddell, DOL Inspector General
          Letter dated January 31, 2009 to Glenn A. Fine, DOJ Inspector General
          Letter dated January 31, 2009 to President Barack Obama
          Letter dated February 2, 2009 to Eric Thorson, Treasury Inspector General
          Letter dated January 26, 2009 from Government Accountability Project Coalition to President Barack Obama 

cc:     President Barack Obama
          Vice-President Joe Biden
          Rahm Emanuel - Chief of Staff to the President         
          Calvin L. Scovell - Inspector General, Department of Transportation
          H. David Kotz – Inspector General, Securities and Exchange Commission
          Gordon S. Hedell – Inspector General, Department of Labor
          Glenn A. Fine – Inspector General, Department of Justice
          Eric Thorson – Inspector General, Department of Treasury
          Rebecca Batts - Inspector General, Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation
          Senator Patrick Leahy - Chairman, Senate Judiciary Committee
          Senator Charles Grassley - Member, Senate Judiciary/Finance Committees
          Senator Daniel Akaka - Chairman, Senate Government Management
          Senator Carl Levin - Chairman, Senate Permanent Subcommittee
          Max Clellan - Former Democratic Senator from Georgia
          Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)
          Congressman Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA) 
          Congressman John Conyers, Jr. Chairman, House Judiciary Committee 
          Congressman Henry Waxman, Chairman, Government Oversight Committee
          Congressman George Miller, Chairman,  Pension Committee
          Rita Glavin - Acting Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division
          Robert Mueller - FBI Director
          Patrick Fitzgerald - District Attorney, Northern District of Illinois         
          Robert Grant - Chicago FBI, Special Agent-in-Charge
          Mary Schapiro – SEC Chairman
          Merri Jo Gillette - Chicago SEC, Regional Director
          Eric Lichtblau - New York Times Investigative Journalist
          Mary Williams-Walsh - New York Times Investigative Journalist
          Jeff Bailey - New York Times Investigative Journalist
          David Cay Johnston - Pulitzer Prize Winning Investigative Journalist/Author
          Paul Krugman - New York Times Reporter
          Richard Duprey - Journalist,  'The Motley Fool' 
          John Perkins - Author
          Jan Schwartz - CEO, Forensic Fraud Research, Inc.
          Holly Hegeman - Editor, 'Plane Business' 
          Keith Olberman - NBC News Correspondent
          Chris Matthews - NBC News Correspondent
          Rachel Maddow - NBC News Correspondent
          Lou Dobbs - CNN News Correspondent
          Ed Schultz - Public Talk Radio Show Host
          Michael Lynch - Associate
          Tom Devine - Legal Director, Government Accountability Project
          United Airlines Board of Directors
          Captain John Prater - President, Air Line Pilots Association
          Captain Steve Wallach - United ALPA Master Executive Council Chairman 
          Members of the Whistleblowing United Pilots Association


July 16, 2010
              Post Office Box 3231
                               Peachtree City, Georgia 30269

FBI Special Agent George Sexton
Joint Terrorism Task Force
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Department of Justice
2635 Century Parkway N.E., Suite 400
Atlanta, GA 30345


Dear FBI Special Agent Sexton,

Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me the other day on the phone regarding the information you received from an anonymous tip concerning my recent marriage to a foreigner and the allegations made about my supposed derogatory ‘statements against the U.S. government’ in my correspondence.  To further clarify my position in support of my assertions of being an honest, patriotic citizen of the United States that is attempting to support the Department of Justice and our constitutional rights of freedom of speech as a federal whistleblower, I write to you below.

I can assure you that I am far from being a ‘domestic terrorist’ but a loyal citizen that is attempting to support our president’s promise of a ‘greater openness of government’ through ‘enhanced protection for federal whistleblowers’.  The endorsements and award that I have received in the past many months should further support my claims as such.   

As I mentioned to you, I currently serve as national public spokesperson for a grassroots global airline safety and security advocacy group named the ‘Whistleblowing Airline Employees Association’.  You admitted that you had visited our website and was of the opinion that our association was doing some ‘good things’ and that you would close out my file with your report to the FBI.

Due to the brevity of our phone conversation, as an afterthought, I felt that perhaps you might assist me in my present capacity as a public spokesperson with issues pertaining to the Department of Justice and in particular, the Federal Bureau of Investigation office in Atlanta.

Please refer to the chronology of events below and the linked correspondence:

As you may have noted in perusing the correspondence above, many employees of the Department of Justice have referred me to the Atlanta FBI office over the past several months.  In reviewing my February 2009 letters to both Chicago FBI Special Agent-in-Charge Robert Grant and Attorney General Eric Holder, you will note that I filed a federal complaint with FBI Chicago in February 2008 and attempted to provide evidence and a list of witnesses to that office in February 2009, but was advised by the briefing agent that the ‘Department of Justice would not investigate my allegations nor interview our witnesses’.

Subsequent to those letters, I called the FBI office in Washington, DC and spoke with an official concerning my letter to the Attorney General and was once again advised to contact the Atlanta office of the FBI, which I did via phone that day.  The agent in the Atlanta FBI office recommended that I file a federal complaint with that office, but I advised him that I already had a filed active complaint with the Chicago FBI office and was informed by an agent in that office that the Department of Justice was not going to investigate my allegations.

The Atlanta Securities and Exchange Commission office is currently reviewing my Sarbanes-Oxley allegations, as well as those of our key SOX witness Michael Lynch, concerning issues that involve possible violations of RICO statutes, which should involve an FBI investigation of those charges.  Since that SEC office has stated in their correspondence to me that they do not concern themselves with such criminal matters, but only securities fraud and the like, perhaps you could direct me to the specific individual within the Atlanta FBI office who might assist our association in initiating a criminal investigation in conjunction with the SEC investigation.

Agent Sexton, it would be greatly appreciated by many if you could also forward the point-of-contact information below to the cognizant agent within the FBI Atlanta Field Office so that they may coordinate their efforts of investigating alleged white-collar criminality.

SEC Atlanta Assistant Director Matthew McNamara
Phone: (404) 842-7688

Phone:  (404) 842-7635

Additionally, I have forwarded to the Atlanta SEC office the names/contact information of those individuals who allegedly possess information and evidence that might prove beneficial to the FBI/DOJ during the course of their investigation:   

Judicial Corruption Issues:

Mr. Michael W. Lynch - Former Chairman and CEO of McCook Metals, LLC
35 Rue Foret
Lake Forest, Illinois 60045
Phone:  (312) 450-3519/ Office (312) 450-3519

Related articles:

Dr. Sheila Mannix, PhD
Phone: (847) 971-6679

Related Articles:

Captains John Prater, Mark Bathurst, and Mark Seal

Related Correspondence:

PBGC Issues:

Kirk Stevenson

Related Correspondence:

Related correspondence:


Phone:  (949) 289-1964  Email:


United Airlines Captain Bob Blue


Tel: (312) 474-4477
Fax: (312) 474-7898

Additional Witnesses

Our key Sarbanes-Oxley judicial corruption witness Michael Lynch should be protected as such under Section 1107 ‘Retaliation against Informants’ of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and yet he is scheduled for imprisonment in Cook County jail on July 26, 2010 for his involvement as a witness regarding judicial corruption issues in another legally-related matter.  As you well know, Cook County jail is one of the most dangerous correctional facilities in the country and his life will be imperiled as an inmate there.  Time is of the essence in this matter.

Legal and physical protection for witnesses associated with our SOX filing was also requested in an October 2007 letter to then SEC Chairman Christopher Cox and Senator Carl Levin, Chairman of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.  To date, neither has been afforded to any witnesses.

Quote from SEC Cox Letter:

 Section 1107   Retaliation against informants

The Commission is hereby commanded under this provision that my wife and two adult children, Michael Lynch, former Chairman and CEO of McCook Metals LLC and his family, his criminal informants (who have not yet been afforded DOJ witness protection/immunity), other informants and their families, as well as myself, be afforded immediate legal and other physical protections as mandated by this Act.

A similar letter request for said protections was sent to Georgia U.S. Senators Isakson and Chambliss and my Congressman Lynn Westmoreland, but to no avail.  If physical harm is brought to bear on Mr. Michael Lynch during his 13-day internment, then federal law will have been ignored and guilty parties shall be held accountable for yet another time turning a blind eye to justice and the laws of our land.

President Obama is well-aware of the details surrounding our case, as is the Attorney General, the FBI Director and many other law enforcement officials.  Our president campaigned on the promise of ‘enhanced protection of federal whistleblowers’.  Mr. Lynch, myself, and many others fall into this category and demand that we be protected by federal law and law enforcement officials.  Our case potentially involves billions in lost tax revenues to the American taxpayer through alleged violation of pension, bankruptcy, and securities laws and purported judicial corruption issues.    

It is hoped that the information contained within this letter will be legally construed as a filed federal complaint with the office of the FBI in Atlanta, Georgia. On July 16, 2010, I phone-contacted the intake agent at the Atlanta FBI office and provided him with an overview of the above information, while directing him to key pages of our website.  If you would be so kind, could you please direct me to the specific point-of-contact within the white-collar criminal division in the Atlanta FBI office?

It was somewhat bewildering to learn from you the other day, after so many attempts by myself and others to bring forth the above alleged criminality to the attention of the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, that I was being contacted by you based on an anonymous tip to your office of my suspected ‘terrorist activity’ of marrying a foreigner and living abroad. 

Since the Department of Justice has ignored my plea for legal assistance since April 2006, I was mildly incensed at the audacity to contact me under this pretense, given that the suppression of this federal whistleblower that has seen his entire career, reputation, and financial/familial life destroyed for attempting to be an honest, patriotic citizen upholding the federal laws and regulation of our nation in full support of the Department of Justice mission statement:

  "To enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans."

I fully recognize that you were performing your assigned duties in a professional and exemplary manner and thank you for your continued efforts in defending our homeland against true terrorist, as I was attempting to do in 2003.

Very respectfully,

Dan Hanley

Please click on linked names below for amplifying information:

Cc:  Brandon D. Lamkin – Special Agent-in-Charge, Atlanta FBI
        Senator Patrick Leahy – Chairman, Senate Judiciary Committee
        Senator Richard Durbin – Member, Senate Judiciary Committee
        Senator Johnny Isakson – Member, Senate Aviation Subcommittee
        Senator Saxby Chambliss – Member, Senate Committee on Intelligence
        Kelly Yamanouchi – Aviation Reporter, Atlanta Journal-Constitution
        Senator Daniel Akaka – Chairman, Senate Homeland Security Committee
        Senator Charles Grassley – Member, Senate Judiciary Committee
        Senator Byron Dorgan – Chairman, Senate Aviation Subcommittee
        Senator Claire McCaskill – Member Senate Aviation Subcommittee
        Congressman Jerry Costello – Chairman, House Aviation Subcommittee
        Congressman Lynn Westmoreland – Member, House Aviation Subcommittee
        Congressman John Conyers, Jr. – Chairman, House Judiciary Committee
        Congressman Henry Waxman – Chairman, Government Oversight Committee
        Congressman Edolphus Towns – Chairman, Government Oversight Subcommittee
        Honorable Glenn Fine – Inspector General, Department of Justice
        Honorable Eric Holder – Attorney General of the United States
        Honorable Lanny Breuer – Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division
        Robert Mueller – Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation
        Patrick Fitzgerald – District Attorney, Northern District of Illinois
        Robert Grant – Special Agent-in-Charge, Chicago FBI Field Office
        Honorable Lisa Madigan – Attorney General, State of Illinois
        Eric Lichtblau – Justice Department Reporter, New York Times DC
        John Kass – Reporter, Chicago Tribune
        Matt Wald – Aviation Reporter, New York Times
        Mary Williams Walsh – Reporter, New York Times
        David Cay Johnston – Journalist/Author
        Dan Froomkin – Reporter, Huffington Post
        Michael Lynch – Sarbanes-Oxley judicial corruption whistleblower/witness
        Dr. Sheila Mannix, PhD – Sarbanes-Oxley judicial corruption witness
        Dr. Jan Schwartz, PhD - Executive Director, White Collar Corruption
        Zena Crenshaw – Executive Director, POPULAR
        Tom Devine – Legal Director, Government Accountability Project
        David Colapinto – General Counsel, National Whistleblower Center
        Jane Turner – Department of Justice Oversight, National Whistleblower Center
        Danielle Brian – Executive Director, Project on Government Oversight
        Honorable H. David Kotz – Inspector General, Securities and Exchange Commission
        Honorable Mary Shapiro – Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission
        Matthew McNamara – Assistant Director, Atlanta SEC office
        Debbie Hampton - Senior Attorney, Atlanta SEC office
        Louis Markopolous - Independent Banking Professional
        Honorable Calvin Scovel III – Inspector General, Department of Transportation
        Honorable Randy Babbitt – Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration
        Barbara Hollingsworth – Reporter, Washington Examiner       
        Jerry Zremski – DC Bureau Chief, Buffalo News      
        David Gibbons – Producer/Director, “In Discussion” Radio/TV Program
        Gabe Bruno – Executive Director, FAA Whistleblowers Alliance
        Robert MacLean – Fired Federal Air Marshal Whistleblower
        Kirsten Stevens – Executive Director,
        David Hutton – Executive Director, Federal Accountability Initiative for Reform
        Kirk Stevenson – PBGC Whistleblower
        Captain Jim Hosking – Pension Preservation Network
        Captain John Prater – President, Air Line Pilots Association International
        Captain Paul Whiteford – Former United ALPA Chairman
        Captain Mark Bathurst – Former United ALPA Chairman
        Captain Mark Seal – Former United ALPA Council
        Captain Jerry Summers – Post-9/11 ESOP Lawsuit Litigant
        Captain George LeNormand – Post-9/11 ESOP Lawsuit Litigant
        Captain Roger Hall – United Retired Pilots Benefit Protection Association (URPBPA)
        Captain Rick Dubinsky – URPBPA
        Jack Carriglio – URPBPA Attorney,  MecklerBulgerTilsonMarick&Pearson LLP      
        Captain Jay Santiago – United ALPA Professional Standards
        Captain Bob Falco – United ALPA Professional Standards
        Captain Woody Eppelsheimer - Associate
        Captain Bob Blue - Associate

from  Dan Hanley
to       mark.grant@ic.fbi.govcc         FBI Atlanta Special Agent Brian Lamkin<>, SEC Atlanta Assistant Director Matt McNamara <>, SEC Atlanta Attorney Debbie Hampton <>, DOJ IG Glenn Fine <>, Congressman Lynn Westmoreland <>, Congressman Westmoreland - Joe Lillis <>, Senator Isakson <>

date, Feb 1, 2011 at 11:15 PM
subject FBI Visit to My Sister's Home in Atlanta

hide details Feb 1 (2 days ago)

Dear FBI Agent Mark Grant,

Thank you for taking the time to visit my sister Jane's home yesterday along with the other two agents concerning my safety and security as a federal whistleblower living in Islamabad, Pakistan.  I had called the Atlanta FBI office last week inquiring about my federal complaint concerning the ongoing Securities and Exchange Commission investigation of my Sarbanes-Oxley (Sox) allegations surrounding the United Airlines bankruptcy that I filed in 2007.  I can assure you that I am safe, albeit bankrupt, living with my bride of one year performing charity work for Pakistani orphans and assisting my wife in the management of her beauty salon.

I assume that you were not aware of the fact that I was previously contacted by an Atlanta FBI agent from the Joint Terrorist Task Force in July 2010 who remarked to me that the FBI had received reports that I was making derogatory statements concerning the United States government.  As an honest whistleblower who has done nothing wrong, I can assure you that as international public spokesperson for the grassroots group the 'Whistleblowing Airline Employees Association International', that my present actions in concert with many other organizations is in full support of the mission statements of the Departments of Transportation, Homeland Security, and Justice.  Please review the contents of our website for amplifying information concerning our mission.

President ObamaAttorney General Holder, Assistant Attorney General BreuerFBI Director Mueller, and Atlanta SAC Lamkin are all aware of the allegations that I have leveled, which involves huge sums of money and alleged organized criminals.  Because of other legitimate unprotected federal whistleblowers who have spoken out in the name of the law, s I have been advised by legal representatives that it might not be 'healthful' to return to the United States until I can be assured adequate physical protections as prescribed by federal law.  It is only in this regard, that I have mild concerns for my safety in the states.

Many thanks for your concern for my welfare.  Last week, the Atlanta FBI Intake Agent that I spoke with for about ten minutes would not transfer my call to the white-collar criminal division of that office so that I could discuss details of my case with that division.  Last month, the Atlanta FBI Intake agent that I spoke with advised me to contact the Chicago FBI office even though that office previously turned me away at the door with advisement that the Department of Justice was not going to investigate my SOX claims.  During the same time frame, I contacted the DC FBI headquarters and was hung up on twice by agents in that office.

I intend to file a federal suit against the U.S. government in the future due to the fact that I have been stonewalled for so long.  Case in point?  The SEC Inspector General finally acknowledged, after a three year delay, that this agency was remiss in overlooking my SOX filing in 2007.  Additionally, I recently filed a complaint with the office of the International Criminal Court concerning these same issues. For additional information please read this affidavit that is forthcoming via Fedex to the Atlanta SEC and FBI offices shortly.

Thanks again,

Whistleblowing Airline Employees Association International   

Marc Ambinder
MARC AMBINDER - Marc Ambinder is the White House correspondent for National Journal and a contributing editor at The Atlantic. More

A Detention Bill You Ought to Read More Carefully

Why is the national security community treating the "Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010," introduced by Sens. John McCain and Joseph Lieberman on Thursday as a standard proposal, as a simple response to the administration's choices in the aftermath of the Christmas Day bombing attempt? A close reading of the bill suggests it would allow the U.S. military to detain U.S. citizens without trial indefinitely in the U.S. based on suspected activity. Read the bill here, and then read the summarized points after the jump.

According to the summary, the bill sets out a comprehensive policy for the detention, interrogation and trial of suspected enemy belligerents who are believed to have engaged in hostilities against the United States by requiring these individuals to be held in military custody, interrogated for their intelligence value and not provided with a Miranda warning.

(There is no distinction between U.S. persons--visa holders or citizens--and non-U.S. persons.)

It would require these "belligerents" to be coded as "high-value detainee[s]" to be held in military custody and interrogated for their intelligence value by a High-Value Detainee Interrogation Team established by the president. (The H.I.G., of course, was established to bring a sophisticated interrogation capacity to the federal justice system.) 

Any suspected unprivileged enemy belligerents considered a "high-value detainee" shall not be provided with a Miranda warning.

The bill asks the President to determine criteria for designating an individual as a "high-value detainee" if he/she: (1) poses a threat of an attack on civilians or civilian facilities within the U.S. or U.S. facilities abroad; (2) poses a threat to U.S. military personnel or U.S. military facilities; (3) potential intelligence value; (4) is a member of al Qaeda or a terrorist group affiliated with al Qaeda or (5) such other matters as the President considers appropriate. The President must submit the regulations and guidance to the appropriate committees of Congress no later than 60 days after enactment.

To the extent possible, the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Team must make a preliminary determination whether the detainee is an unprivileged enemy belligerent within 48 hours of taking detainee into custody. 

The High-Value Detainee Interrogation Team must submit its determination to the Secretary of Defense and the Attorney General after consultation with the Director of National Intelligence, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.  The Secretary of Defense and the Attorney General make a final determination and report the determination to the President and the appropriate committees of Congress.  In the case of any disagreement between the Secretary of Defense and the Attorney General, the President will make the determination.   
Note that the president himself doesn't get to make the call.

David Kotz, inspector general of the Securities and Exchange Commission, acknowledged that the agency did not respond appropriately to allegations made in November 2007 by former pilot Dan Hanley that United Airlines violated the Sarbanes-Oxley Act during its post-9/11 Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings. The law was passed after financial shenanigans by Enron management cratered the energy company.

In a Nov. 3 letter, Kotz told Hanley, now head of the Whistleblowing Airline Employees Association ( that after reviewing his complaint, “we did not believe that sufficient action was taken by the Office of Investor Education and Advocacy.” Kotz said he was referring the matter directly to SEC Enforcement Division senior counsel Michelle Barrans for possible criminal action.

One of Hanley’s allegations was that the Department of Justice worked out a deferred prosecution agreement with United management, essentially giving them a pass on criminal charges and allowing them to collect millions of dollars in exit bonuses while United vendors, shareholders and employees – who lost their pensions – were hung out to dry.
Hanley, a veteran pilot who was forced out of his job after complaining about lax safety at the airline,  also alleges that the Chicago judge who presided over the United Airline bankruptcy proceedings maintained a $40 million bribery fund, part of which was held in a land trust in Arizona under his initials.

Read more at the Washington Examiner:

Re: “SEC IG looks into United Airlines bankruptcy,” Nov. 24

For three years, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice have refused to investigate material evidence of a nationwide criminal racket that has allegedly infiltrated state and federal courts and is unlawfully manipulating and exploiting litigants in bankruptcy, family and probate courts. 

