Saturday, May 21, 2011

Endorsements from GAP, NWC, and POPULAR! Somebody likes me!

Tom Devine – Legal Director, Government Accountability Project

“Dan Hanley’s leadership of the Whistleblowing Airlines Employees Association personifies why whistleblowers make a difference keeping bureaucracies and politicians honest, and warning the public when they’re not. His commitment to public service is cheerfully relentless and unqualified. As long as he is breathing, he is fighting bureaucratic abuses of power that betray the public trust,” stated Tom Devine, GAP legal director. 

David Colapinto – General Counsel, National Whistleblower Center

“Dan Hanley is an effective champion for advancing the rights of whistleblowers. Dan’s tireless work on behalf of airline employees, and his effective voice as a national spokesman on behalf of the Whistleblowing Airlines Employees Association, is vital to protect the rights of all employees to expose illegal conduct by their employers. Dan has been on the front lines in the battle to hold our nation’s airlines accountable for lapses in airline safety, threats to national security and violations of law.

Additionally, Dan is helping to ignite a growing grass-roots movement of citizens, whistleblowers and activists to support the enactment of strong whistleblower protections for both government and private industry employees. We whole-heartedly support and appreciate Dan’s efforts and look forward to working with him to accomplish long-overdue goals of effective government reforms and stronger whistleblower laws.”

Zena Crenshaw:  POPULAR Integrity Award

"Captain Dan Hanley of the “Whistleblowing Airline Employees Association” for his relentless advocacy to ultimately keep the skies safe for millions of air travelers, culminating with a recent commitment by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to consider alleged improprieties attendant to the United Airlines Chapter 11 bankruptcy."

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