According to court documents filed in Chicago, the FBI and DOJ turned a blind eye to retaliation against citizens who attempted to expose the corruption, including “kidnapping of children, false incarceration after being ‘framed’ by criminal elements in civil and criminal authorities, impoverishment, coercion under duress, and serious physical injury up to and including death.”

The 2006 affidavit claims that “multiple judges and lawyers are aware of and/or involved in alleged criminal acts,” but have not reported wrongdoing to authorities in violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct. It specifically mentions four federal judges, including Eugene R. Wedoff, who was appointed chief bankruptcy judge of the Northern District of Illinois in 1986. 

Judge Wedoff presided over the 2005 bankruptcy of United Airlines, in which 20 large unsecured creditors lost nearly $18 million. The airline also defaulted on $3.2 billion worth of pension obligations for over 134,000 United employees –the largest pension default in three decades – while its top executives walked off with millions in exit bonuses. 

Dan Hanley, public spokesperson the Whistleblowing Airline Employees Association ( and a former United 777 captain who was forced out of his job, alleges that United management fraudulently withheld information from the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation, which took over their pensions, and that PBGC never conducted the federally mandated analysis of the United pension fund before agreeing to its termination. The Securities and Exchange Commission has recently agreed to look into the matter.

The court affadavit also accuses Wedoff, who recently suffered a mysterious fractured skull, and other allegedly crooked judges of squirreling away $40 million in bribes at LaSalle National Bank in Chicago, Wells Fargo and Northern Trust Bank in Arizona. The affadavit further claims that payoffs to Wedoff eventually wound up in the ERW Living Trust, which purchased Lot 114 of Greenfield Place in Maricopa County, Arizona. The signature of ERW trustee “Richard E. Williams” is allegedly identical to Judge Wedoff’s.

The affidavit further charges that the criminal racketeering enterprise headquartered in Phoenix hacked into INSLAW, a court software program, and “through the systematic code-based creation of fraudulent documents and identity theft,” illegally hijacked it to funnel stolen private and government funds into two trusts – Omega and Anchor Pure Trusts – which ultimately dispersed the hot cash into personal trusts such as ERW, which then used fake mortgages for property that had already been bought with cash to further launder the money.

 “Multiple lawyers of prominent law firms are allegedly members” of the racket, which uses phony federal marshal credentials to gain access to the Federal Court Building in Chicago, according to the affidavit. 

Another signed affidavit, filed by court qualified document examiner Sidney Perceful, accused Wedoff of allowing a bankruptcy trustee to confiscate and destroy records and transfer “large sums of money” to his account at La Salle, which she called “highly irregular and illegal.”

These allegations, if true, point to a massive criminal infiltration of the federal court system. But so far, neither the FBI nor DOJ have bothered to look into them.  The big unanswered question is: Why not


Affidavit of Daniel William Hanley in Support of the Securities and
Exchange Commission and Department of Justice Investigation of
Alleged Fraud in the United Airlines Post-9/11 Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

I, Daniel William Hanley, being first duly sworn, on oath, states as follows:

1. I am of legal age and competent. This affidavit is made on my personal knowledge of all matters set forth and referenced herein. If sworn and called as a witness in this case, I could, and I would, testify competently as to each fact set forth and incorporated herein by reference.

2. The alleged facts supported with evidence are true and correct to the best of my personal knowledge of the facts, evidence, information and belief.

3. Subsequent to my first flight as a pilot in 1968, I have accumulated 35 years of combined Naval aviation and United Airlines pilot experience with a total of approximately 20,000 flight hours in numerous civilian and military aircraft. I served patriotically with distinction as a naval officer and have an untarnished flying record in that I have never failed a flight check ride or physical examination, nor ever received a flight violation in my 35 year aviation career.

4. Most of the correspondence sent and actions taken as referenced and stated below were performed as public spokesperson for a large group of active and retired airline employees who provided and distributed information and evidence in this case, but wished to remain anonymous for their own safety and security.

Department of Transportation/Federal Aviation Administration Fraud

5. On September 11, 2001, I served as a Boeing 777 captain based out of JFK International Airport in New York City and had flown many flights between JFK and London’s Heathrow Airport prior to that date.

6. I flew the third United Airlines flight out of Newark Airport to London in the week following 9/11 during the time frame that very little added security was afforded to passengers and aircrew members, which was quite contrary to statements being made by President Bush and others at the time. Many aircrew members and passengers were very upset and bringing forth their concerns to me requesting that I address obvious frailties that existed at the time in security processes that were readily identifiable and easily fixable, but were not being addressed by upper echelon managers at United Airlines.

7. Approximately two months later, after I had filed numerous in-house company reports attempting to point out security frailties still existent in the system, I had numerous phone conversations with my JFK Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) union chairman Captain Mark Seal who informed me of the Washington politics that had been injected into the discussion that precluded his invention or representation.

8. Additional phone conversations between my United Airlines JFK Chief Pilot Captain Bob Spielman advised me of the same difficulties both with management and in Washington, DC. As a result of these discussions, I filed a Captain’s Report with United Airlines flight management in hopes of bringing these same frailties to company management’s attention. The ‘Captain Report’ is an in-house report whose procedures for administration are contained in the United Airlines Flight Operations Manual, which intrinsically is a federal regulation, as prescribed by Federal Aviation Regulations Part 121 pertaining to all aspects commercial airline flight operations. The purpose of these reports is to share information regarding incidents and concerns that occur on the line while flying to appropriate departments within the airline and upper-level management for response and disposition.

9. Shortly thereafter, I received a phone call from Captain Spielman advising me that the United Airlines Executive Vice-President of Safety, Captain Ed Soliday, had personally phone-contacted him asking him if he knew me personally. According to Captain Spielman, Captain Soliday remarked, “You tell that (expletive deleted) that if he thinks that he can do a better job than me, then effective Monday morning he can serve as the Vice-President of Safety for United Airlines” (sic) I felt that this response was most inappropriate given that some aircrew members were in tears regarding their concerns since many of them had lost dear friends in Shanksville, Pennsylvania who had died a violent death in the crash of United Airlines flight 93 on September 11, 2001.

10. It was during this phone conversation with Captain Spielman that he requested of me not to submit any further FAA mandated reports to company management without first informing his office of the content. I reminded Captain Spielman that I had, in fact, addressed every issue contained in the company report with both him and Captain Seal, my ALPA union council chairman, and intended to follow both company regulations and the Federal Aviation Administration procedures outlined in our flight operations manual in reporting both safety and security issues to company management in the future but, as a courtesy, would advise him of my reports to keep him in the communications loop.

11. Without expounding on the transpiration of subsequent events, I have appended a copy of a sworn affidavit submitted to the Senate Aviation Subcommittee hearing that was chaired by Senator Byron Dorgan on June 17, 2009 regarding the Colgan Air 3407 accident for your perusal, which is part of congressional public record. The chronology of events pertaining to my ‘hostile work environment forced psychiatric evaluation’ that enabled my medical grounding, as well as an affidavit regarding my 35-year resume of pilot experience is contained therein. It should be pointed out that since close pilot friends had warned me that the company employed these processes to rid the pilot ranks of ‘trouble-maker’ pilots, I previously consulted with the best mental health professionals in the Atlanta area who confirmed the soundness of my mental health via consultation and multiple testing in their offices.

12. After expulsion from United Airlines property on what I allege was a ‘hostile work environment forced psychiatric evaluation’ not unlike the cause for termination of National Security Agency federal whistleblower Russell Tice, during the course of the past few years I have asked the Department of Transportation (DOT), the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate this issue involving public air transportation safety and security, but have been stonewalled at every turn.

13. In early 2006, I received what I felt at the time a letter via Federal Express with subtle and threatening undertones from Mr. Paul Lovejoy, United Airlines General Counsel, advising me to send all future correspondence to United Airlines to his office. Because of my previous experiences with inept and corrupt management officials at this company, I thought it would be most prudent to attempt to protect myself legally, as United Airlines might possibly file suit against me or take some other legal action to suppress my testimony again. The company had infinitely more money than I and very powerful legally and politically, so I decided that I must somehow protect myself.

14. By this point in time, both active and retired pilots and other airline employees had formed a rather large email communications system that I partook in to convey my thoughts and opinions and provide information that I had available to me at the time. This group was yet unnamed and the title ‘Whistleblowing United Pilots Association’ was adopted so that we might collectively address our concerns and information. I served as the public spokesperson for this group.

15. In April 2006, I sent a joint letter to Attorney General Gonzales, Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff, and DOT Secretary Mineta requesting that they join our noble crusade in exposing possible injustices in the United Airlines bankruptcy, as we felt that we had ample evidence and witnesses who had information to offer in an investigation. A few months later, both the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice deferred my case to the Department of Transportation who stonewalled me for three years before recently closing my case without interviewing a single witness nor reviewing available evidence, which alleged possible violations of RICO statutes and federal aviation regulations. Countless letters and faxes have been sent, and phone calls have been made to every level and branch of government and law enforcement in the interim.

16. Recently, the Department of Transportation Assistant Inspector General Bob Westbrooks had the audacity to close my case on frivolous grounds that I did not meet the AIR 21 requirement to report my findings to the Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health department. My intent in filing the FAA Whistle Blower Report was not to seek reinstatement in my job as a B-777 captain at United Airlines, but to report to this commercial aviation oversight agency allegations of a serious crime(s) committed by the Federal Aviation Administration, senior United Airlines management, and possibly the officers of the Air Line Pilots Association at United Airlines.

Social Security Disability Income Fraud

17. In early 2004, in accordance with the ALPA work contract with United Airlines, Inc., I was obliged to apply for both workman’s compensation and Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) even though I was fully capable of employment, but not as a pilot due to the loss of my federally-issued airman’s medical certificate. The contract also required that after the initial denial of both workman’s compensation and SSDI, I would be obliged to appeal for this disability through the administrative law process in Atlanta, Georgia to which I complied.

18. In mid-2008 prior to appearance in the court of administrative law Judge F. Jefferson Hughes, I was put in contact with New York Times reporter Mary Williams-Walsh who had authored a series of articles pertaining to SSDI fraud and I agreed to obtain a copy of the court transcripts of my appeals hearing, which I did. Much of what I stated and was digitally-recorded under oath before Judge Hughes involved alleged RICO issues stated above as well as purported violations of federal aviation regulations that I strongly feel would support the current SEC investigation of United Airlines in Atlanta. Others and I have copies of the digitally-recorded court transcripts available on request. These court transcripts are the legal equivalent of an FBI deposition, given what I stated in court on record.

19. Subsequent to this hearing, I filed an SSDI fraud report with the office of SSA IG Patrick O’Carroll and spoke on the phone a few times with Senator Grassley staffer Brian Downey regarding the specifics of my case. Additionally, in June 2009 while in DC, I paid a visit to Senator Grassley’s office and dropped an evidence file with Mr. Downey. To date, I have not received a single response from this office.

20. The Office of the Social Security Administration Inspector General Patrick P. O’Carroll has not responded to my fraud report submitted to this office in 2008 nor a follow-up letter from me of January 2010.

United Airlines Bankruptcy Fraud

21. As mentioned before, I allege that I was removed from scheduled flight operations as a United Airlines B-777 in 2003 because I suggested in correspondence that possible violations of RICO statutes and federal laws and regulations were infringing on my ability to report legitimate safety and security concerns via appropriate afforded communications channels within United Airlines and the Federal Aviation Administration. Based on knowledge and information received since that time, I allege that sufficient evidence and witness testimony is available to prove my original 2003 assertions for the reasons stated herein.

22. Based on face-to-face/phone conversations with numerous United Airlines junior managers and Air Line Pilots Association officers regarding questionably legal and political pressures being exerted as a result of United Airlines bankruptcy filing, I commenced a letter writing campaign to establish a legally protective correspondence trail coupled with the submission of federally-mandated safety and security reports. The personal tragedy for me in this regard lies in the fact that the very pilots who encouraged me to continue to submit these letters/reports, in the end, turned their back on me as I was ushered out the door. Some of these pilots have since admitted to me their wrongdoing, including former United ALPA Grievance Committee Chairman Captain Chuck Pierce who I spoke with at 8 p.m. on November 8, 2006 regarding a phone conversation on speaker phone initiated by United ALPA attorney Bob Nichols with Captain Pierce in the room with him wherein he stated, “Go ahead and send that letter in (to CEO Tilton) if you never want to fly another United airplane again in your life”. The letter that I had intended to Fedex to Mr. Tilton was never sent, but instead I filed a series of Aviation Safety Awareness Reports that essentially contained the same information and was immediately removed from scheduled flight operations as a B-777 captain by senior flight operations managers without just cause.

Many witnesses are willing to step forth in support of my testimony, but the Department of Transportation Inspector General Calvin Scovel has ignored my request for an investigation. Our association membership, through coordination with many other organizations and individuals are going to do their job for them.

23. In a recent phone conversation with Scott Harding, the Compliance Officer in the office of the Department of Transportation Inspector General, he asked me why I waited until April 2006 to file a report with the FAA regarding criminal wrongdoing in my case. The reasons stated below will justify my delayed action in reporting these matters to relevant government officials.

24. Because the United Airlines FAA Principle Operation Inspector ignored my initial reports in 2003 when Bush occupied the Oval Office, I was made aware of the appointment of attorney Kirk Van Tine as general counsel for the Department of Transportation who left Baker-Botts law firm just prior to 9/11 to serve in this capacity. Mr. Van Tine also served as one of the three voting members of the Airline Transportation Stabilization Board that rejected the United Airlines application for a loan guarantee that might have precluded the filing of Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

25. I honestly believed that any attempt to file a report with the FAA at this time would be an exercise in futility since the FAA Principal Operations Inspector had already ignored everything written in the ASAPs mentioned above and would also be blocked by the office of Mr. Van Tine. His boss, former Secretary of State James Baker served as an officer of the Carlisle Group at the time and was a long-time friend of the Bush family and the House of Saud. Additionally, I did not wish to risk exposure of alleged corruption in the bankruptcy by public exposure that might risk a successful restructuring of United Airlines, nor at the time, did I not possess ample evidence/witnesses to back my RICO and other assertions.

26. Over the course of the next two years, while still maintaining email contact with our group, I spent much time in search of other pilots and other employees who I was certain had information that would support my RICO and FAA suppression allegation.

27. In early 2006, with the defined-benefit pension plan termination at United Airlines as part of their restructuring plan for emergence from bankruptcy with the approval of Chief Bankruptcy Judge Eugene R. Wedoff, the campaigning Democratic party candidates were making promises to citizens of ‘draining the swamp’ and ridding us of the culture of corruption’, which I trusted would happen after the horrific Bush years.

28. With United Airlines emerging from bankruptcy, the evolution of this grassroots effort was affected by the behind-the-scenes email/phone exchanges between many active and retired pilots all of whom realized the gross financial disenfranchisement effected by the bankruptcy process. Believing in the Democratic Party campaign promise for change, I volunteered to serve as public spokesperson for the ‘Whistleblowing United Pilots Association’, which was the name selected at the time and later changed to the ‘Whistleblowing Airline Employees Association’ as the membership increased in size.

29. On April 12, 2006, on behalf of our association, I sent a joint letter to then Attorney General Gonzales, Department of Homeland Security Chertoff, and Transportation Secretary Mineta, advising them that I was a federal whistleblower who had reported on air safety and security issues via a filed FAA Whistleblower Protection Report and also of the establishment of the grassroots Whistleblowing United Pilots Association, while asking for their cooperation and assistance. Copies of this letter was also sent to every Democratic U.S. senator. Additionally, I sent a letter to the American Civil Liberties Union offices in New York and Atlanta and followed up with phone calls to these same offices petitioning their assistance.

30. On May 12, 2006, I received a letter from DHS Bryan, which ignored the fact that I wanted to report security issue frailties, but assured me that the Department of Transportation would handle my FAA Whistleblower Report in a timely manner.

31. The Department of Transportation never responded to my April 12th letter and ‘lost’ my FAA Whistleblower Protection Report.

32. In July 2006, I received a copy of a Business Wire press release via email from members of our association that was transmitted on behalf of Michael W. Lynch by attorney David Martin Price, which contained serious allegations of purported judicial corruption surrounding United Airlines bankruptcy Judge Eugene R. Wedoff, while also naming other Illinois state and federal judges. In response to this email, I left voice mail with Mr. Price thanking him for his efforts while giving him my phone contact number. Two hours later, Mr. Lynch phoned me and after a brief introduction, detailed the legal issues surrounding his McCook Metals, LLC case against Alcoa Aluminum and offered his assistance to our association in our case.

33. At the time, Mr. Lynch had been working closely with Dr. Sheila Mannix, PhD, director of the Illinois Family Court and also Mr. Sam Lipari and Mr. Bret Landrith of Missouri in attempting to expose issues of judicial corruption concerning separate issues but co-related institutions pertaining to the judicial kidnapping of children in courts in the state of Illinois. Mr. Lynch assured me/us at the time that if I cooperated with him, there were many others working behind the scenes, including former FBI/CIA agents, federal judges, and many others, including businessmen like him, nationwide that could/would expose the issues of judicial corruption in this case. I had never engaged in this legal/political process for financial purposes, but Mr. Lynch kept informing me that if I followed through on this case, I would be a wealthy man. I repeatedly asked that he not bring up financial remuneration to me regarding my involvement in this matter, as my sole motive for participation was exposure of heinous crimes against the good citizens of our country and not financial recompense.

34. On July 30, 2006, retired United Airlines Captain Jim Hosking, then head of the grassroots Pension Preservation Network (PPN), advised me via email that he had previously spoken on the phone with Illinois judge chaser Sherman Skolnick numerous times regarding issues of judicial corruption concerning bankruptcy Judge Eugene R. Wedoff and Mr. Skolnick’s affiliation with Michael Lynch. He suggested that I ask Mr. Lynch who Sherman Skolnick was, which I did in an email that evening.

35. Early in the morning of July 31, 2006, Mr. Lynch phoned me to inquire as to who I had spoken with regarding Sherman Skolnick. He went on to advise me of his work with him and the fact that Mr. Skolnick had recently passed away. He further advised me that he had met with Mr. Skolnick in the hospital before his death and had been provided with much information that he felt incredulous, but had now been proven by himself and others that he had been working with the past several months. During this same phone conversation, Mr. Lynch remarked, “Dan, I just want you to know that the highest levels of La Cosa Nostra are involved in these matters.” (sic) It was at this time that I did not desire to cooperate with Mr. Lynch, but put him in touch with other grassroots organizations that I was in contact with and who I felt could better legally employ his information.

36. In researching Mr. Skolnick on the internet, I discovered that he had alleged that both himself and Mr. Lynch had been placed on the ‘domestic terrorist watch list’. With the passage of the Patriot Act and the potential threat of being arrested and detained with denial of my Habeas Corpus rights, I was placing myself at grave risk of imprisonment through cooperation with Mr. Lynch and others.

37. On October 13, 2006, Mr. Lynch appeared in the Chicago courtroom pro se with Sheila Mannix as his witness before Judge Paddy McNamara for the purpose of presenting criminal evidence in the judge’s chambers for an in-camera review, as purportedly members of organized crime were present in the courtroom, which would have endangered the lives of his informants if their identities were revealed.

38. Because Mr. Lynch would not publicly produce his evidence in court nor his witnesses who were not available in the Chicago area at the time for questioning, Judge McNamara held Mr. Lynch in contempt of court and sentenced him to 60 days in Cook County Jail and ordered the bailiff to remove him from the courtroom on the spot without a separate sentencing hearing as prescribed by law.

39. I was made aware of these facts through receipt of an email from Mr. Lynch’s wife, Kimberly, on the evening of October 13, 2006. Mr. Lynch’s attorney, Tom Durkin of Durkin and Robert law firm in Chicago, could not obtain Mr. Lynch’s release on appeal for, I believe, thirteen days.

40. Mr. Lynch contacted me by phone after his release to provide me with details, and I informed him of my intent to write Patrick Fitzgerald, the district attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, about these matters. We both agreed that it would be more prudent to wait until after the 2006 congressional midterm election results were in, as the Democratic party had made campaign promises of ‘ridding us of the culture of corruption’ earlier in the year.

41. In November 2006, former United Airlines Captain Jerry Summers and I had numerous phone conversations regarding the class action suit that had been filed in Chicago federal court by him and several other retired United Airlines captain regarding the loss of the employee stock during the United Airlines bankruptcy. I informed Captain Summers of my relationship with Mr. Lynch regarding the information he claimed to posses concerning alleged judicial corruption. I suggested to Captain Summers that he contact Mr. Lynch to learn reasons why the class action suit had failed, which he later did.

42. With the Democratic win of both chambers of Congress, on November 13, 2006, I wrote a letter to Congressman Henry Waxman, Chairman of the Government Oversight Committee, advising him of issues pertaining to this case. Mr. Lynch requested that I forward the proposed letter to him for corrections and additions before transmitting this letter to Congressman Waxman, which I did. Shortly thereafter, Mr. Lynch emailed me this same letter with the following added paragraph:

“Key in his evidence are the current Bush administration member Vice–President Dick Cheney’s and former Chairman of Alcoa and Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neil’s involvement in the McCook Metals and United Airlines cases. They conspired to push the PBGC pension obligations away from the corporations and on to the federal government. Millions of dollars of pension obligations were forced away from Alcoa and United Airlines and illegally absorbed by the federal government.”

43. Additionally, I had numerous phone conversations and email exchanges with Waxman staffer Matt Siegler, who repeatedly advised me that Congressman Waxman’s staff would not investigate this matter. Mr. Siegler kept insisting that I allow labor unions to handle the matter, as they were working with Congressman Miller (D-CA) on these issues. I persistently reminded him that labor unions do not represent retirees with regard to the theft of their pensions. This was later ruled by a panel of three Chicago judges.

44. On July 3, 2006, I received a letter from DOJ Toner advising me to contact my nearest FBI Field Office if I had criminal information available for review, while concurring that the Department of Transportation would administrate the FAA Whistle Blower Protection Report that I had mentioned in the April 12th letter. Since Mr. Lynch had already briefed the white-collar criminal division of Chicago FBI on many issues and since other informants also resided in the Chicago area and this city was the scene of the alleged criminality, I elected to pursue this case legally in Illinois.

45. On November 18, 2006, I wrote a joint letter to Senators Reid and Durbin and then Senator Obama advising them of the availability of criminal evidence associated with this case, while requesting their assistance in bringing this case to public light. Rumors at the time were swirling of Senator Obama’s possible run for the office of the president in 2008 and Senator Durbin sat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, which has the power to impeach federal judges if proven guilty. It was felt that since the alleged criminality took place in the city of Chicago and since I serves as public spokeperson for the association, these matters should be pursued by Illinois politicians and law enforcement officials who had immediate access to Chicago witnesses and informants to ‘drain the swamp’ and ‘rid us of the culture of corruption’ as promised throughout the Democratic congressional campaigns.

46. I advised Mr. Lynch of my intent to write to Illinois District Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald advising him of our case since Mr. Lynch told me at the time that he had already spoken with him and the recently created Chicago FBI White Collar Criminal Division personnel who supposedly were fully aware of the evidence that Mr. Lynch and his legal team possessed. Mr. Lynch cautioned me not to send the letter as he felt certain in his mind for some unknown reason that my letter would be blocked by Illinois Assistant District Attorney Gary Schapiro.

47. In spite of Mr. Lynch’s caution and suspicion, on November 20, 2006, I wrote a letter to District Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald advising him of this same information, while asking for legal intercession. Although recognizing that he was presently encumbered with the Valerie Plame/Joe Wilson/Yellow Cake Uranium Special Grand Jury investigation in DC, I was also apprised that the Chicago FBI office had recently created a ‘white-collar criminal investigation unit’ that was purportedly the largest such office of this kind in the country.

48. During this same time frame, I was certain that the organizations listed below would be interested in contacting Mr. Lynch and his team regarding the information that he possessed, so I called and/or emailed each apprising them of his contact information. I did not want to go this alone at any time the past several years.

  •   Captain Jim Hosking – Director of the Pension Preservation Network
  •   Captain Roger Hall – Chairman of the United Retired Pilots Benefit Protection Association
  •   Captain Mark Seal – Officer of United Airlines Airline Pilots Association
  •   Association of Flight Attendants
  •   International Aerospace and Machinist Workers Union
  •   AMFA
  •   Many aircrew members, legal and political offices and others
49. Additionally, the United Retired Pilots Benefit Protection Association (URPBPA) had an appeals hearing coming up before Chicago Appellate Judges Bauer, Easterbrooks, and Posner and Mr. Lynch and his attorneys had agreed to meet with Captain Hall, the chairman of this organization, and URPBPA attorney Jack Carriglio of Chicago at a time and place of their choosing for the purpose of reviewing said information.

50. Consequently, I emailed Captain Hall (copied Mr. Carriglio) a letter to that affect, but he refused for whatever reason not to meet with the Lynch legal team citing the difficulty in proving judicial corruption as a reason for declining the invitation. The panel of three judges ruled against URPBPA and the Supreme Court refused to review the case on subsequent appeal.

51. I was further informed by Mr. Lynch that earlier, the House of Representatives Speaker Congressman Denny Hasstert and his GOP cohorts had attempted to introduce congressional legislation that denied petitioners under the Patriot Act the rights of Habeas Corpus under our constitution for any person who filed charges against any federal judge for any reason. I knew of Mr. Lynch’s work with the now-deceased judge chaser Sherman Skolnick and became concerned that my involvement with Mr. Lynch might result in my incarceration without legal representation for moving forward in this matter.

52. In an effort to get a legal reading and to protect myself as I moved forward, on November 28, 2006, I wrote a joint letter to Attorney General Gonzales, Supreme Court Justice Stevens, Senator Leahy, and Congressman Conyers requesting their interpretation of current laws concerning my involvement with Mr. Lynch for which I never received a response. My purpose in writing to Supreme Court Justice Stevens involved his work as a young Illinois attorney with Sherman Skolnick in exposing judicial corruption in the state of Illinois year earlier, and I believed at the time that this fact would cause his sympathy and cooperation in this matter. I never received a single response to this letter even though I had made follow-up calls to each of their offices for verification without success.

53. On December 11, 2006, I received a letter from the ‘Screening Committee’ of the office of District Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald advising me to contact the office of Chicago FBI Special Agent-in-Charge Robert Grant if I had criminal evidence/witnesses available to support my allegations. This office even provided me with the contact information for FBI Agent Grant in the letter.

54. During this time frame, the huge controversies concerning the firing of eight U.S. district attorneys and the highly controversial ‘McNulty memo’ erupted alongside the investigation of AG Gonzales concerning other alleged DOJ corruption. I surmised that perhaps my allegations would somehow be blocked by certain upper-echelon DOJ personnel due to the language contained in the ‘McNulty memo’.

55. On January 25, 2007, I sent letters to all Democratic Senators who sat on the Senate Judiciary and Senate Pension Committees regarding issues of judicial and pension termination corruption, but did not receive a single response from any office, even though I had made numerous calls to staffers. Phone calls to many offices proved futile.

56. On January 25, 2007,I sent letters to all Democratic congressmen who sat on the House Judiciary and Pension Committees regarding issues of judicial and pension termination corruption, but did not receive a single response from any office, even though I had made numerous calls to staffers.

57. I also completed an intake application with the Government Accountability Project in Washington DC and spoke with attorneys there for my legal protection, but Mr. Lynch advised me that his legal team could not yet come forth with their evidence/witnesses due to the fact that he still had a legal appeal hanging over his head. He refused to speak with attorneys at the Government Accountability Project Office in DC for this reason.

58. With heightened tensions concerning the fired district attorneys and the concurrent conviction of Scooter Libby in the Valerie Plame affair, I was advised that Patrick Fitzgerald had become the target for termination alongside the other eight district attorneys. The Department of Justice had just issued a marginal ‘report card’ from the Department of Justice on Mr. Fitzgerald who I knew was rated as one of the top district attorneys in the country, and Chicago Crime Commission President James Wagner had just issued a press release endorsement of Mr. Fitzgerald’s outstanding resume as a crime fighter.

59. Also during this time, after having met with the Chicago Crime Commission, Mr. Lynch advised me that rumors were swirling around the Chicago area of the indictment of Tony Rezko and that a forthcoming article in the Chicago Sun-Times would reveal a political association of URPBPA attorney Jack Carriglio with Tony Rezko. The next day I read of this association and became very much alarmed, as I had already email-contacted Captain Hall and Mr. Carriglio concerning the information that the Lynch team possessed and thought that I had put Mr. Lynch and his family in legal/physical jeopardy by doing so.

60. With the investigation of the fired district attorneys intensifying, and having been informed that District Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald had been allegedly targeted, in March 2007 I read a Chicago Crime Commission press release endorsement of Patrick Fitzgerald by then Commission President James Wagner, which further intensified my suspicions that Mr. Fitzgerald might be terminated from his position as district attorney by the Bush Department of Justice.

61. Consequently, on April 1, 2007, I wrote a letter to Chicago FBI Special Agent-in-Charge Robert Grant advising his office of some of this information, but his office never responded to this letter. Included in this letter was the following statements:

“Given that the Bush administration has set priorities for U.S. District Attorneys in the cases they are to investigate, one might reasonably conclude that cases involving purported federal judicial corruption and possible illegal White House collusion in these bankruptcies do not rank high in priority for this administration. I realize that Mr. Fitzgerald’s office is limited in staff and that the Scooter Libby trial has taken precedent in his case load, but it does arouse one’s curiosity as to who in DOJ would suspend a criminal investigation into legal matters that involve the loss of pension benefits and other union contractual provisions surrounding a victim-airline of 9/11 in bankruptcy given the compelling evidence at hand. Both Senator Durbin and Senator Obama have been apprised of these matters as well.”

62. Instead, this letter was kicked upstairs to the Washington DC office of the FBI Public Corruption Unit (PCU), which is merely an administrative branch of FBI that in reviewing their function appeared irrelevant to the investigation of facts presented in the April 1st letter to FBI Agent Grant.

63. On May 4, 2007, I received a letter from Ms. Joan Currie-Leonard, Senator Obama’s Special Assistant in his Chicago Office, in response to the joint letter I had sent on November 18th advising me to contact my home state of Georgia representatives concerning this matter since I was not an Illinois resident, even though the alleged criminality took place in the state of Illinois. Since, at the time, United Airlines was the largest single employer in the state of Illinois and the bankruptcy was the single largest airline bankruptcy in commercial aviation history with a corresponding defined-benefit pension termination that ranked amongst the largest in U.S. history, I was quite perplexed as to why Illinois politicians would not engage in an investigation into these matters pertaining to alleged judicial corruption within the Seventh Circuit Court since the offices of District Attorney Fitzgerald and FBI Special Agent-in-Charge Grant had already been apprised of this same information.

64. Concurrently, on May 16, 2007, I received a letter from FBI Washington Public Corruption Unit Anderson in response to the April 1st letter that I had mailed to Mr. Grant advising me to contact the Atlanta FBI office with information concerning this matter. Because I did not physically possess some criminal evidence nor have direct access to key witnesses in this case, and because I was made aware that Mr. Michael Lynch had already allegedly briefed the office of Patrick Fitzgerald, the Chicago FBI, and the Chicago Crime Commission on this matter as a result of a filed federal complaint, I felt that my visit to the Atlanta FBI Field Office would serve no purpose at that time.

65. Feeling additional threat through DOJ insistence that I contact the Atlanta FBI office vice Chicago’s office that had already been made aware of these issues, I felt compelled to write the head of the DOJ Criminal Division in hopes of breaking this legal/political bottleneck, since then Assistant Attorney General – Criminal Division Alice Fisher was in charge of every district attorney in the country. I knew of her involvement in the investigation of Enron and possible close ties with the Bush family and had a great deal of uncertainty and concern as to whether her office would assist us in this matter.

66. Additionally, to the best of my recollection in reviewing my email correspondence trail, during this period, I had been copied on numerous emails between Mr. Lynch and Missouri residents Sam Lipari and Bret Landrith who had filed suit in Kansas City concerning alleged RICO violations that involved Mr. Lynch, Karl Rove, Bradley Schlozman, Alberto Gonzales, the chairman of General Electric, numerous federal judges, Novation and others. In reading this suit and the information contained therein, I realized that I had somewhat gotten myself into a legal and political situation that was way over my head.

67. Mr. Lipari had contacted both the offices of Senator Leahy and Senator McCaskill regarding this suit without appropriate legal response. Without revealing my source, I was provided with the name and email address of Senator McCaskill Missouri staffer Bob Burns and emailed him asking for assistance, since Senator McCaskill was a strong advocate of federal whistleblowers and I had read that then Assistant Attorney General Bradley Schlozman had replaced fired District Attorney Todd Graves in Missouri to assist Jim Talent defeat Senator McCaskill and thought for these reasons that Senator McCaskill would come to our collective aid, even though I was not a resident of Missouri.

68. There were a few times that I sent blind-copy emails out to our group that included Mr. Burns in the list and he responded assuring me that the information had been forwarded to the DC office of Senator McCaskill, which provided me with comfort.

69. I had also read New York Times and other reports that two Fort Worth, Texas assistant district attorneys had allegedly been murdered for their investigation into Novation for Medicare fraud, which made me realize, while reflecting on the now nine fired U.S. district attorneys and the AG Gonzales debacle, just how corrupt the entire legal system in our country had become.

70. Mr. Lynch also provided me via email with a portion of a letter that was contained in an evidence package that had been delivered to the sister of Senator Biden at the Iowa caucus for delivery to him, which contained information giving further cause for hope with concurrent alarm and realization of my need to protect myself somehow both legally and politically.

71. On September 1, 2007, I wrote a letter to Assistant Attorney General – Criminal Division Alice Fisher apprising her of the same facts concerning the availability of evidence/witnesses in this case. I knew it was risky sending this letter and that in doing so would draw attention to me and increase my risk of physical harm, given the parties involved. Although near destitution and uncertain of my next protective step in this process, I left the United States on September 1st flying to Munich to commence an austere 13-day trip through Germany, Switzerland, Italy and across southern France by train that I could not really afford staying in flop-house motels while living on a shoestring budget near destitution and employing internet café computers and phone cards to keep abreast of the legal situation unfolding. I needed some time alone and out of the states to sort legal/political matters out and await a response from the Department of Justice.

72. On September 10, 2007, while at an internet café in Carcassonne, France checking my email, I was advised via an email from a retired United captain of the formation of a grassroots effort called the ‘Committee for the Restoration of Pensions at United Airlines 2007’. The email information was a letter addressed to Senator Akaka from this committee concerning detailed legal/political issues that I felt would prove that our pensions had been illegally terminated. I felt much relief and exoneration in that I was certain that this group could dovetail Mr. Lynch’s evidence into this investigation and my arduous and costly journey as a federal whistleblower would be over.

73. On September 11, 2007 while in Lourdes, France, I decided that I must return to the states, which I did via Bordeaux and Paris within the next two days.

74. Upon return to the states on September 13, 2007, I emailed a group retired pilots inquiring of the composition of the ‘Committee for the Restoration of Pensions at United Airlines 2007’ and, more specifically, who chaired this committee and was working with Senator Akaka’s staff on these pension matters. Captain Jim Hosking, (the director of the Pension Preservation Network and the same individual who told me to ask Mr. Lynch who Sherman Skolnick was in 2006), informed me via email that a United employee living in Hawaii named Kirk Stevenson had authored the letter and acquired legal representation in Hawaii and gave me Mr. Stevenson’s email address and home phone number in Hawaii.

75. After several unsuccessful attempts to phone contact Mr. Stevenson while leaving him voice mail, I emailed him and received a response. He informed me that the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC) was refusing to relinquish key information to prove the alleged theft of employee pensions in bankruptcy after repeated Freedom of Information Act requests for this information. He told me that he had been in contact with Senator Akaka’s staff that were looking into his allegations.

76. Mr. Stevenson further informed me that his group was working with a website designer and intended to publicly publish all information regarding these issues on the website once published. Since the Whistleblowing United Pilots Association email communications system had grown exponentially reaching out to employees from all airlines, he asked me to break down the information contained in his letter to Senator Akaka into individual components in simple layman’s language in a series of emails to our membership so that they might better understand the soon-to-be-published website.

77. From October 1st through October 18th of 2007, while recognizing that I was further exposing myself by publicizing this critical information via emails, I sent out a series of emails containing this information. During this time frame and the subsequent months, I kept petitioning Mr. Stevenson to publish his website in hopes that the information therein would enlighten many airline employees, but he kept insisting that the web designer was experiencing construction problems. He further advised me that it was his group’s intent to file a civil RICO suit once the PBGC provided the requisite information.

78. Mr. Stevenson also requested that I promulgate form letters to all members of our association petitioning both DOL Secretary Chao and PBGC Acting Inspector General Stover-Springer for this information, which I did. To date, the PBGC has not responded to our inquiries regarding this information.

79. Also during this time frame, because Senator Akaka’s staff was supposedly investigating the allegations of the ‘Committee for the Restoration of Pensions at United Airlines’, I contacted Akaka staffer Lisa Powell by phone and subsequently emailed her much information as attachments to apprise her of my dilemma. Since Senator Akaka is also a big whistleblower advocate, I felt compelled to write his office for the same reasons that I contacted the office of Senator McCaskill above.

80. After several months’ coordination with Mr. Stevenson and his group, he asked me to drop my work with Mr. Lynch and his team and join his efforts in filing a limited party class action civil RICO suit that would impact a very restricted group of United Airline employees. He further stated that his group would not be launching the promised website and that he could move no further legally until they received the requisite information from the PBGC.

81. I advised Mr. Stevenson that my role as a public spokesperson for an anonymous group of employees and retirees had placed me in a most precarious position in that I had already exposed much information on the federal side of the house and, when the time came, assuming a congressional/DOJ response for support and investigation, a federal racketeering suit could/would be filed (Qui Tam) that would expose all elements of criminality in this case. Mr. Stevenson then ceased all email communications with me and would not respond to my phone calls. In essence, I was left holding the bag after promulgating the information that he had provided me with. There are others who possess information but, to the best of my knowledge, have not stepped forward with valuable information and evidence for fear of harsh recriminations up to and including death for doing so.

82. During this time frame, President Bush had nominated Chicago Federal Judge Mark R. Filip to the post of Deputy Attorney General and Mr. Lynch suggested that we were both at extreme risk due to the fact that Judge Filip had been named as one of the four federal judges in Mr. Lynch’s affidavit that attorney David Martin Price had previously submitted to the Department of Justice in his earlier Qui Tam filing in Kansas City, Missouri on behalf of Mr. Lynch.

83. This caused me greater alarm, as I had previously submitted this same affidavit to various government offices in hopes that an investigation into this matter would be initiated. Mr. Lynch further suggested that perhaps certain individuals in government might concoct methods of criminally indicting us and recommended that I get my financial affairs in order, including my tax returns. I assured him that my financial house was in good order, but was much taken back by this information.

84. Mr. Lynch also previously provided me via email with a portion of a letter that was contained in an evidence package that had been delivered to the sister of Senator Biden at the Iowa caucus for delivery to him, which contained information giving further cause for alarm and realization of my need to protect myself somehow both legally and politically.

85. Deflecting panic and fear, on October 24, 2007, I once again wrote a letter to then Senator Obama’s Special Assistant Joan Currie-Leonard, only this time as spokesperson for the Whistleblowing United Pilots Association, more specifically detailing the information that was available, while requesting that Senator Obama launch an investigation into this matter. I was insistent in this letter, that although I was no longer an Illinois resident, I nonetheless served as public spokesperson for the then-named Whistleblowing United Pilots Association. I also phone contacted the Chicago office, but the individual that I spoke with supported the previous letter sent to me by Ms. Currie-Leonard and insisted that I contact my Georgia representatives.

86. On October 6, 2007, I received an unsolicited letter from my home state of Georgia Congressman Westmoreland advising me that his staffer Jean Stoddard would look into this matter with the Department of Justice and do everything to assist me.

87. Having exhausted what I felt was all legal and political avenues of assistance and protection, in a final desperate attempt to legally/politically insulate myself and protect our families from harm, on October 18, 2007, I wrote a letter to then SEC Commissioner Christopher Cox, with enclosures, declaring myself a Sarbanes-Oxley whistleblower, while demanding an investigation into this case and insisting on guarantees of enforcement of the protective provisions of this law. Mr. Lynch would still not come forward publicly with his witnesses and evidence while claiming that he would legally jeopardize his appeal regarding his earlier wrongful incarceration in Cook County Jail by Judge Paddy McNamara on October 13, 2006.

88. On October 19, 2007, I wrote letters to Senators Kennedy and Leahy, and Congressmen Waxman, Miller, Conyers, and Westmoreland advising them that I had filed for Sarbanes-Oxley protection, but their offices never responded to offer me any assistance. Additionally, on this date, I wrote my Congressman Westmoreland advising him of this fact, but his office never responded.

89. On October 22, 2007, I also received an unsolicited letter from Senator Chambliss advising me that “I have contacted the Department of Justice on your behalf and will certainly share their response with you when I receive it”.

90. On October 25, 2007, I sent a letter with enclosures to Senator Carl Levin, Chairman of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, which contained the same information sent to Mr. Cox, and requesting protection under this law. I was advised in subsequent phone conversations with his staffer, Kata Sabenga who sat right outside Senator Levin’s office, that due to staff limitations, Senator Levin would be unable to assist me even though I tried desperately to convince her that my life and others might be in imminent danger as a result of our revelations to government. Ms. Sabenga acknowledged to me on the phone that Senator Levin’s staff had, in fact, reviewed all the information that I had sent to their office via registered mail, but no one was going to initiate an investigation into the matter.

91. On November 5, 2007, I received a letter response from Senator Chambliss advising me “While I regret to learn of your difficulties, I, as a United States Senator, have no jurisdiction over matters such as these”. I knew at this point in time that I was being stonewalled at the highest levels within the Department of Justice. If my home state senators would not respond to my petition for help, who could I turn to in government to support and defend me?

92. On November 5, 2007, I also received a letter from SEC Senior Counsel Juliet Gardner advising me that “I have passed your views on to the people at the SEC who specialize in the issues you’ve raised. If they have any questions or wish to respond to your comments, they will contact you”. Because I had enclosed in this letter an affidavit stating that Judge Eugene R. Wedoff, the federal bankruptcy judge in the United Airlines/McCook Metals, LLC bankruptcies allegedly maintained a $40-million bribery fund, I felt that the SEC was not going to further investigate this matter, which left me further in harm’s way. This information and belief as stated in my affidavit was based solely on the Lynch affidavit and other information provided to me by key witnesses and informants in this case who had previously been stonewalled by our government and not guaranteed witness protection.

93. On November 6, 2007, in a letter response to me, Ms. Leonard, the Chicago Special Assistant to Senator Obama, once again deferred me to my home state congressional representatives in Georgia, while completely ignoring the information contained in the detailed letter that I had written to her office. Since then Senator Obama was running for the office of president and from the state of Illinois, I was certain that his Illinois senate office would be interested in this information.

94. On December 12, 2007, I received a cover letter from DOJ Toner with an enclosed letter from Deputy Assistant Attorney General John Keeney, in response to my April 1st letter to Assistant AG Fisher, which totally skirted every issue that I addressed in that letter. His decision not to investigate this matter was based solely on his reference to the ruling by the three judges in the earlier URPBPA case that defended Judge Wedoff’s previous ruling. One of the three judges was Judge Bauer who is also listed in paragraph 42 of the Lynch affidavit. This apparent non-response that skirted my issues alarmed me as well.

95. On December 18, 2007, I received a copy of this same letter from Mr. Keeney from my Congressman Westmoreland.

96. On February 10, 2008, I sent a letter to Assistant Attorney General Keeney requesting that he review the content of my letter to Asst AG Fisher, as I felt that his letter did not respond to my questions, but never received a response from his office. Mr. Keeney resigned from office shortly thereafter and no one within the Justice Department ever answered the Asst AG Alice Fisher letter of September 1, 2007. Ms. Fisher too resigned from the Department of Justice.

97. Because I recognized that I had inadvertently over-exposed myself to criminal elements and others in delusion that my government would defend and represent me, on February 14, 2008, I phone-contacted the office of the Chicago FBI and filed a federal complaint (Complaint # 2008-9580) with FBI Agent David Barusko at the intake unit desk, while asking him to keep the file open pending future submission of evidence/witness list with guaranteed witness protection for informants. During this phone conversation, I was advised by Agent Barusko that a secret meeting could be arranged at an undisclosed location of our choice in the Chicago area wherein informants could be questioned and evidence collected, but that DOJ would have to review the case before witness protection could be afforded due to the expense of federal marshal protection.

98. My intent in doing this was to protect myself, Mr. Lynch, our families, and our informants given what I had already said and done.

99. Additionally, on February 14, 2008, after numerous phone conversations with Senator Leahy staffer Matt Robinson, I emailed to him evidence pertaining to this case regarding alleged judicial corruption, but no assistance was rendered by this office. I also email-exchanged and left voice mail with Senator Leahy staffer Lydia Griggsby, a senior staffer on the Democratic side of the Senate Judiciary Committee that oversees issues of alleged judicial corruption.

100. During this same time frame, because Mr. Lynch and Senator Feingold were both alumni of the University of Wisconsin and Senator Feingold an outspoken critic of the Bush administration who also sat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, Mr. Lynch suggested that I contact Senator Feingold’s DC Judiciary Committee office with this information, which I emailed to one of his staff members without receiving a response.

101. For the same reasons, I also contacted the DC office of Senator Whitehouse with this same information in hopes that his office would intercede and protect us, but never received a response.

102. Fully realizing that I had mostly inadvertently dug myself into a very deep legal/political hole, I called and spoke with Matt Robinson the day before Judge Filip’s senate confirmation hearing and asked him if he and Ms. Griggsby had, in fact, reviewed all the information that I had sent to their offices and he admitted to me that he had. He then asked me in muffled tones if I had legal representation and who I was working with on these matters. I informed him that I did, in fact, have attorneys and was working closely behind the scenes with numerous print media journalists and many others. I further informed him that since both he and Ms. Griggsby had reviewed all the materials that I had sent them, if the information were true and Judge Filip was confirmed as Deputy Attorney General of the United States, that I would lose all faith in our government and my representatives.

103. Judge Filip was unanimously confirmed by the Senate on March 3, 2008. Senator Durbin, who endorsed him, was aware of our allegations since November 2006, as were Senators Reid and Obama.

104. On February 21, 2008, I once again petitioned Congressman Waxman staffer Matt Siegler via email to assist in this matter, but he never responded to my call for help. Mr. Waxman did however find room in the oversight committee agenda to hold hearings on professional baseball player Roger Clemen’s alleged illegal use of steroids while millions in this country were denied their pensions.

105. During this month, I also contacted the offices of Congressman George Miller, Chairman of the House Labor/Pension Committee and advised the staff of the information that we possessed and the refusal of the PBGC with regard to release of information under the FOIA. After only one phone conversation, the cognizant staffer that I had spoken to never answered his phone, voicemail messages, or emails that I sent to this office.

On February 22, 2008, I wrote a letter to Chicago FBI Special Agent-in-Charge Grant advising him of my phone conversation with Agent Barusko, while detailing the protections we would need to meet at an undisclosed location of our choice in Chicago, but his office never responded. My reasons for requesting witness protection stemmed from written statements made by Sam Lipari in his legal filings regarding attempts made by alleged criminals in Chicago to lure him to a meeting at an undisclosed location wherein he felt that his life might be terminated should he accept the invitation. Additionally, Mr. Lynch previously informed me that his life, as well as that of his brother Kevin and his only son had been threatened by criminal elements prior to our meeting and that the Illinois Family Court system at one point in time attempted to ‘judicially kidnap’ his children, which was his reasons for collaborating with Dr. Sheila Mannix and the Ifffff up until the time we met and he discontinued his affiliation with this group.

106. On February 26, 2008, I also received the same copy of Mr. Keeney’s letter from Senator Chambliss in response to my September 15, 2007 letter to Assistant Attorney General Fisher. You will note that in my February 10, 2008 registered letter response to Mr. Keeney, a copy of this letter was also sent to the following government personnel:

Encl: Letter dated September 1, 2007 to Assistant Attorney General Alice Fisher

Cc: All members of the Senate Judiciary Committee
All members of the House Judiciary Committee
All members of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
FBI Director Robert Mueller
District Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald
Chicago FBI Director Robert Grant
Securities and Exchange Commissioner Christopher Cox
All Members of the Whistleblowing United Pilots Assn

107. On July 23, 2008, I appeared under oath before Social Security Administrative Judge F. Jefferson Hughes regarding my Social Security Disability Income appeal hearing, which I claimed that I was not entitled to SSDI due to the fact I was fully capable of employment, but not as a pilot since I had been ‘permanently grounded’. During this hearing, I detailed my legal and political plight the past several years, which included allegations of white-collar criminality associated with the United Airlines bankruptcy that I had been attempting to report to competent legal and political authorities. I felt at the time that since Judge Hughes had recently served as a Department of Justice attorney, since he was an officer of the court, he would be obliged to report this alleged wrongdoing to the Department of Justice. The entire testimony was digitally-recorded and I obtained a copy of the court transcripts a few days after the hearing, which are available upon request from the Security and Exchange Commission and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

108. Approaching the fall 2008 presidential election, with then Senator Obama promising a greater openness of government with enhanced protection for federal whistleblowers, I decided to wait until after his inauguration to petition a new cabinet and congressional leaders for assistance as a federal whistleblower. There were GOP attacks made on then Senator Obama regarding his association with the now indicted Tony Rezko in Illinois that caused me mild concern.

109. Shortly after President Obama’s victory, Illinois Governor Rod Blagojavich was indicted and controversies once again were swirling in the air concerning the vacated senate seat of Senator Obama being allegedly auctioned off to the highest bidder by Governor Blagojavich.

110. In spite of these controversies, I had already contacted Senator Obama’s Illinois senate office in Chicago on two previous occasions wherein I had been deflected to my home congressional representatives who in turn advised me that they had no jurisdiction in matters such as these. I realized that as commander-in-chief, President Obama now had jurisdiction over his cabinet and was certain that I would finally receive the support I needed as a federal whistleblower from a strong advocate of whistleblowers that promised us a greater openness of government during his campaign.

111. On January 25, 2009, I wrote a letter to Department of Transportation Inspector General Scovel advising him that my April 2006 FAA Whistle Blower Report had never been administrated. I subsequently received an email response that there was no record of the report and that no further action would be taken by the DOT IG office regarding this matter. Because both the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security, in response to my April 12, 2006 letter to their offices, had deferred me to the Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration for a response, I felt compelled to demand a response from the Department of Transportation since then DOT Secretary Mineta had not responded to the same letter of April 12, 2006.

112. On January 26, 2009, after phone conversations with Senator Grassley staffer Brian Downey, I wrote Senator Grassley a letter advising him that I was an FAA, Sarbanes-Oxley, and Social Security fraud whistleblower, but his office never responded to this letter, nor to subsequent voice mail messages left for Mr. Downey.

113. On January 28, 2009, I wrote a letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Inspector General Kotz advising him that my filed October 2007 Sarbanes-Oxley report had been ignored by the SEC and petitioned his office for assistance. Because former SEC Senior Counsel Juliet Gardner had merely responded to my SEC Sarbanes-Oxley filing of October 2007 by ‘thanking me for my views’ after I had over-exposed myself to criminal elements and very powerful financial institutions, I felt compelled to demand an investigation into the allegations made in my letter to SEC Chairman Cox and the affidavit that I had attached to this letter along with numerous other relevant pieces of correspondence.

114. During this time frame, UsAir Captain Sully Sullenberger and First Officer Jeff Skiles had heroically ditched their A-320 in the Hudson River. Based on previous email discussions with UsAir pilots and corresponding news reports, I was aware that UsAir had cancelled their Aviation Safety Awareness Reporting (ASAP) system based on recriminations suffered by reporting pilots, just as I had been fired for my reports.

115. On January 28, 2009, I sent a joint letter to DOT Inspector General Scovel, DOT Secretary LaHood, and the FAA administrator advising them of these facts and my similar case while addressing the recent United Airlines court injunction against their pilots for other reasons. I did not receive a response to this letter, but UsAir quietly reinstated their ASAP reporting system shortly thereafter. There was never an acknowledgement from any of these offices regarding a response to my filed FAA Whistle Blower report.

116. On January 29, 2009, I filed a Social Security fraud report with the Social Security Office of Inspector General O’Connell concerning my SSDI appeal and received an email receipt from this office advising me that my report had been received, but I would receive no further information on my case until the investigation was completed.

117. On January 30, 2009, I called the Chicago FBI office to confirm that my filed federal complaint of February 14, 2008 was still an open file, which I was assured that it was. I advised the intake agent of my intent to visit the Chicago FBI office for the purpose of providing information pertaining to my federal complaint. I further advised this agent that I was an unprotected federal whistleblower on numerous counts and felt uneasy regarding my visit to Chicago FBI.

118. On January 31, 2009, I wrote a letter to President Obama detailing the events of the past two years since I had written his Illinois senate office in the fall of 2006, while petitioning his office for support, since he then had jurisdiction over his relevant cabinet members. To date, I have not received a White House response to this letter.

119. On January 31, 2009, I sent a letter to Department of Justice Inspector General Fine detailing all of the issues addressed above, while asking for his legal assistance in this matter.

120. On February 2, 2009, I flew to Chicago, rented a car, and drove to the Chicago FBI office to deliver evidence and the names of witness to be included in the complaint file, but was advised by the reviewing agent that the FBI was not going to investigate my case without ever having reviewed the tiniest shred of evidence nor interviewing a single witness. I had requested that this agent retrieve an 164 MB storage device that contained all my information and evidence that I was required by FBI security to leave at the gate. I even offered this key to the agent, as the security guards assured me that an agent would retrieve this device once I provided her with the key to the locker. This agent refused to accept this key. I then requested that I be permitted to speak with an agent in the white-collar criminal division since Mr. Lynch had purportedly already briefed this division, but she would not permit me to do so. Exasperated, I asked this agent if I could possibly speak with the head of the white-collar criminal division and she refused. Finally, in desperation, I admitted to her that I knew that Special Agent-in-Charge Robert Grant was a very busy man, but asked her if I could have but a few minutes of his time since I had previously written his office numerous letters without receiving a response from a single letter. This agent advised me that the Chicago FBI office had read all the correspondence that I had sent and that the Department of Justice was not going to investigate my allegations.

121. Stunned, I reminded her that no one had even accepted any evidence nor interviewed witnesses to date and that the United Airlines bankruptcy and pension termination was the largest in U.S. history with the alleged criminality taking place in the state of Illinois. She concluded the interview with the remark, ‘this conversation has ended’ (sic) and departed her side of the briefing room leaving me sitting on the other side of the glass dumbfounded and very confused and concerned.

122. Mr. Lynch can attest to some of these facts, as I was in cell phone contact with him throughout the day, both before and after the visit to the office of Chicago FBI.

123. On the evening of February 2, 2009, I wrote a letter to Chicago FBI Special Agent-in-Charge Grant asking for an explanation as to why FBI would not investigate this case without ever having received any supporting evidence/witnesses, but his office never responded.

124. On February 2, 2009, I wrote a letter Department of Labor Inspector General Heddell requesting specific information that had previously been denied via FOIA requests to the PBGC Inspector General, but his office never responded to this letter.

125. On February 6, 2009, I wrote a letter to Attorney General Holder advising him of the events of February 2nd, while asking for his assistance in this matter.

126. On February 7, 2009, I wrote a letter to SSA Federal Judge Hughes asking him to forward my appeals court transcripts to the Department of Justice for review since I had been turned away at the door at FBI Chicago on February 2nd. Judge Hughes never responded to this letter.

127. In February, the Colgan Air 3407 crash occurred and many news stories reported on alleged safety issues related to the accident that were identical to those issues that I had reported in my Aviation Safety Awareness Reports in 2003 that terminated my career as a captain at United Airlines. Included were allegations of insufficient crew rest and suppression of pilot whistleblowers, which was very distressing to me at the time. I surmised that if I, as a 35-year veteran of aviation was terminated as a B-777 captain for reporting on these same issues, what chance of success would a 22-year old first officer have while surviving on wages that one could acquire managing their local McDonald’s restaurant?

128. During this time frame, I received in the mail a package of information from former Continental Airlines First Officer Newton Dickson regarding his forced medical grounding at that airline by FAA Flight Surgeon Dr. Michael Berry. Included in this packet was also information pertaining to a legally-precedent setting case of now retired Delta Captain Wayne Witter who won his court case in Atlanta involving his medical grounding and the same Dr. Michael Berry.

129. In April 2009, I was advised by email by the Department of Transportation Inspector General that there was no record of my April 2006 FAA Whistle Blower Protection Report, so I electronically filed another report, which included the Dorgan affidavit mentioned below and received an email response that the allegations surrounding my case were under investigation by that office (Hotline Case Number 09IH-C24-000).

130. On May 8, 2009, I received a letter from DOJ Kaiser in response to my February 6th letter to Attorney General Holder advising me to contact the Atlanta office of the FBI if I had criminal information to report. Since I had been advised the same in July 2006 by DOJ Toner and FBI Anderson in May 2007, and since the Chicago FBI office had turned me away in February 2009 without looking at evidence, it did not make sense that I should be required to report to the Atlanta FBI Field Office. For what purpose? To be turned away at the front door of the FBI office again?

131. On May 20, 2009, I wrote a letter to FBI Kaiser inquiring as to the necessity that I report alleged white-collar criminality to the Atlanta FBI Field Office when the Chicago FBI Field Office already advised that the Department of Justice had no intent of investigating this matter, even though no evidence/witness testimony had been reviewed. I never received a response to this letter.

132. Shortly thereafter, I phone-contacted the DC office of the FBI and spoke with a senior agent in the criminal division complaining of the outrageous and nightmarish runaround that I had endured with the Department of Justice since 2006. Again, this agent advised me to contact the office of the FBI in Atlanta if I had any information or evidence of alleged federal criminality. I attempted to explain to this agent that I already had an open federal complaint file in Chicago and it made no sense to visit the Atlanta FBI office since this was the same agency.

133. The same day, I called the Atlanta office of the FBI and provided this office with my federal complaint number for the complaint filed in Chicago (Complaint # 2008-9580) and provided the intake agent with details of my February 2nd visit to the Chicago FBI office. He suggested that I come to the office to fill out a new complaint and speak with agents in the Atlanta office, but I reminded him that the Chicago FBI agent had already informed me that the Department of Justice was not going to investigate my allegations. I further informed him that I had filed a Sarbanes-Oxley report with both SEC Cox and Senator Levin and many others, including President Obama, Attorney General Holder, Assistant Attorney General Breuer, and FBI Director Mueller without success and felt that my visit to the Atlanta FBI office would again be an exercise in futility.

134. During this time frame, I received a phone call late one Sunday evening from Mr. Lynch advising me that he was going to discontinue his work with me and that our work was over, and a heated conversation followed. He insisted that I would be successful in some other line of work and encouraged me to move on, as he had developed new business enterprises and felt confident that his legal affair concerning his alleged wrongful incarceration in Cook County jail would soon be resolved. After having been abandoned by Captain Jim Hosking, Mr. Kirk Stevenson, and now Mr. Lynch, I felt somewhat disadvantaged without access to his material witnesses and evidence that was the basis of my judicial corruption allegations.

135. The next day I phone contacted Dr. Sheila Mannix, PhD to inquire as to whether or not she had access to this same information since she had been working closely with Mr. Lynch in late 2006 when I first met him, which she assured me that she and many others did. At this point in time, Dr. Mannix requested that I move forward legally with her group involved with alleged judicial kidnapping of children for extortion purposes, but I informed her that another individual (Mr. Stevenson) had already abandoned me and I needed to move forward in various directions both legally and politically in an attempt to protect myself.

136. During this time, after having numerous phone conversations with Continental whistleblower Newton Dickson, we agreed that we would fly to DC in an attempt to at least produce evidence to relevant politicians on Capitol Hill regarding each of our cases, including the office of Senator Dorgan who was to hold hearings on June 17th concerning the Colgan Air 3407 crash in Buffalo.

137. On June 12, 2009, I wrote a letter with an attached affidavit for inclusion as part of congressional public record to Senator Dorgan concerning his upcoming June 17th hearing regarding the Colgan Air 3407, since I was advised by his staffer, Rich Swayze, in a phone conversation that I would not be permitted to testify as a witness, even though the safety issues that I had addressed in my 2006 FAA Whistle Blower Report, which was ‘lost’ were critically germane to the issues surrounding this crash with regard to flight crew scheduling and fatigue.

138. On June 16, 2009, I paid a visit to the Senate Aviation Subcommittee office of Senator Dorgan and spoke for a while with his staffer Rich Swayze who I had spoken with previously on the phone. He advised me that the witnesses for the hearing the next day had already been arranged, but I requested that he accept an evidence package that contained two affidavits and other information for inclusion in the public record for the hearing. I then visited the office of Senator McCaskill and spoke with her staffer Melissa Mann and provided her with this same evidence package.

139. After this meeting, I met with Washington Examiner reporter Barbara Hollingsworth, as we had previously spoken numerous times on the phone, and provided her with all the information pertaining to my case. I also had the opportunity to speak for a while with her editor, before Newton Dickson and I met with Tom Devine, the legal director of the Government Accountability Project to discuss our individual cases.

140. On June 17, 2009, I met with Newton Dickson and we revisited numerous senate and congressional offices prior to attending the Dorgan hearing. Prior to commencement of the hearing, Dorgan staffer Rich Swayze approached me in the audience to assure me that my testimony had been included as part of congressional record for the hearing.

141. After the hearing, I met briefly outside the hearing room in the hall with Captain John Prater, the national president of ALPA who had served as a witness for the hearing. He told me that he knew who I was and what I was attempting to accomplish in exposing my forced medical grounding, and I assured him that our association and others would put a stop to this process. After I spoke with Captain Prater, Newton Dickson had a few words with him as well.

142. On June 17, 2009, in an unsigned letter received from the Operations Sector of the Office of the Department of Justice Inspector General Fine, it was stated that “This office does not have jurisdiction in the matters that you describe; therefore we are unable to assist you.” This was in response to my June 17, 2009 letter to this office, which detailed the chronological events listed above and more.

143. During the next few months, I appeared as a guest of Dr. Janet Parker on her Medical Whistleblower Blog Talk Radio Program along with Wayne Witter and Newton Dickson where Dr. Parker acknowledged the widespread employment of ‘hostile work environment forced psychiatric and medical evaluations’ to terminate employment of whistleblowers. She even stated that in many cases, unethical medical professionals(?) diagnose these whistleblowers as bipolar, since once diagnosed as such, it is very difficult to remove this label in a court of law. (sic)

144. In concert with other whistleblower organizations, during this same period we launched a Whistleblowing Airline Employees Blog Talk Radio Program that included many pilot, FAA, and Homeland Security whistleblowers as guests. I served as host for these programs.

145. After almost daily phone calls leaving messages for a staffer in Security and Exchange Commission Inspector General Kotz’s office requesting response to my January 28, 2009 letter to his office, in a letter dated November 9, 2009, SEC IG Kotz finally acknowledged SEC undersight in not investigating my October 2007 Sarbanes-Oxley allegations that I had sent to then SEC Cox.

146. On December 12, 2009, I wrote a joint letter to Department of Justice Inspector General Fine, Department of Homeland Security Inspector General Skinner, and Department of Transportation Inspector General Scovel reiterating the nightmarish stonewalling of my case the past three years, while requesting their good offices to respond to my repeated requests for assistance.

147. In XXXXX, I received a letter dated XXX from Atlanta SEC Senior Counsel advising me of my rights and the fact that her office was in receipt of materials from DC and that she would be my point-of-contact in that office.

148. Shortly after receiving this letter, I phone-contacted Ms. Hampton attempting to provide more detail to my case, but she informed me that the SEC would be unable to provide me with any information surrounding their investigation until it was complete. I inquired as to whether the Department of Justice would become involved since some of the issues pertaining to alleged judicial corruption and other matters appeared to be outside the jurisdiction of the SEC. Her only response to me was that the SEC coordinates their investigations with all relevant branches of the federal government.

149. A few weeks later, I received an email from Ms. Hampton advising me that my point-of-contact would now be Matthew McNamara, the Assistant Director of the Atlanta SEC office and she provided me with his contact number and email address.

150. I spoke with Mr. McNamara on the phone and, although very congenial, he basically reiterated what Ms. Hampton stated with regard to not providing information concerning the progress of the investigation.

151. Because of the four year history of this case that included stonewalling by all levels and branches of the federal government, particularly within the Departments of Justice and Transportation, on July 20, 2010, I decided to file a federal complaint over the phone with the Atlanta office of the FBI since I had been advised on numerous occasions for whatever reason(s) to contact this particular office even though there are XXXX FBI offices located throughout the United States.

152. In two subsequent phone conversations with the FBI Atlanta intake agent, neither agent would acknowledge as to whether or not my case had been opened for investigation or whether or not the FBI would even give consideration to investigating the allegations currently being reviewed by the SEC Atlanta office.

153. A key judicial corruption witness from Chicago subsequently contacted the Atlanta FBI office by phone to provide information in this case and was advised by the intake agent to contact the Chicago FBI office that refused to accept evidence from me on February 2, 2009 with advisement by the Chicago FBI agent that day that the Department of Justice was not going to initiate an investigation into these matters.

154. On XXXXX, my son living in Atlanta phone-contacted me and advised that a business card was left in the door of his apartment by FBI Agent XXXX of the Joint Terrorist Task Force with a note indicating that he wished to speak with my son on the phone or in person. I told my son to call this agent and then provide me with his contact information so that I could return his call. Several minutes later, my son called me to inform me that Agent XXX wished to speak with me so I called him.

155. I was absolutely stunned to hear this agent advise me that the FBI had received an anonymous tip that included information concerning my specific whereabouts abroad, other personal information including my recent marriage to a foreigner, but mostly that this tipster stated that I was making derogatory remarks about the United States government. I inquired as to whether Agent XXXX had, in fact, reviewed all the pages of our Whistleblowing Airline Employees Association website and he admitted that he had and felt that we were doing some good work for citizens of our country.

156. I advised Agent XXXX that the Atlanta office of the Securities and Exchange Commission was currently investigating my Sarbanes-Oxley allegations, but that his contacting me intimating that I was making such statements about my government was ludicrous and that my conversation with him was the first ever Department of Justice-initiated contact with me since 2006. I further advised Agent XXXX that our mission was in full support of the Department of Justice mission statement and that I had referred to this very statement in numerous letters sent to DOJ, but felt that I was not exactly getting max whack for my tax buck as a tax-paying whistleblower attempting with others to expose fraud, waste, and abuse of tax-payer dollars in business and government alike. (sic)

157. In XXXX, after repeated phone conversations with DOT IG Compliance Officer Scott Harding concerning my much delayed response to my FAA Whistle Blower Report, I received a letter from Department of Transportation Assistant Inspector General Bob Westbrook’s office advising me that my case was closed without this office having interviewed a single witness nor reviewing my evidence associated with this case. This empty response was based on the frivolous grounds that I had not met the 60-day reporting window to the Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration in accordance with AIR 21. I WAS NOT attempting airline captain job restoration, but only attempting to report allegations of a serious violation of federal regulations and laws that including RICO violations, which I believe have no statute of limitations if RICO is proven.

158. Recently one of my siblings who reside in Congressman Costello’s district in Illinois was advised by his Belleville, Illinois staff to recommend to me that I contact my home state of Georgia Congressman Lynn Westmoreland’s office for assistance. I very recently spoke again with Ms. Jean Studdard in Congressman Westmoreland’s Newnan, Georgia office who assured me that she would contact his DC staffer Joe Lillis who oversees Mr. Westmoreland’s aviation matters. Congressman Westmoreland sits on the House Aviation Subcommittee that is chaired by Congressman Costello and Ms. Studdard recently emailed me a Privacy Release Form that I completed and faxed and mailed to her office via registered mail for which I have receipts for both. Hopefully, Mr. Westmoreland and his staff can contact the office of Department of Transportation Inspector General Scovel and rectify their short-sightedness in legally overseeing and investigating my case involving alleged serious criminality. If this legal matter is not resolved in short order, I am aware of numerous forthcoming suits by other airline pilot whistleblowers wherein I fully intend to serve as a witness, given the legal commonality of our cases.

159. In my October 2007 letter to SEC Cox the following request was made:

Section 1107 Retaliation against informants

The Commission is hereby commanded under this provision that my wife and two adult children, Michael Lynch, former Chairman and CEO of McCook Metals LLC and his family, his criminal informants (who have not yet been afforded DOJ witness protection/immunity), other informants and their families, as well as myself, be afforded immediate legal and other physical protections as mandated by this Act.

160. I have recently been advised by immediate members of my family that they have been receiving anonymous phone calls requesting information about my physical location. Additionally, I very recently have received a few personal emails that I perceive to be of a threatening nature. The allegations stated herein involve the potential theft of billions of dollars and may involve some of the largest financial institutions in the world and organized crime members.

161. It is respectfully requested once again that sufficient physical and legal protections be afforded to criminal informants and their families in this case as previously requested in the October 2007 letter to SEC Cox until completion of this investigation by the Security and Exchange Commission and hopefully the Federal Bureau of Investigation has been completed. If so much as a single hair is touched on any family member associated with this investigation, this affidavit will serve notice of our intent to litigate to the fullest extent of the law since due process will not have been served in this case.

162. Because, in part, I am an unprotected federal whistleblower on numerous counts and because of the extensive delay in opening an investigation into these matters during which time I expended substantial monies, I find myself at age 61 having to live abroad at undisclosed locations and filing for Chapter Seven bankruptcy protection on limited income because I have been ignored for so long.

163. I have patriotically served my country faithfully and with distinction as a naval officer and aviator having taken an oath of office as such in 1970 to support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. This is the same oath of office taken by the president, his cabinet members, and all members of congress and law enforcement. I have kept my end of the bargain; my country and my government have failed me miserably in keeping their end of the bargain. My entire career, reputation, otherwise sterling credit rating, and my family has been decimated as a result of my attempting to be honest in abidance with federal laws and regulations, while perhaps naively believing that laws supposedly designed to protect and defend me would somehow be upheld during this process.

164. I am guilty only of naivety and will never regret any decision that I have made since September 11, 2001 save my decision to trust my government to which I believed would assist me while I attempted to support the mission statements of each relevant branch of Presidents Bush and Obama’s cabinet.

165. Please restore my faith and belief in my government.

Further affiant sayeth naught.
Daniel William Hanley

SUBSCRIBED and SWORN before me on
This ____ day of _________________ 2010

Notary Public
April 24, 2011
Islamabad, Pakistan

Senator Saxby Chambliss
416 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D. C. 20510

Senator Johnny Isakson
120 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Congressman Lynn Westmoreland
1213 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515


Dear Senator Chambliss, Senator Isakson, and Congressman Westmoreland,

As we jointly realize, since late 2007, your offices have been made aware of the details of my three-year delayed Sarbanes-Oxley whistleblower investigation currently underway by the office of the Atlanta Security and Exchange Commission. In early 2008, after having contacted the highest levels of the Department of Justice, Senator Chambliss advised me via letter that he had “no jurisdiction over matters such as these”.

To date, the Department of Justice and the Atlanta FBI office have failed to cooperate with me after having been advised on at least three separate occasions the past three years to contact the Atlanta FBI field office by DOJ personnel as senior as former Deputy Assistant Attorney General John Keeney, Assistant Chief for Labor-Management Racketeering Gerald Toner, and DC FBI HQ Assistant Director Criminal Investigation Division Kenneth Kaiser.

As you also know, federal statutes prohibit retaliatory action against federal informants and, in some cases, offer federal witness protection for those willing to step forth with valuable information regarding violations of federal law. A review of my October 2007 letter written to SEC Commissioner Christopher Cox specifically requested said physical protections not only for informants, but for their families as well.

In late 2009, after SEC Inspector General Kotz acknowledged the SEC ‘under sight’ in being remiss in opening an investigation into my SOX allegations while advising me that the Atlanta SEC office would be conducting the investigation, I wrote to the Department of Justice and, more specifically, to the Atlanta FBI office in providing cell phone numbers for my family members asking that they somehow be afforded physical protections under SOX law. No one within the FBI bothered to contact them.

Last month, a close member of my family was violently assaulted and suffered severe physical and mental harm in a major city outside of Georgia, and the local law enforcement officials refused to investigate the matter even though substantial physical evidence and a corresponding police report are available to support this individual’s allegations. Had the SEC initiated an investigation in a timely manner in 2007 and the Atlanta FBI responded to my 2010 request for family protection, this horrific personal tragedy to a member of my family would not have occurred. (This specific family member has requested that I not publicly identify them in this letter by name to protect their reputation, nor provide the gruesome details of the violent assault to anyone at present for fear of harsh retaliation).

To date, I have only received one phone call from the FBI, which occurred in July 2010 when an agent from the Atlanta FBI Joint Terrorist Task Force phone-contacted me and made ludicrous remarks insinuating that I was a ‘domestic terrorist’ making statements against the United States government from abroad. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Last month, three agents from the Atlanta FBI office paid a visit to the home of my older sister who lives in Peachtree City, Georgia inquiring of my whereabouts, as they had been informed by an unnamed individual that I was in danger living abroad. One of the FBI agents offered my sister his email contact information and told her to advise me to contact him if I needed any assistance. I emailed this FBI agent explaining my legal/political dilemma, but he never responded to my request for assistance.

I am presently financially bankrupt living abroad with the remainder of my personal debts in collection. My family members are being hounded by collection agencies for repayment of my debts. I do not have sufficient monies to file Chapter Seven bankruptcy and, even if I did, cannot find a Georgia attorney or law firm willing to file necessary paperwork in Coweta County, which is currently my stateside legal residence location. Additionally, I have been informed by siblings that I am in arrears in payment of my 2009 Georgia Income Tax bill and presently cannot afford to pay my 2010 federal and Georgia tax bill for which I have filed petition for late filing with the Internal Revenue Service due to my present absence from the United States living abroad in Pakistan.

Over the past two months, I have phone-contacted Congressman Westmoreland’s Newnan, Georgia staffer, Ms. Jean Studdard, asking for assistance with the Georgia IRS tax matter and, just this past week, she advised me of her phone contact with this tax office and her requirement of my signed Privacy Act Release Form for investigation and assistance into this particular issue. I am waiting for her email submission of this form to me.

I recently wrote a joint letter to individuals within the Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service explaining my dilemma with an enclosed IRS Form 4868 ‘Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File U.S. Individual Tax Return’.

I would not be in this financial dilemma had the federal government and your good offices responded to my many past petitions for assistance. My college-age dependent daughter was forced to drop out of Georgia State University in her last year due my insufficient funds to support her education. She is presently near destitution living in Atlanta with a friend at an undisclosed location.

I have been informed that many collection agencies have filed suits against debtors who are unable to pay their bills and many of these individuals have been given prison sentences as a result. Georgia Governor James Oglethorpe would be rolling over in his grave knowing that ‘debtor’s prisons’ have been re-established for those victims who have been financially raped by the banking industry in their $1-trillion bank heist/bailout scheme. It is even more unconscionable to me to realize that I am financially victimized by the fact that I am suffering severe repercussions for my patriotic service as an honest federal whistleblower attempting to help expose this same bank heist and an alleged pension theft involving billions of dollars.

I have done absolutely nothing wrong. My actions to date are in full support of the mission statements of the Departments of Homeland Security, Justice, Transportation, and the Securities and Exchange Commission in the highest tradition of past patriotic citizen whistleblowers of the United States.

Very shortly, each of your offices will be in DHL-delivery receipt of my Standard Form 95 ‘Claim for Damage, Injury, or Death’ attached to a cover letter to each of you explaining my legal and political imperative for filing a federal suit against the United States government for an amount of $20-million for failure to respond in accordance with federal laws and regulations to my allegations as a federal whistleblower on numerous counts, which caused severe personal and financial damage to my family and to myself professionally, personally, and financially.

President Obama, Attorney General Holder, the Departments of Transportation, Homeland Security, and Treasury, and the Security and Exchange Commission offices, as well as numerous other agencies of government will be in receipt of this same form. Before this year ends, the suit will be filed in the DC court requesting a jury trial as supported by strong legal evidence and sound witness and informant testimony. The real tragedy lies in the fact that I am being forced to resort to such extreme measures to seek justice and protect myself while our government spends billions in tax revenues protecting the citizens of Libya and elsewhere from government suppression.

As a patriotic U.S. citizen living in Islamabad currently in possession of a Pakistan multiple-entry tourist visa, I am married to Pakistan citizen Huma Hashmi, a former news anchorwoman for Pakistan TV and DAWN News. I have supported her establishment of a beauty parlor in Islamabad, as well as working toward development of an NGO in support of the ‘forgotten ones’ in the flooded regions of Pakistan. In light of heightened political tensions in Pakistan and the region, as well as across North Africa at present, I am in the process of requesting an expedited special consideration of my upcoming application for dual citizenship with the office of the Pakistan Minister of Interior Rehman Malik.

As a former distinguished and patriotic United States Naval officer/aviator and United Airlines B-777 captain with over 35 years combined unblemished service as a professional pilot, I believe that your background check of my impeccable military and professional pilot resume will give credence to the fact that I am in full support of global peace and prosperity for Pakistan, the United States and the global community in general. In this regard, both my wife, Huma, and I pray for an end to violence through promotion of peace and harmony in the region so that Pakistan may enjoy a return to financial health, happiness, and a real growth in prosperity in the future amongst other nations of the global family of 6-billion inhabitants of our frail planet.

Recognizing the phenomenal sacrifices made in the loss of over 30,000 Pakistani lives and billions of dollars in revenue the country has had to endure in military support of the ‘war on terror’, and fully understanding the potential for restoration of peace and prosperity realized by the termination of said violence, we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with both the governments of the United States and Pakistan in realizing a mutually peaceful solution for all.

In my many months as a resident of Islamabad, while being warmly received by many of its kind citizens in spite of political challenges, my wife and I now feel helplessly trapped in the crossfire of the highly-charged political controversies surrounding the release of CIA agent Raymond Davis, the increased drone strikes in the northern tribal areas of Pakistan, and the explosive recent controversies surrounding the Florida Koran burning, the banning of veils by French resident-Muslim women, and current NATO military actions across north Africa.

Having endured many personal hardships myself the past several years, albeit small in comparison to the good citizens of Pakistan, my wife and I pray that the government of Pakistan will give full consideration to our pending plea to remain together as a family of four in Islamabad as we attempt to grow our business service in support of our two children in Islamabad, my college-age student daughter in Atlanta, Georgia, and the launch of our NGO for the less-privileged ‘forgotten ones’ who are still attempting to survive the elements starving in tent cities in the rural areas of Pakistan.

Honest Pakistani citizens also endure extreme hardship in procuring travel visas to foreign lands at present. Being of strong Irish heritage, several months ago as the political situation intensified, (while fearing the potential loss of my Pakistan travel visa privileges), I had petitioned the Irish government to waive their dual citizenship requirements for Huma and I, but have not yet received a response from the Office of the Honorable Dermot Ahern, the Irish Minister for Law Reform and Justice in Dublin, Ireland.

Huma and I both recognize the latest politically intricate developments with the attendant quandary that we personally face with this request for my dual U.S./Pakistan citizenship, but very much wish to remain together as a family and residents of Islamabad, Pakistan. True love and a happy marriage know no political boundaries with regard to race, religion, culture or other philosophical beliefs.

In my forthcoming letter to Pakistan Minister of Interior Malik, if my request for expedited administration of my application for dual citizenship is ignored, I have respectfully requested of the Pakistan government, in lieu of and due to extenuating circumstances, that they give consideration to waiving the Pakistan visa provision of a maximum stay per visit of one year, so that I may remain in Pakistan uninterrupted for the duration of my Pakistan tourist visa, which is due to expire on March 15, 2014.

If this simple request is ignored, then not unlike the Tunisian and other immigrants arriving from north Africa on Italian and French shores, I will be requesting asylum in Pakistan on humanitarian grounds in an effort to financially support my family members in Pakistan and the United States, while establishing our NGO in support of the forgotten starving families in the flooded regions of Pakistan.

Being a guest resident of Pakistan for many months now, I have come to realize the preciousness and preservation of very strong family values/ties and support amongst Pakistani families in spite of stressful economic times. The very heartwarming close bond and Muslim brotherly love coupled with rich Pakistani cultural heritage exhibited by Pakistani family mutual support are profound. Sadly, this beautiful embracement of family values is lacking in many countries in the world today.

As with so many families across the globe that have endured many hardships in the aftermath of September 11, 2001, as a divorcee of several years and living abroad, my U.S. family life and my own personal, professional, and financial life has been decimated. I pray that the government of Pakistan honor my petition for dual citizenship so that I may remain united with my new-found family and friends in Pakistan in financial support of my U.S. and Pakistani dependent children during these stressful times.

UBS Sarbanes-Oxley whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld is serving a 40-month prison term for his honesty in attempting to expose phenomenal white-collar criminality. PFC Bradley Manning is suffering severe recriminations in prison for his honesty as a whistleblower attempting to protect human lives. National Security whistleblower Julia Davis suffered an attack by a Department of Homeland Security Black Hawk helicopter on her home for being honest in protecting the national security interests of her homeland, the United States of America. The pinnacle of hypocrisy for me is living abroad in a U.S.-friendly country fearing a return to my homeland due to the above, coupled with the failure of our government to protect an informant family member of mine from physical and other harm as provided by federal law for informants of violations of federal law.

President Obama promised us all a ‘greater openness of government’ with ‘enhanced protection for federal whistleblowers’. I have been ignored and suppressed as such for many years at a great personal cost to me and my family. How painful was it for me to be separated from my U.S. family and homeland as I watched the U.S. military lob 120 Patriot cruise missiles into Libya because of citizen suppression of freedom of speech by the Qaddafi regime whose country citizens are also demanding a ‘greater openness of government’ while exposing horrific financial corruption by government and business officials?

Why must our government go to such lengths while spending further billions in defending foreign public whistleblowers while concurrently suppressing the honest voices of 98% of U.S. federal whistleblowers who are attempting to achieve these same goals?

Any late political assistance that you can render me would be appreciated by me and my family. If you have any questions or comments to the above, please contact me via email at or P.O. Box 3231, Peachtree City, Georgia 30269. My sister, Jane Keller, who was personally contacted by the Atlanta FBI agents last month, may be contacted by mail at 414 Murray Park, Peachtree City, Georgia 30269.

My autobiography will be chronicled in the soon-to-be-published book, “An Aviator’s Story…The Choice of a Different Path”. I have done nothing wrong; my autobiography will confirm this fact.

Very respectfully,

Captain Dan Hanley and Huma Hashmi-Hanley

Cc: President Barack Obama
Vice President Joe Biden
The Honorable Hillary Clinton – U.S. Secretary of State
The Honorable Eric Holder – Attorney General of the United States
The Honorable Glenn Fine – Inspector General, DOJ
The Honorable Lanny Breuer – Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division
The Honorable H. David Kotz – Inspector General, SEC
The Honorable Mary Shapiro – SEC Commissioner
The Honorable Richard Skinner – Inspector General, DHS
The Honorable Janet Napolitano – Secretary, DHS
The Honorable Calvin Scovel – Inspector General, DOT
The Honorable Raymond LaHood - Secretary, DOT
The Honorable Randy Babbitt – FAA Administrator
The Honorable Eric Thorsen – Inspector General, Department of Treasury
The Honorable Timothy Geithner – Secretary of the Treasury
Matthew McNamara – Assistant Director, Atlanta SEC
Brian Lamkin – Special Agent-in-Charge, Atlanta FBI
Tom Devine – Legal Director, Government Accountability Project
Barbara Hollingworth – Journalist, Washington Examiner
Michael Lynch – Informant
U.S. and Pakistan family members, friends, and other global supporters

May 1, 2011
Islamabad, Pakistan

Senator Johnny Isakson
120 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510


Dear Senator Isakson,

I write to you today concerning matters that your office has been made aware of since October 2007 regarding my alleged wrongful termination as a United Airlines B-777 captain, as well as difficulties that I have experienced over the past five years in attempting to engage the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation into investigating my allegations without success.

Reflecting on the many years that Ponzi-schemer Bernie Madoff whistleblower Harry Markopolos had to wait before the SEC and DOJ responded, coupled with the fact that UBS whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld now sits in a federal penitentiary for his honest efforts, in light of passage of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, I now feel compelled to litigate this matter in a court of law in accordance with the Federal Tort Claims Act.

Case History

On October 22, 2007, I received an unsolicited letter from Senator Chambliss advising me that he would look into my involved legal matters concerning the United Airlines bankruptcy with the Department of Justice after then Senator Obama’s Chicago Special Assistant Ms. Joan Currie-Leonard had twice deferred me to your office that year wherein he stated:

“I have contacted the Department of Justice on your behalf and will certainly share their response with you once I receive it.”

On November 5, 2007, I received a second letter from Senator Chambliss that stated:

“While I regret to learn of your difficulties, I, as a United States Senator, have no jurisdiction over matters such as these”

Prior to receipt of the above letter, I wrote to your office to inform you that I had filed for whistleblower protection under the provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and, as such, had also filed an FAA Whistle Blower Protection Report with the Federal Aviation Administration.

Attached to a letter to me dated February 6, 2008 from Senator Chambliss was a letter from then Deputy Assistant Attorney General John Keeney that skirted issues addressed in a letter to then Assistant Attorney General Alice Fisher, with advisement that I contact the office of the Atlanta FBI if I had criminal information that I wished to report.

In a joint letter to your office dated February 12, 2009, I advised Senators Chambliss, Congressman Westmoreland and you, of my continued difficulty in achieving justice in both my Sarbanes-Oxley filing and FAA Whistle Blower Report administration by the Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration.

On June 17, 2009, I attended the Colgan Air 3407 hearing and listened to your questions to the witnesses regarding crew fatigue and other safety matters. The day prior, I visited Senator Dorgan staffer Rich Swayze to discuss the letter previously sent to his office referring to my request to serve as a witness at the hearing. Just prior to commencement of this hearing, Mr. Swayze approached me in the audience to advise me that my testimony had been included as part of congressional public record for that hearing.

After attending the Colgan Air 3407 hearing, I visited your DC office and dropped the evidence package off with your secretary that had also been submitted as part of public congressional testimony at the Colgan Air 3407 hearing that day. FAA Whistleblower and former Continental Airlines pilot Newton Dickson accompanied me to your office and will attest to these facts.

In August 2010, after the office of the Department of Transportation Inspector General permitted the FAA to investigate itself based on the four year delay in response to my FAA Whistle Blower Report, I was informed by letter from Department of Transportation Assistant Inspector General Robert Westbrooks that this office had closed my case based on alleged frivolous claims concerning the Department of Labor.

On October 25, 2010, as per an email request from Congressman Westmoreland staffer Ms. Studdard, I forwarded to his office a Privacy Release form for the purpose of his DC staffer Joe Lillas opening an investigation into my case involving the offices of Department of Transportation Inspector General and Secretary and the Federal Aviation Administration, since Congressman Westmoreland sit on the House Aviation Subcommittee.

My reasons for submitting this requested information was in hopes that Congressman Westmoreland would request an independent outside investigation into my assertions (such as a special prosecutor) of possible criminal wrongdoing at the Departments of Homeland Security and Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration, which implicates the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Department of Justice.

On December 3, 2010, I sent an email to Congressman Westmoreland DC aviation staffer Joe Lillas expounding in detail my assertions that the above named offices were guilty of stonewalling and suppressing my attempts to force investigation of my case that had been prolonged for over four years.

On December 8, 2010, I sent another email to both Ms. Studdard and Mr. Lillas addressing additional issues associated with my case, as well as other airline pilot whistleblowers that I had been in contact with the past few years.

On December 9, 2010, after having been advised by former Northwest Airlines whistleblower Captain Field McConnell and other pilot whistleblowers that had contacted me that Congressman Westmoreland’s office would not include their evidence/information due to Privacy Act constraints, I emailed both Ms. Studdard and Mr. Lillas informing them that I waived my rights and privileges under the Privacy Act in an effort to afford these supportive witnesses to step forth with evidence/information.

In response to this email, Ms. Studdard informed me via email that Mr. Lillas advised her that the FAA had the final word in this matter and that no further action would be taken by his office.

After over a three year delay, in November 2009, Securities and Exchange Commission Inspector General H. David Kotz acknowledged that the SEC should have commenced an investigation into my SOX claims then. In April 2010, I was advised that the Atlanta office of the SEC had opened my investigation and I subsequently had several phone conversations with both Atlanta SEC Senior Counsel Debbie Hampton and Assistant Director Matthew McNamara. Both acknowledged that due to the sensitivity of issues under investigation that this office would not be permitted to discuss this case with me.

On February 3, 2011, after both the Atlanta and DC offices of the FBI hung up on me several times after I had filed a federal complaint and witnesses with information associated with my SOX filing were denied submission to the Atlanta office, I wrote the Department of Justice since this agency of government has been made aware of this case since the fall of 2006, including then Senator Obama when he served as junior senator from Illinois where I allege some of the criminal activity occurred.

In reviewing your resume, I happened to notice that your father was in the transportation industry and you served in the Georgia Air National Guard from 1966 to 1972 leaving service as a sergeant. Additionally, since you currently serve on the Senate Veterans Affairs and Senate Aviation Subcommittee, as a veteran naval aviation and commercial airlines pilot, I am petitioning once again your political support for me as a whistleblower.

I served in the U.S. Navy as an officer and aviator with distinction and unblemished record of integrity. In reflection over the past many years as a federal whistleblower on numerous counts, I feel that I have done nothing wrong but assert that I have attempted to do everything right in accordance with federal laws and regulations while protecting my first amendment rights as a patriotic citizen who has attempted with many others to expose serious violations of federal law involving fraud, waste and abuse by corporations and certain elements of our government.

The military service academys’ time-honored code, ‘I will not lie, cheat, nor steal or I tolerate those who do’ that I, along with my fellow naval aviators and officers embraced many years ago, is still germane to my honest actions of the past many years. My whistleblowing efforts reflect this theme and I sacrificed my aviation career and reputation with attendant decimation of my professional, personal/ familial, and financial life as a result of my honesty.

President Obama campaigned on promises of a ‘greater openness of government’ with ‘enhanced protection for federal whistleblowers’ while claiming that ‘no one is above the law’. Over the course of the last year, two articles authored by Salon’s Glenn Greenwald have indicated that this is far from the case for those wishing to report fraud, waste, and abuse in our land.

As a patriotic citizen exercising my first amendment freedom of speech rights, in light of the fact that a federal whistleblower enjoys but a 2% probability of success, and I feel less than secure physically, politically, legally since so many politicians have failed to support me in the past.

The character of Julian Assange has been assassinated and his critics accuse this honest man of threatening our national security, while placing our troops in harm’s way as a result of his Wikileaks disclosures. Quite to the contrary, in my situation, as international public spokesperson for the Whistleblowing Airline Employees Association, I publicly represent a vast array of commercial aviation employee whistleblowers from all walks of life and the mission of our association is to protect national security onboard commercial jet aircraft for our ‘special interests’…the millions who travel by commercial air.

A review of our team members on our website will divulge such affiliate groups as the FAA Whistleblowers Alliance,, the Aerotoxic Syndrome groups, and Federal Air Marshals and TSA employees all of which are concerned about the safety and security of our ‘special interests’, the millions who travel by commercial air. Currently, I am authoring articles as the Atlanta Aviation Community Examiner and intend to detail my plight as a federal whistleblower and long-time resident of the state of Georgia who feels that his interests, as well as the traveling public has been ill-served by those in government whose service includes congressional oversight of aviation matters.

Unlike Julian Assange, who I assert is being wrongfully accused of harming national security and endangering human lives, I feel that my efforts as an aviation safety and security and Sarbanes-Oxley whistleblower is in full support of the FAA and TSA mission statements of making our aerospace system ‘the safest, most efficient aerospace system in the world’ as stated on the home page of our website.

Additionally, as evidenced by the passage of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) has proven to be not worth the paper it is written on. I am certain that both Bernie Madoff’s whistleblower Harry Markopolos and especially UBS whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld will agree with my assessment. My SOX report, if appropriately investigated by the Department of Justice, will not only protect consumers, but also shareholders and investors by exposing bankruptcy/pension/securities fraud while helping to clean up the courtrooms across the land and punish white-collar criminals responsible for the same.

Tragically, one of your congressional colleagues, Senator Orin Hatch and others, are attempting to block the Dodd-Frank legislation on the grounds that other countries do not have such laws that protect whistleblowers from exposing horrific white-collar mobster activity thereby unbalancing the global financial playing field. Transposing this argument, would you not agree with me that Senator Hatch is insisting that white-collar banksters should be permitted to continue their murder, extortion, and gangsterism because it isn’t fair that these crimes be reported?

My first-hand experience with the observed blatant corruption within both the SEC and DOJ tells me that this is exactly what the owners of the Congress, the K-Street/Wall Street lobbyist, would enjoy seeing perpetuated.

Because my Colgan Air congressional testimony was completely ignored by relevant committee chairs and the Departments of Transportation and Justice, given that my allegations in the affidavit provided to many, including your office was dismissed, I have alleged that my human rights were abused through my assertions that I was funneled into the Employee Assistance Program at United Airlines in 2003 to undergo a ‘hostile work environment forced psychiatric evaluation’.

Consequently, I serve as the Transportation Whistleblower for a global grassroots network of medical professionals known as ‘Medical Whistleblower’. Dr. Janet Parker, the executive director of this fine organization, has personally spoken to President Obama on these matters and I am currently a co-signer on the Medical Whistleblower Advocacy Network Universal Periodic Review that has been submitted to the United Nations for review.

A recent article in the Washington Examiner authored by journalist Barbara Hollingsworth explained how other airline pilots in similar situations have been fighting back in our courts to help expose these abhorrent methods of silencing airline pilot whistleblowers, but a DC federal judge recently dismissed the case of retired Northwest Airlines whistleblower Captain Field McConnell in his suit against the Air Line Pilots Association for his suppression in attempting to report on illegal aircraft modifications in 2006.

Another case before the courts is that of former Continental Airlines pilot whistleblower Newton Dickson who accompanied me to DC attempting to testify before the Colgan Air hearing we attended regarding crew fatigue and other isses, but was denied. We are waiting for the final ruling in this case.

Just last week, my name appeared along with many other federal whistleblowers in a joint letter sent to Attorney General Holder by members of another grassroots group, Safe Skies Initiative, requesting the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate all outstanding whistleblower complaints.

To date, the Department of Justice has stonewalled my case for over four years in spite of the fact that the SEC opened my SOX investigation over a year ago after a three year delay. The SEC refuses to acknowledge that this case is still under investigation. The DOJ keeps hanging up on me on the phone or slamming the door in my face.

Just recently, I received a letter from the Department of Justice concerning my filed DOJ Form 95 Claim for Damage, Injury, or Death advising me that my case has been transferred to the Federal Aviation Administration for disposition even though I have alleged violation of RICO laws that mandates DOJ participation in the investigation. Both the DOT and DOJ know that the FAA has done nothing but stonewall me. I have news for all these agencies of government. In six months, before filing the federal suit against the U.S. government that I am certain will be tossed by some corrupt or fearful judge in DC, the world will come to know the truth and the truth shall set them free.

Because I am currently financially bankrupt, my dependent daughter was forced to drop out of Georgia State University with but one year to complete her degree requirements. My ex-wife, who lost her fiancé to cancer just prior to Christmas, has informed me that MY creditors have been harassing her and my two adult children about MY financial obligations back in the states during her time of distress even though I have advised my creditors of my dire financial situation, which has also caused my family undue stress.

My ex-wife and daughter recently moved out of the state of Georgia and are near destitution in another state. I cannot even obtain legal assistance for the purpose of filing bankruptcy, in part because I currently reside in Islamabad, Pakistan with my new bride (where we are attempting to perform charity work for the ‘Forgotten Ones’ in this country), and even if I could locate an attorney in Coweta County, would not be able to afford his fee.

After beating on the Department of Justice door for over four years and being turned away at the door of the Chicago FBI office in early 2009, can you imagine my outrage in receiving my first call from this federal agency by an Atlanta FBI agent from the Joint Terrorist Task Force who made suggestive remarks intimating that perhaps I was some type of ‘domestic terrorist’ making statements against the United States government? My older sister, who is a retired 35-year Delta Airlines flight attendant, was recently visited by three agents from the Atlanta FBI office inquiring of my whereabouts and my welfare, but nothing was mentioned regarding my plight as a federal whistleblower that the Department of Justice has known about since April 2006 that is currently under investigation by the Atlanta SEC office.

In an ABC News 10 Sacramento report by Emmy Award-winning TV journalist George Warren, an American Airlines captain recently suffered recriminations for reporting the same frailties that I attempted to report in 2003 regarding aviation security frailties for which my entire 35-year aviation career, my family, and my finances were completely devastated. Concurrently, we see billions of tax dollars being wasted on senseless TSA passenger x-ray screening equipment manufactured by former DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff’s Rapiscan, when so many holes exist elsewhere in the questionably necessary TSA security network.

My close friend, former TSA Red Team Leader Bogdan Dzakovic, who testified before the 9/11 Commission concerning these very issues, was rewarded for his honesty with a demotion to a simple administrative desk job working the graveyard shift. He is currently one of the most knowledgeable security experts in the world whose career stretches back to the Lockerbie Pan Am 103 disaster when he was appointed FAA Red Team Leader. What is the reason for this during a supposed period of heightened security alert?

They say that love knows no boundaries and I married Huma Hashmi, a resident of Islamabad some time ago. After obtaining a multiple-entry visa to Pakistan from the Pakistani government, I currently reside there. Her late father, a Pakistan International Airlines B-747 captain, was ‘medically retired’ many years ago for alleged political differences of opinion.

We share an equal concern about this issue, as well as our prayer that the planet will soon realize world peace in a land wrought with continued economic distress and suffering from flooding and continued drone attacks and other violence in the region. Although we haven’t received approval of NGO status, we are working with others in the region attempting to provide relief for the still homeless tens-of-thousands of victims in the flooded areas of Pakistan.

Because of alleged retaliation against honest journalists in the United States as alluded in Glenn Greenwald’s article, coupled with my many-year attempts to draw the attention of the mainstream media, with the exception of a 5-minute spot on FOX national news over a year ago, my case, as well as many others have been largely ignored in the U.S. mainstream media. Because I have been passionate about aviation safety and security issues throughout my long career as a pilot, given the absence of media attention in the states, I have been offered no recourse but to consult with international media personnel from various countries who have a greater interest and concern in this area.

Over the course of the past several weeks, with citizens across north Africa demanding greater freedom of expression, including a free press, and exposure of massive suppression of citizenry through sometimes brutal methods, we have observed such atrocities as the strafing of peaceful crowds by attack aircraft overhead resulting in many deaths. Global leaders have condemned such activity with demands from some that these ruthless dictators step down from office in support of a free democracy.

President Barack Obama has decried this abhorrent behavior while we’ve heard Secretary of State Hillary Clinton publically condemn these ruthless dictators for their brutally suppressive behavior. In the meantime in the states, with a less than 2% probability of success, (which equates to a 98% failure rate), we find honest whistleblowers (who have done nothing wrong) murdered, have their houses attacked by Homeland Security helicopters, fired from their jobs or demoted, as their personal, professional and financial life is devastated. The mainstream media in the U.S. does not report on these issues.

While U.S. citizens enjoy greater freedom and comforts of life than many, please explain to me the difference between demands for freedom of expression as a U.S. whistleblower and those who have been gunned down on the streets of Tripoli for demanding the same.

Due to my reluctance to return to the states, given that both Ireland and Pakistan offer dual citizenship for U.S. citizens, I have petitioned the office of the Irish Minister for Justice and Law Reform Dermot Ahern to waive certain provisions of immigration law to accommodate my request for Irish dual citizenship. I have also solicited the support of Amnesty International Secretary General Salil Shetty in locating a U.S. friendly country permitting dual citizenship should hostilities increase at my present location requiring my departure from Pakistan.

U.S. citizenship is my birthright and freedom of speech is an unalienable right enshrined in our constitution. Amnesty International’s vision is for “every person to enjoy all the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights standards”. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act includes specific protections, including protection of retaliation against witnesses per Title 18 – Part I – Chapter 73 § 1513 ‘Retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant’, and yet one of my key witnesses, Mr. Michael Lynch, was incarcerated in Chicago’s Cook County Jail for his honesty in exercising his freedom of speech rights in a court of law last year. But then, this is what happens when the Chicago Mob involves itself in DC politics. We could ask the Kennedy brothers, but they’re both dead.

At present, I intend to remain in Pakistan until the Department of Justice commences an investigation of my SOX allegations by FBI agent interview of witnesses and informants whose names were provided to their office and review of available evidence currently under review by the Atlanta Securities and Exchange Commission.

The Raymond Davis case has generated much political and citizen unrest in Pakistan with rising anti-American sentiments abounding, as the United States continues to demand his release. Due to political instability in the region, it is unclear to me at present as to my plans to ensure my safety, but they do not include a return to the United States.

Some have suggested that I apply for dual citizenship in Pakistan or another U.S.-friendly nation, while a few have insisted that I denounce my U.S. citizenship which, to me, is an absurd consideration since my citizenship is my birthright more so than that of those in our own government who hold dual citizenship with the U.S. when they were born elsewhere, as you were.

I am certain that I will have the full support of the Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and her entire State Department staff since her and her entire senate staff was fully aware of my legal/political dilemma since February 2, 2007 forward. Perhaps Secretary Clinton would like for me to go away, but that will not happen, as I am every bit the U.S. citizen that her husband, President Obama, Attorney General Holder, and herself are U.S. citizens.

We all have unalienable constitutional rights that provide for basic protection against human rights abuses. My quandary lies in the fact that my honest interpretation of these rights may not exactly mesh with the opinions of Chief Justice Roberts or Supreme Court Justice Scalia interpretation of this sacred document. I know that my interpretation of federal laws differed greatly from former Deputy Attorney General Mark Filip and a few others.

As the political events unfold in North Africa and south Asia, I will decide while using denouncement of my U.S. citizenship as my absolute last resort to physically and legally protect myself. I am entitled to my human rights just as those citizens of Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya. I am a U.S. citizen and must abide by federal laws, but the United States does not ‘own’ me. No one does. I have done nothing wrong.

The real tragedy lies in the fact that I feel infinitely more secure in war torn Pakistan than I do in my own homeland in my present dilemma even with anti-American sentiments due to the Davis controversy. Given the attack and incarceration on honest whistleblowers in the United States for speaking the truth in the name of the law, isn’t that a shameful thought for a distinguished naval officer and patriotic citizen whistleblower to even imagine? Julian Assange, you have my full support and empathy. My full testimony has been provided both on film and in writing on numerous occasions. The U.S. government may ‘shoot the messenger’, but my message is already out there, as our website is currently read/downloaded by the gigabyte in over 120 countries around the world.

In spite of these challenges and failures in my life, not that it might be much for others, at least I can still stare myself in the face when I shave each morning knowing that what I did was the right thing to do at the right time without regard to the losses incurred by me and my family. I am broke, but not a broken man nor do I wear ‘round-heeled shoes’. I demand justice in my case, as well as for those I represent as international public spokesperson for the ‘Whistleblowing Airline Employees Association’ and our affiliates whose work has been endorsed by the Government Accountability Project and National Whistleblower Center senior attorneys, Tom Devine and Dave Colapinto.

In addition to failure of several other branches of government to perform their duties in a timely and legal manner, I have been offered no recourse but to file a law suit against the United States government. Due to the over four year delay in responding to my legally-filed reports, I am currently financially bankrupt, living abroad without SOX whistleblower protection as provided by federal law and as requested in my initial filing in 2007. This entire destruction of my personal life due to failures of my government cannot go legally or politically unchecked.

In accordance with the Federal Tort Claims Act (June 25, 1948, ch. 646, Title IV, 62 Stat. 282, "28 U.S.C. Pt.VI Ch.171" and 28 U.S.C. § 1341346(b) ), enclosed please find a completed signed copy of Standard Form 95 Claim for Damage, Injury or Death. As per this federal statute, if no responses from your offices are received within the next six months, it is my full intent to litigate this matter in a federal court of law for the traveling public to judge as to who operated in accordance with federal aviation regulations and laws.

I have also included copies of Form 95 sent to other agencies of the federal government that have failed to address my concerns.

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

~ Edmund Burke ~

Very respectfully,

Captain Dan Hanley and Huma Hashmi-Hanley
International Public Spokesperson
Whistleblowing Airline Employees Association International

Encl: Letter dated February 2, 2007 to then Senator Hillary Clinton
My Form 95 to Congressman Westmoreland
My Form 95 to Senator Chambliss
My Form 95 to President Obama
My Form 95 to Department of Justice
My Form 95 to Department of Transportation
My Form 95 to Department of Homeland Security
My Form 95 to Department of Treasury
My Form 95 to the Securities and Exchange Commission

Cc: President Barack Obama
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
The Honorable Glenn Fine – Inspector General, Department of Justice
The Honorable Eric Holder – Attorney General of the United States
The Honorable Lanny Breuer – Asst AG, Criminal Division
The Honorable Robert Mueller – Director, FBI
The Honorable Calvin S. Scovel III – Inspector General, DOT
The Honorable Raymond LaHood – Secretary of Transportation
The Honorable Randy Babbitt – Administrator, FAA
The Honorable Richard Skinner – Inspector General, DHS
The Honorable Janet Napolitano – Secretary, DHS
The Honorable H. David Kotz – Inspector General, SEC
The Honorable Mary Shapiro – Commissioner, SEC
Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)
Congressman Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA)
Brian Lamkin – Special Agent-in-Charge, Atlanta FBI
Matthew McNamara – Assistant Director, Atlanta SEC
Dave Colapinto – General Counsel, National Whistleblower Center
Tom Devine – Legal Director, Government Accountability Project
The Honorable Luis Moreno-Ocampo
Irish Minister for Justice and Law Reform Ahern
Amnesty International Colm Ó Cuanacháin
National Whistleblower Center Dave Colapinto
Government Accountability Project Tom Devine
Zena Crenshaw – POPULAR Executive Director
SEC Atlanta Senior Attorney Debbie Hampton
Atlanta FBI Agent Mark Grant
Judicial Corruption Whistleblower Michael Lynch
Judicial Corruption Whistleblower Sam Lipari
FAA Whistleblowers Alliance Executive Director Gabe Bruno Executive Director Kate Hanni
Washington Examiner Barbara Hollingsworth
Former TSA Red Team Leader Bogdan Dzakovic
PBGC IG Rebecca Batts
PBGC Director Vincent Snowbarger
Kirk Stevenson – Committee for Restoration of Pensions at UAL
Jim Hosking – Pension Preservation Network
Roger Hall
World Trade Center Whistleblower William Rodriguez
U.S. Federal Marshal Whistleblower Matthew Fogg
FDIC Whistleblower Yolanda Gibson-Michaels
NSA Whistleblower Russell Tice
University of Illinois Whistleblower Dr. Francis Boyle, PhD
Treasury IG Eric Thorson
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner
United Airlines Glenn Tilton
Amnesty International Ireland
Amnesty International Pakistan
Amnesty International Nepal


I, Daniel W. Hanley, being first duly sworn, on oath, states as follows:

1. I am of legal age and competent. This affidavit is made on my personal knowledge of all matters set forth and referenced herein. If sworn and called as a witness in this case, I could, and I would, testify competently as to each fact set forth and incorporated herein by reference.

2. The alleged facts supported with evidence are true and correct to the best of my personal knowledge of the facts, evidence, information and belief.

3. I currently serve as international public spokesperson for a grassroots airline safety and security advocacy group known as the ‘Whistleblowing Airline Employees Association’ whose work has been endorsed by the Government Accountability Project Legal Director Tom Devine and the National Whistleblower Center General Counsel Dave Colapino. Our ‘special interests’ are the millions who travel by commercial air and those dedicated safety professionals who serve them daily…the men and women employees of the airline industry.

4. In late 2008, I received a nationally-acclaimed ‘Restore Integrity Award’ from the group POPULAR for my work as public spokesperson and for pressuring the Securities and Exchange Commission to investigate my Sarbanes-Oxley filing of late 2007 that had been conveniently overlooked until late 2009.  My case will be chronicled in my soon-to-be-published autobiography “Choosing a Different Path”.

5. I also serve as a radio host for our online program ‘Whistleblowing Airline Employees Blog Talk Radio Program’ where I have interviewed many guest aviation and other whistleblowers over the past many months.

6. I am of information and belief that since September 11, 2001 the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) and Homeland Security (DHS) , and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Transportation Security Administration (TSA) have all suppressed many airline employee and other critical whistleblowers from reporting fraudulent activity that continues to threaten millions of air passengers and aircrew members through varied means including alleged ‘hostile work environment forced psychiatric and/or medical evaluations’ to permanently silence would-be whistleblowers.

7. I am of information and belief that certain key former and current upper echelon employees of the DOT and FAA may have received monies from the Carlisle Group for services rendered in this regard. The Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt and Attorney General Eric Holder have consistently refused to investigate these allegations, which impinge on the safety and security of airline passengers worldwide. The Department of Transportation Inspector General Calvin Scovel pleads ignorance to the facts and evidence at hand and Department of Justice Inspector General Glenn Fine inexplicably claims that his office does not have jurisdiction over grave legal matters under his domain of oversight responsibilities such as these.

8. Based on critical information, evidence, and witness testimony provided by key members of the global grassroots group Abel Danger ( and many other federal aviation and transportation security whistleblower groups and individuals (including former Transportation Security Administration Red Team Leader Bogdan Dzakovic), I am of information and belief that the final report provided by the 9/11 Commission is wrought with incomplete and fraudlent and deceitful information.

9. I am of information and belief that key elements and individuals within the United States government and other governments abroad, not only had advanced knowledge of the impending attacks of September 11, 2001, but were actual participants in the planning and execution of these attacks on U.S. soil that were responsible for the loss of life and billions of dollars in revenue. These individuals are not only guilty of treason of the highest order, but of commission of heinous crimes against humanity and these individuals must be severely punished while exonerating the billion Muslims on our planet who have been so wrongfully accused of international crimes they did not commit. Additionally, the next-of-kin of the many deceased servicemen who have needlessly died in fighting on both sides deserve to know the truth concerning the events of September 11, 2001 that wrongfully plunged the United States and other nations into a ten year war (and counting) over an apparent bogus ‘war on terror’ that has cost American taxpayers and other nations countless billions of wasted dollars in an already depressed global economy.

10. I further allege that with the exception of perhaps ‘Muslim patsies’ employed during the 9/11 terrorist operation, no Muslims were involved in the planning and execution of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Consequently, the stated premises by the U.S. government for the subsequent military invasions and attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq were unwarranted and in violation of United Nations accords and international laws that resulted in horrific genocide, which included the displacement of millions of refugees and the loss of human life. Summarizing, I allege that the so-called ‘war on terror’ itself is a fraudulent crime against humanity.

11. I am of information and belief that current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, while employed as a patent attorney at the Little Rock, Arkansas Rose Law Firm allegedly ‘stole’ information concerning the QRS-11 microchip installed to enable uninterruptible autopilots on ConAir aircraft that were employed to transport federal prisoners from Hawaii to the mainland for trial and incarceration. I am further apprised that Kristine Marcy, the older sister of former Northwest Captain whistleblower Field McConnell was directly responsible for the formation of the covertly operated Senior Executive Service (SES) within the federal government and who first petitioned her brother for advice on uninterruptible autopilot systems in the 1980s that was subsequently employed on ConAir aircraft.

12. I am of information and belief that this same technology was employed on September 11, 2001 through coordination with key elements of military systems command to guide the supposedly ‘hijacked’ aircraft while ATC communications and radar targets were manipulated by criminal elements to achieve the desired disastrous outcome on September 11, 2001

13. I am of information and belief based solely on evidence and witnesses provided by the global grassroots group Abel Danger that an AWACs aircraft assigned to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) by then President Bill Clinton in 1999 circled overhead New York City prior to commencement of attacks on 9/11 and that before WTC impact, a dual-seat F-16 from the Fargo North Dakota Air National Guard was airborne and enroute to circle overhead New York City with the FEMA Director for the state of New York seated in the back seat of the F-16. By virtue of these two known facts alone, the conclusion must necessarily be drawn that someone within our government had advance knowledge of the subsequent attacks on New York City and elsewhere.

14. I am of information and belief through my personal direct experiences of the past several years that numerous individuals within the United States Department of Justice and other branches of government are corrupted, and that as a direct result of the U.S. Patriot Act, the government of the United States has essentially become a fascist police state wrought with fraud, waste, and abuse within government and business alike and with little chance (2%) for federal whistleblowers to report serious criminal wrongdoing within the borders of this alleged police state.

15. I am of information and belief that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the FBI Joint Terrorist Task Force have been routinely employed the past many years to harass, intimidate, and even disappear would-be federal whistleblowers and others in the United States and abroad for the purpose of preventing crime exposure that would cost U.S. businesses and government many millions of dollars while creating the potential for a legally and politically embarrassing situation on the global stage for the world to see. This direct abrogation of human rights and the U.S. constitutional freedom of speech rights of American citizens are in direct violation of UN charter and must be investigated by an independent outside organization such as the International Criminal Court.

17. I am of information and belief that Judge Eugene R. Wedoff, the federal bankruptcy judge in the United Airlines post-9/11 bankruptcy, allegedly maintained a $40-million bribery fund. Along with three other judges, Judge Wedoff was named in a federal affidavit submitted to the Department of Justice in 2006 by Michael W. Lynch, the former CEO of McCook Metals, LLC of Chicago, Illinois, but his case has never been investigated by the DOJ. During the subsequent four years, the Department of Justice has done everything in its power to stonewall an investigation into this matter of grave legal and political import on a grand and global scale and both the House and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairmen have ignored repeated petitions for intercession in this case also. President Obama, Vice President Biden, and Attorney General Holder are all keenly aware of every aspect of this case and have been for several years.

18. Former Federal Judge Mark R. Filip is named in paragraph 42 of the affidavit submitted by Michael W. Lynch. Mr. Filip is now employed as an attorney at Kirkland and Ellis, but previously served as the Department of Justice Deputy Attorney General in the last 18 months of the Bush administration as the ‘mortgage fraud point man’ at DOJ. Recent news articles have reported that Mr. Filip, as a Kirkland and Ellis attorney, will be representing the legal interests of BP Oil in the legal suit that the Department of Justice is bringing against BP Oil for the recent oil spill.

19. It has also been alleged by others that Mark R. Filip, while an attorney at the Chicago law firm of Skadden-Arps, may have played an integral part in the alleged illegal 2000 election of George W. Bush along with former Bush Solicitor General Ted Olson who represented Bush in the Supreme Court Bush v Gore case. There is solid evidence available to support this.

20. Former 9/11 Commission Jamie Gorelick has been appointed by DOJ to oversee this legal action. The Department of Justice has blatantly ignored serious RICO allegations leveled against Filip and others, while the president, his cabinet, and the entirety of congress look on with blinded eyes. This demands an international investigation of alleged criminal activity that has devastated the global economy in many ways.

21. As a Sarbanes-Oxley whistleblower whose rights have been denied for many years, my 2007 report to the Securities and Exchange Commission was overlooked for over three years before SEC IG Kotz finally admitted in December 2009 that the SEC should have commenced an investigation previous to that date. The Department of Justice has steadfastly refused to investigate those claims made by me that lie outside the domain of influence and investigation of the SEC (such as the issues of judicial corruption). Witnesses and informants who have stepped forth to the FBI have been turned away at the door without warrant or reasonable explanation.

22. Bernie Madoff whistleblower Harry Markopolous waited a decade before the Security and Exchange Commission finally acknowledged the $50-billion Ponzi scheme uncovered by Mr. Markopolous that defrauded so many investors. UBS Sarbanes-Oxley whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld is currently serving a 40-month prison sentence in a federal penitentiary for his honesty as such, while over 10-thousand U.S. tax-dodgers remain free as a direct result of a ‘deferred prosecution agreement’ reached between the DOJ and UBS. I am currently residing in Islamabad, Pakistan while being accused by my government of being a ‘domestic terrorist’ with the very real and added threat of false incarceration in the United States on trumped up charges such as was experienced in 2010 by my protégé Michael W. Lynch for his allegations against federal judges that caused his internment in Cook County jail in Chicago, Illinois. The U.S. government is dripping with corruption that has impacted the global political arena in the worst of ways the past decade and begs for legal and political intervention through a thorough investigation by the International Criminal Court prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo and his staff.

Further affiant sayeth naught.

SWORN before me on
This _______ day of ___________ 2011



               Patriotism and Freedom of Speech in Action!                     

                        January 1, 2011
                P.O. Box 3231
                                            Peachtree City, Georgia 30269

Amnesty International
Salil Shetty - Secretary General
Colm O’Cuanachain – Senior Director, Campaigns
1 Easton Street

Dear Mr. Shetty and Mr. O’Cuanachain,

I currently serve as international public spokesperson for an airline grassroots safety and security advocacy group known as the Whistleblowing Airline Employees Association.  For additional information about our association, please visit our website at

Since September 11, 2001, both my personal human rights and my civil rights, as a U.S. citizen and pilot with combined military/commercial aviation experience of over 35 years have been grossly violated.  Recently, it was insinuated in a phone conversation with an agent from the FBI Joint Terrorist Task Force in Atlanta, Georgia that I may be labeled a ‘domestic terrorist’ by elements of the U.S. government, which includes the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Department of Justice as a result of my honesty as a federal whistleblower on numerous counts.  

More specifically, kindly review the information on the pages of our website below.  I am presently a political 'refuge' in Pakistan, a man without a country, and need your assistance! 

I currently serve as the ‘Transportation Medical Whistleblower’ for the grassroots group 'Medical Whistleblower'.  Dr. Janet Parker, the executive director, is a personal friend of mine and has appealed to the United Nations for assistance on behalf of the many global medical whistleblowers.  President Barack Obama and Attorney General  Eric Holder are both keenly aware of these issues, as are Gabe Bruno, the executive director of the FAA Whistleblowers Alliance, and Kate Hanni, the executive director of, both of whom  are professional associates and personal friends of mine.  

Numerous airline pilot whistleblowers have had their careers terminated  for having spoken out as such on safety and security matters since September 11, 2001 through alleged employment of a ‘hostile work environment forced psychiatric and/or medical evaluation’, and the U.S. Department of Transportation Inspector General Scovel, Secretary of Transportation LaHood, and Federal Aviation Administrator Babbitt, as well as U.S. congressional oversight committees refuse to investigate these matters.

Additionally, I currently serve as a key witness in a $10-million civil suit filed by former Northwest Airlines Captain Field McConnell against the Air Line Pilots Association International regarding this issue, amongst several other aviation safety, security, and financial issues surrounding 9/11.

On a personal basis, the Department of Justice has repeatedly stonewalled me on many issues, including those pertaining to aviation safety and security that involve alleged violations of RICO statutes, while the Department of Justice Inspector General Fine claims to not have jurisdiction over matters such as these.  Although Attorney General Holder’s office advised me in 2009 to contact the Atlanta office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which I did, this office refuses to accept any evidence or witness testimony from informants and just last week agents from FBI Headquarters in Washington DC hung up on me twice when I attempted to bring these matters to their attention.

In February 2009, I paid a personal visit to the office of Chicago FBI and was advised by the interviewing agent that the Department of Justice had no intent of investigating my federal criminal allegations even though not one single piece of evidence or witness testimony had been reviewed by that office.  

It is for these and other reasons that I very recently filed a written criminal complaint with the office of the prosecutor for the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, Mr. Luis Moreno-Ocampo. It is hoped that his office will initiate a criminal investigation of global proportions in this case since I now allege the implication of individual citizens and global organizations from numerous countries in the events of September 11, 2001.

These alleged heinous crimes against humanity not only involved serious genocidal issues, but also violations of human rights for those global citizens who attempted to exercise their freedom of speech rights, but were brutally suppressed through unconventional and unlawful means in violation with U.N. Charter and international criminal law.

The Atlanta office of the Securities and Exchange Commission is currently reviewing my Sarbanes-Oxley allegations filed in October 2007, but somehow ‘overlooked’ by the SEC Inspector General until December 2009.  The Department of Justice refuses to accept evidence in this case under their jurisdiction for investigation including allegations of judicial corruption in this case.     

Recently, I wrote a letter to the office of the Irish Minister for Justice and Law Reform Dermot Ahern petitioning his office to make an exception to Irish immigration laws in allowing me dual citizenship in that country.  Since Mr. O’Cuanachain hails from the Emerald Isle, it is hoped that he might assist me in petitioning the office of Minister Ahern in providing a waiver of requirements for dual citizenship with Ireland for me, a U.S. citizen.  

In support of my allegations legally brought before appropriate agencies of the United States federal government, as per the United Nations Universal  International Declaration of Human Rights, I strongly feel that numerous articles have been violated regarding countless human rights issues, and am currently in consultation with attorneys in Washington DC and elsewhere with the intent of filing a federal tort claim against certain individuals and agencies of the federal government in the very near future.

There is much more to my story and I will be phone contacting your office soon to speak in detail about these matters.  If a member of your staff would like additional specific information, kindly have them email me at and I will call your office.

Very respectfully,

Dan Hanley


        President Barack Obama

        Hanan Habibzai – Author/Journalist

        Dr. Ahmad Muaffaq Zaidan – Pakistan Bureau Chief, Al Jazeera News      

                                                   December 22, 2010
                                                   P.O. Box 3231
                                                   Peachtree City, Georgia 30269

The Honorable Dermot Ahern
Minister for Justice and Law Reform
94 St Stephen’s Green
Dublin 2, Republic of Ireland

Dear Minister Ahern,

I am writing to your good offices as a patriotic U.S. citizen of Irish descent whose great grandparents were all born on the Emerald Isle in hopes of finding a new home in a country of rich heritage and tradition in supporting honest citizens who protect the global public welfare for the benefit of all.  Although I recognize that Ireland currently will not normally allow citizenship to those Americans whose grandparents are one generation removed from your country by birth, it is hoped that special consideration to this immigration rule might be waived in my particular case for the reasons stated herein.

I am currently an unprotected U.S. federal whistleblower on numerous counts whose rights and privileges under law have been severely violated.  The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission office in Atlanta, Georgia is currently reviewing my Sarbanes-Oxley allegations filed in 2007, but overlooked for over three years by this agency of the federal government.  President Obama, Vice President Biden, and Attorney General Holder are all very familiar with the issues surrounding all aspects of my case, as are many other levels and branches of the U.S. government.

I am currently residing in Islamabad, Pakistan with my Pakistani wife, Huma (who currently holds a U.S. visa), and we intend to apply for a Schengen visa in the near future so that she may travel in Europe unimpeded should we so desire in the future.  I have already made contact with the Irish Embassy in Karachi, Pakistan regarding the application process.

Because I have not been afforded due process of federal law within the United States, while exposing myself to criminal elements there, and have not been provided with adequate physical protections as provided by federal statutes, I am very reluctant to return to my previous homeland.  The jailing of UBS whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld should provide amply reasons for my reluctance to return to the states.  I have done nothing wrong.

Additionally, in July, a Department of Justice FBI Joint Terrorist Task Force agent contacted my son who lives in Atlanta, Georgia inquiring of my whereabouts.  I phone-contacted this agent and was informed of the FBI knowledge of very specific personal information about me and it was suggested in his remarks to me that I had been labeled a ‘domestic terrorist’ for supposedly making ‘derogatory remarks’ against my government, which was totally untrue as is evidenced by the correspondence on our website.  

I currently serve as international public spokesperson for a global airline grassroots safety and security advocacy group called the ‘Whistleblowing Airline Employees Association’ whose mission is in full support of the mission statements of the Departments of Homeland Security, Transportation, and Justice as stated on their websites. 

It was noted in Wikileaks that based on the discretionary power held by the Minister of Justice in cases such as mine: 

The Minister for Justice may waive the residency requirement for:
  1. the spouses and children of naturalized citizens;
  2. recognized refugees;
  3. stateless children;
  4. those residents abroad in the service of the Irish state; and the people of “Irish descent or Irish associations”
Since in my present situation, I consider myself somewhat of a political refugee and a ‘stateless child” of Irish descent, it is most respectfully requested, given my strong Irish heritage and the facts provided above the following requests be considered:
  A waiver of the current requirement regarding application of dual citizenship for U.S. citizens whose grandparents were not born on Irish soil.

  In lieu of the above and in light of the media-exposed U.S. extraordinary rendition program, should it become necessary, it is requested that political asylum be provided to me and my family members in Ireland (or a foreign embassy of Ireland).

  If neither of the above requests are approved, then I may be offered no recourse in the future but to denounce my U.S. citizenship and return to my roots in Ireland as a legalized citizen of Ireland through the application process vice a U.S. citizen…a citizen of the world but a ‘Man Without A Country’.

I pray in the name of truth and justice that you give my request serious consideration since the events of my past several years has destroyed my family, career, reputation, and finances when I was merely attempting to abide by U.S. laws and regulations in full support of our constitutional rights of freedom of speech.  It appears that the torch on the Statue of Liberty that once shone so brightly as a beacon of hope in a land so many once admired and emulated has dimmed in recent years.
I am very proud of my Irish heritage and recall once ‘How the Irish Saved Civilization’ previously in the history of humankind on our beautiful planet.  I am merely one human being of Irish descent who is attempting to play a small part in restoring civilized society to its previous form through my engagement in this political process.
 Very respectfully,

        Vice President Biden
April 17, 2011

The Honorable Rehman Malik
Minister of the Interior
Room # 438, 4 th Floor R-Block
Pak Secretariat
Islamabad, Pakistan


Dear Interior Minister Malik,

I am a U.S. citizen living in Islamabad currently in possession of a multiple-entry tourist visa into Pakistan (Visa No. VF519718). Married to Pakistan citizen Huma Hashmi (Shahid), a former news anchorwoman for Pakistan TV and DAWN News, I have supported her establishment of a beauty parlor in Islamabad, as well as working toward development of an NGO in support of the ‘forgotten ones’ in the flooded regions of Pakistan. 
In light of heightened political tensions in Pakistan and the region, as well as across North Africa at present, I am humbly writing to your good office in petition of expedited special consideration of my enclosed application for dual citizenship under the auspices of the section 14(3) of the Pakistan Citizenship Act of 1951.

As a former distinguished and patriotic United States Naval officer/aviator and United Airlines B-777 captain with over 35 years combined unblemished service as a professional pilot, I believe that your agency background check of my impeccable military and professional pilot resume will give credence to the fact that I am in full support of global peace and prosperity for Pakistan, the United States and the global community in general. In this regard, both my wife, Huma, and I pray for an end to violence through promotion of peace and harmony in the region so that Pakistan may enjoy a return to financial health, happiness, and a real growth in prosperity in the future amongst other nations of the global family of 6-billion inhabitants of our frail planet.

Recognizing the phenomenal sacrifices made in the loss of over 30,000 Pakistani lives and billions of dollars in revenue the country has had to endure in military support of the ‘war on terror’, and fully understanding the potential for restoration of peace and prosperity realized by the termination of said violence, we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with both the governments of the United States and Pakistan in realizing a mutually peaceful solution for all.

In my many months as a resident of Islamabad, while being warmly received by many of its kind citizens in spite of political challenges, my wife and I now feel helplessly trapped in the crossfire of the highly-charged controversies surrounding the release of Raymond Davis, the increased drone strikes in the northern tribal areas, and the explosive recent controversies surrounding the Florida Koran burning, the banning of veils by French resident-Muslim women, and current NATO military actions across north Africa. 

Having endured many personal hardships myself the past several years, albeit small in comparison to the good citizens of Pakistan, my wife and I pray that you give full consideration to our plea to remain together as a family of four in Islamabad as we attempt to grow our business service in support of our two children in Islamabad, my college student daughter in Atlanta, Georgia, and the launch of our NGO for the less-privileged ‘forgotten ones’ who are still attempting to survive the elements starving in tent cities in the rural areas of Pakistan.

As you well know, honest Pakistani citizens also endure extreme hardship in procuring travel visas to foreign lands at present. Being of strong Irish heritage, several months ago as the political situation intensified, (while fearing the potential loss of my Pakistan travel visa privileges), I had petitioned the Irish government to waive their dual citizenship requirements for Huma and I, but have not yet received a response from the Office of the Honorable Dermot Ahern, the Irish Minister for Law Reform and Justice in Dublin, Ireland.

Huma and I thank you very much for consideration of our special case. We both recognize the politically intricate developments with the attendant quandary that we personally face with this request, but very much wish to remain together as a family as residents of Islamabad, Pakistan.

Being a guest resident of Pakistan for many months now, I have come to realize the preciousness and preservation of very strong family values/ties and support amongst Pakistani families in spite of stressful economic times. The very heartwarming close bond and Muslim brotherly love and rich Pakistani cultural heritage exhibited by Pakistani family mutual support is profound but also lacking in many countries in the world today.

As with so many families across the globe that have endured many hardships in the aftermath of September 11, 2001, as a divorcee of several years and living abroad, my U.S. family life and my own personal, professional, and financial life has been decimated. I pray that your office honor my petition so that I may remain united with my new-found family and friends in Pakistan in financial support of my U.S. and Pakistani dependent children during these stressful times.

If my request is denied, in lieu of and due to extenuating circumstances, it is hereby respectfully requested that you give consideration to waiving the Pakistan visa provision of a maximum stay per visit of one year, so that I may remain in Pakistan uninterrupted for the duration of my tourist visa in Pakistan, which is due to expire on March 15, 2014.

On a more personal note, although you may not recall our meeting, you and I met when Huma formally introduced me to you several weeks ago at a reception for a mutual friend of ours at the Islamabad Sarena Hotel, the Ambassador to Pakistan from Oman, ____________.

May the good and kind citizens of Pakistan be blessed with peace, honor, dignity, respect and prosperity in the future.

Very respectfully,

Captain Dan Hanley and Huma Hashmi-Hanley

Encl: Application for dual U.S./Pakistan citizenship

Cc: Capt. (R) Raashid Bashir Mazari - Joint Secretary, Ministry of the Interior
The Honorable Hillary Clinton – U.S. Secretary of State
The Honorable Leon Panetta - Director, Central Intelligence Agency
Lt General Ahmad Pasha – Director General, Inter-Service Intelligence Agency
The Honorable Richard Skinner – Inspector General, U.S. Homeland Security
The Honorable Janet Napolitano, Secretary, U.S. Homeland Security
The Honorable Eric Holder – Attorney General of the United States
The Honorable Robert Mueller – Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Senator Joe Lieberman – Chairman, Senate Homeland Security Committee
Senator Saxby Chambliss – U.S. Senator, State of Georgia
Senator Johnny Isakson – U.S. Senator, State of Georgia
Congressman Lynn Westmoreland – U.S. Congressman, State of Georgia
Matthew McNamara – Assistant Director, Atlanta SEC office
Brian Lamkin – Special Agent-in-Charge, Atlanta FBI office
The Honorable Dermot Ahern – Irish Minister for Law Reform and Justice
Mr. Salil Shetty – Secretary General, Amnesty International
Dave Colapinto – General Counsel, National Whistleblower Center
Tom Devine – Legal Director, Government Accountability Project
Barbara Hollingsworth – Journalist, Washington Examiner
Captain Field McConnell – Former Northwest Airlines Captain

Drone Technology employed on 9/11 Aircraft; no Muslims involved - It was an Inside Job!

May 9, 2011
Islamabad, Pakistan

9/11: Was it Osama and his Cavemen or QRS-11 Microchip-Equipped ‘Droned’ Aircraft?

The lips of the ‘ghosts of bin Laden’ are still moving

As much of the world applauds President Obama for his courageous decision to unilaterally abrogate the sovereignty of Pakistan through the daring U.S. Navy Seal commando raid at Abbotabad, Pakistan, many are questioning the validity of the ‘evidence’ offered in proving the assassination of Osama bin Laden. Perhaps the critical issue that global journalist should really be focused on is whether or not bin Laden was truly responsible for the events of 9/11, the pretext for the original invasion of Afghanistan and launch of the global war on terror.

Reflecting back on the weak evidence offered and bizarre conclusions drawn in the 9/11 Commission final report, we are being asked yet another time to accept frail evidence as statement of facts from this same government. If Osama did not plan and execute the events of 9/11, perhaps his extrajudicial murder will explain the U.S. desire to assassinate him and dump his body in the ocean. The corpses of many mob informants wishing to testify before a grand jury lie beneath the East River in New York and the Chicago River before ever being given the chance to take the witness stand.

Just weeks prior to the illegal incursion of Pakistan airspace, in a peculiarly timely manner, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder announced to the world that Khalid Sheikh Mohammad would be tried by a highly-secretive military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay vice a public jury trial in the United States. Having been illegally water boarded 198 times to extract his testimony that he, and not bin Laden, was responsible for the planning and execution of 9/11, we might surmise that even President Obama would testify that he was a legal citizen of Nigeria vice the United States if he were to endure similar illegal torture in direct violation of the Geneva accords.

98% of all U.S. whistleblowers suppressed in the past decade

In his 2008 campaign for the Oval Office, President Obama promised voters a ‘greater openness of government’ with ‘enhanced protection for federal whistleblowers’, a promise that he has not yet kept. Over the past ten years, a full 98% of U.S. federal whistleblowers have failed in their attempt to expose fraud, waste and abuse in government and business. Of those willing to step forth with disclosures, the ratio of failure of aviation community whistleblowers to all others is ten to one.

This dismal failure rate coupled with observed harsh whistleblower retaliation sends a chilling signal down the spine of other would-be whistleblowers that consequently have remained silent. Many whistleblower victims are fighting back.


Is it any wonder why many silenced whistleblowers have sought refuge in such remote regions of the world such as Iceland, South America, Pakistan, and elsewhere as political safe havens? Wikileak’s founder Julian Assange serves as a prime example as millions across the planet funnel information to this site outside the jurisdiction and control of the U.S. corporate-owned and controlled mainstream media and government. 

Considering the 9/11 Commission Report, it must be noted that with the exception of former FAA/TSA Red Team Leader Bogdan Dzakovic, one of the world’s foremost experts on aviation security, who provided 9/11 congressional testimony that was largely ignored in the final report before his retaliatory demotion at TSA, not one single airline pilot was permitted to provide testimony before the commission regarding the feasibility of the seemingly impossible aerial feats performed that fateful day by an alleged small group of Arab private pilots with minimal flying experience.


In a recent episode of former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura’s acclaimed ‘Conspiracy Theory’ program aired on TruTv, it was demonstrated in an aircraft simulator by veteran airline pilots with countless years and many flying hours of experience in numerous commercial jet aircraft, the physical impossibility of hand-flying the profile of the ‘aircraft’ that impacted the Navy Intelligence Center of the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. Identical questions have been raised by many knowledgeable sources regarding this same issue and the WTC attacks, but have been suppressed by the U.S. media as merely ‘wild theories’ without basis of fact when quite the contrary is true.

One may ask at what point in time do these ‘theories’ become facts. The age-old scientific method relies on physical evidence and statistical data proof to establish and accept a theory as fact. In the case of 9/11 all conclusions drawn from all available evidence points to the same fact: 9/11 was an inside job and, with the exception of a few patsies, no Muslims were involved in the planning or execution of that mission…not even Osama bin Laden…in spite of alleged CIA-planted evidence at the crime scenes.

Given that 9/11 was the most horrific crime ever committed on U.S. soil, it seems bizarre that not one molecule of forensic evidence was ever analyzed of the World Trade Center debris before being hauled off and buried in the Fresh Kills Land Fill on Staten Island and elsewhere around the world. And why didn’t Osama’s name ever appear on the FBI’s Most Wanted list?

FBI Director Robert Mueller and others in government have intimated in past public remarks that U.S. whistleblowers are ‘traitors’ for compromising the national security of the United States with their whistleblower disclosures of sensitive information that places citizens and soldiers in harm’s way. Given the solid evidence and facts at hand, perhaps the real traitors to the United States and the global community lies within the confines of the DC beltway, the ‘City of London’, and elsewhere in Europe and the Middle East.

All rational thinking human beings must therefore ask ‘Did Osama and his cave dwellers in fact plan 9/11 from the mountainous regions of Afghanistan or was it a complex and deceitful ‘inside job’ perpetrated by global criminals? The resulting pretext for the illegal invasion of Afghanistan in search of bin Laden and the pretext for the subsequent ‘Shock and Awe’ illegal invasion of Iraq would then both involve abrogation of the sovereignty of foreign nations in violation of international law.

Once the latter is proven to be true, and it will, then those guilty and complicit individuals from various countries must stand trial for heinous crimes against humanity in violation of international law as traitors against the United States and humankind in general.

9/11 Aircraft Were Droned

As exemplified with the phenomenally accurate drone strikes in the northern regions of Pakistan and more recently in Libya and Yemen, the U.S., as the world’s only superpower, holds the military monopoly in the mastery of drone technology for pilotless attack aircraft. Recent revelations by an international grassroots group called ‘ABEL DANGER’ headed by former Northwest Airlines Captain and distinguished military veteran Field McConnell and his team have provided critical answers to 9/11 with the QRS-11 microprocessor, a computer chip installed on aircraft autopilot systems resulting in an uninterruptible autopilot transforming any aircraft into a remotely-controlled “drone”. 

On September 11, 2001, Captain McConnell’s F-16 unit stationed out of Fargo, North Dakota stood the ‘ready alert’ NORAD watch at Langley AFB just south of Washington, DC. Two of his squadron mates had been launched that day in pursuit of an airborne target inbound to Washington, DC, but were vectored due east over the Atlantic Ocean even though the inbound hostile target had been acquired on Air Traffic Control and AWACS aircraft radar.

Meanwhile, in the rear seat of another dual seat F-16, already airborne from the same Fargo North Dakota Air National Guard squadron, sat the New York State Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and this before any aircraft had struck any targets that day. Concurrently, a FEMA AWACS aircraft orbited overhead New England as a supposed participant in a joint military exercise. 


In 1999, President Bill Clinton had transferred the military AWACS aircraft from the U.S. Air Force inventory to FEMA. This same pilotless technology was available on September 11, 2001 and in 2006, the Boeing Aircraft Corporation quietly settled a suit with a $650-million settlement with the Department of Justice for integrating this technology into the autopilot systems of their aircraft.

AWACS aircraft are fully capable of jamming airborne communications systems and disappearing/appearing/replacing radar contacts on air traffic controllers’ radar screens. It has been conclusively proven with evidence that the FEMA AWACS aircraft orbiting overhead Washington DC and New York City on 9/11 was employed to ‘disappear’ American flight 77 that departed Washington Dulles Airport and replace the radar signature with the inbound Navy A-3 Skywarrior aircraft adorn with an American Airlines paint job that struck the Pentagon that day, which contained explosive materials.


Supporting evidence of secretly obtained of copied encrypted Nextel text messages emanating on 9/11 from the City of London to the city of Chicago and NASA further strengthen allegations of collusion, deceit, and traitorous deeds by numerous agencies and governments.

QRS-11 Microchip Is Installed on Boeing Aircraft Autopilot

During the early 1980s, Captain McConnell’s sister, Kristine Marcy, holding a very senior position in the Clinton Justice Department, helped create an internal agency known as the Senior Executive Service (SES). During this time frame, facing the threat of aircraft hijackings, the Department of Justice was challenged with the potential of an aircraft carrying high-threat federal prisoners from the state of Hawaii to the U.S. mainland for incarceration and future trial of being hijacked by prisoners, as the state of Hawaii had no federal detention facilities for this purpose.

Having many years of experience as a distinguished and decorated U.S. Air Force F-4 pilot, Captain McConnell had assisted in the earlier development of droning mothballed military aircraft for airborne fighter pilot target practice on these ‘droned’ pilotless aircraft targets. In response to his sister’s innocent query, Captain McConnell suggested the ‘droning’ of these prisoner-carrying aircraft that, if hijacked, would be guided by external sources without pilot control as the cockpit was secured and the hijacked aircraft safely guided to a secure location for landing.

Out of this suggestion and offer of associated technology specifications, the famed ConAir, portrayed in a Hollywood movie of the same name, was created. At the time, Hillary Rodham Clinton served as a patent attorney at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Arkansas.


Another global grassroots organization, the ‘Whistleblowing Airline Employees Association’, whose mission is in full support of the Departments of Transportation and Homeland Security in making the U.S. airspace ‘the safest, most efficient airspace system in the world’, further supports suppressed aviation whistleblowers in providing information and direction to appropriate organizations, including government and whistleblower agencies and news services.


A radio interview including Captain McConnell’s first-hand account may be heard on the ‘Whistleblowing Airline Employees Blog Talk Radio Program’.


The entire ABEL Danger global team has produced an entire YouTube video series entitled “Is It Live…or Is It Livery?”, which provides ample evidence of global complicity in this horrific criminal cover-up.

As stated on their website homepage, their special interests are the millions who travel by commercial air and not the ‘special interests’ of Wall Street bankers and their K-Street lobbyist. Captain McConnell’s ABEL DANGER organization is an affiliate/consultant of this grassroots organization, as are organizations such as ‘Pilots for 9/11 Truth’, Scientists for 9/11 Truth, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and many others identified on the ‘Team Members’ page of their website all of which possess elements of evidence pointing to the same conclusion: “9/11 was an inside job”.

Enhanced Protection for U.S. Federal Whistleblowers?

With 98% suppression of U.S. federal whistleblowers the past decade of which most were Transportation Security Administration (TSA) whistleblowers, President Obama is still promising a ‘greater openness of government’ with ‘enhanced protection of federal whistleblowers’ and encouraging the global community to give praise to the demise of Osama as the purported perpetrator of 9/11 with minimal evidence while also condemning Pakistan for alleged harboring the most wanted criminal.

In all fairness to the global citizenry, would it not now be the most opportune time to permit those individuals and organizations with proof to the contrary to step forward to refute the judgment that condemned Osama bin Laden to an extrajudicial murder to silence him forever without trial? In the U.S. judicial system, an individual is innocent until proven guilty in a trial that produces evidence and witness testimony to condemn him to prison or death.

The United States population of 300-million comprises but 5% of the global population of 6-billion. There are roughly 1-billion Muslims in the world whose global image has been tarnished by the Bush label of the ‘Islamofascist’ associated with Osama bin Laden.

Why must 95% of the world population allow a miniscule percentage of the 5% of U.S. citizenry to destroy the lives of so many foreigners while ethnocentrically demanding that all nations embrace western values and the rights to freedom of speech in exposing corruption such as that of 40-year U.S. friend Hosni Mubarak and others when it doesn’t exist 98% of the time in America for honest federal whistleblowers attempting to achieve identical goals?


The U.S. Navy Seal Team may have forever sealed the lips of a potential ‘whistleblower informant’ who knew too much, but wasn’t allowed to testify in a court of law. There are many ‘ghosts of bin Laden’ surviving his death who also know the truth concerning 9/11 whose lips are still moving.

Do we continue to allow the sentencing and condemnation of a man to death without a jury trial on the words and judgment of a few Washington DC politicians whose verdict in 2001 condemned to death over 30,000 Pakistanis at a cost in billions to an already impoverished nation during their supposed ‘war on terror’?

On behalf of Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Senator Joe Lieberman, Senator John McCain recently introduced a bill entitled the “Enemy Billigerent Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010” that potentially places every American citizen in danger of becoming an ‘enemy of the state’. Does this typify the ‘greater openness of government’ that President Obama has promised us? If so, then perhaps like the U.S.A. Patriot Act, its passage will zoom through congress to the president’s desk for signing in the aftermath of another ‘9/11-type false flag’ event inside the United States such as we saw that 2009 Christmas Day on Northwest 253 or elsewhere that may well be blamed on other ‘Islamofascists’ of the Bush era.

We must each ask ourselves who the real terrorist in the world are these days as similar ‘terrorist drone strikes’ that murdered 3,000 U.S. citizens on 9/11 continue to rain down terror on Pakistan, Libya, and Yemen causing unnecessary death and destruction while violating the national sovereignty of foreign nations without warrant under the guise of NATO human rights abuse violations and in the name of in suppressing international terrorism.


The placement of a wreath at the former World Trade Center site in New York City by President Obama may provide comfort and closure for the next-of-kin and some citizens of America as a result of the extrajudicial murder of a man without trial and jury, but will not symbolize closure to continued investigation and exposure of the crimes committed by real global gangsters on September 11, 2001. 9/11 is a provable ‘inside job’ and not the work of Osama bin Laden and a small group of cavemen. The absolute truth lies with the complete proof provided by ABEL DANGER and other grassroots efforts.

Not a single male or female airline pilot of the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA), the largest airline pilot union in the world comprised of over 50,000 pilots on the North American continent, could have successfully flown the profiles of the collision jets of 9/11 and they each know this. And yet, for almost ten years, most have remained selfishly and fearfully silent. As a direct result of their continued passivity, millions of fellow citizens of the planet earth have died, been wounded, or geographically displaced. The blood of these victims will be forever stained on the hands of the ALPA leadership and its members for their moral cowardice. 

Perhaps the Arab League of Nations, a unified Muslim League, or the good citizens of Pakistan that have paid a very high price for the supposed ‘war on terror’ should consider reconvening their own ‘9/11 Commission’ so that those truly responsible for heinous crimes can be brought to justice through available evidence provided by global whistleblower organizations and individuals who have fled to foreign countries for physical protection through diplomatic asylum. To be certain, the United Nations will not revisit these issues, nor will the U.S. government and many of its ill-informed citizens.

This press release has been disseminated to major media outlets across North Africa and Southern Asia, as well as to other interested and concerned agencies across the European Union and beyond.

Captain Dan Hanley is a former 35-year career U.S. naval aviator and United Airlines B-777 Captain and serves as the International Public Spokesperson for the ‘Whistleblowing Airline Employees Association International’. He currently resides in self-imposed exile in Islamabad, Pakistan with his Pakistani wife, Huma, performing charity work for the ‘forgotten ones’ in the flooded regions of Pakistan.

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