Friday, May 20, 2011

Letter to Irish Minister for Justice, Law and Reform Ahern

                                                   December 22, 2010
                                                   P.O. Box 3231
                                                   Peachtree City, Georgia 30269

The Honorable Dermot Ahern
Minister for Justice and Law Reform
94 St Stephen’s Green
Dublin 2, Republic of Ireland

Dear Minister Ahern,

I am writing to your good offices as a patriotic U.S. citizen of Irish descent whose great grandparents were all born on the Emerald Isle in hopes of finding a new home in a country of rich heritage and tradition in supporting honest citizens who protect the global public welfare for the benefit of all.  Although I recognize that Ireland currently will not normally allow citizenship to those Americans whose grandparents are one generation removed from your country by birth, it is hoped that special consideration to this immigration rule might be waived in my particular case for the reasons stated herein.

I am currently an unprotected U.S. federal whistleblower on numerous counts whose rights and privileges under law have been severely violated.  The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission office in Atlanta, Georgia is currently reviewing my Sarbanes-Oxley allegations filed in 2007, but overlooked for over three years by this agency of the federal government.  President Obama, Vice President Biden, and Attorney General Holder are all very familiar with the issues surrounding all aspects of my case, as are many other levels and branches of the U.S. government.

I am currently residing in Islamabad, Pakistan with my Pakistani wife, Huma (who currently holds a U.S. visa), and we intend to apply for a Schengen visa in the near future so that she may travel in Europe unimpeded should we so desire in the future.  I have already made contact with the Irish Embassy in Karachi, Pakistan regarding the application process.

Because I have not been afforded due process of federal law within the United States, while exposing myself to criminal elements there, and have not been provided with adequate physical protections as provided by federal statutes, I am very reluctant to return to my previous homeland.  The jailing of UBS whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld should provide amply reasons for my reluctance to return to the states.  I have done nothing wrong.

Additionally, in July, a Department of Justice FBI Joint Terrorist Task Force agent contacted my son who lives in Atlanta, Georgia inquiring of my whereabouts.  I phone-contacted this agent and was informed of the FBI knowledge of very specific personal information about me and it was suggested in his remarks to me that I had been labeled a ‘domestic terrorist’ for supposedly making ‘derogatory remarks’ against my government, which was totally untrue as is evidenced by the correspondence on our website.  

I currently serve as international public spokesperson for a global airline grassroots safety and security advocacy group called the ‘Whistleblowing Airline Employees Association’ whose mission is in full support of the mission statements of the Departments of Homeland Security, Transportation, and Justice as stated on their websites. 

It was noted in Wikileaks that based on the discretionary power held by the Minister of Justice in cases such as mine: 

The Minister for Justice may waive the residency requirement for:
  1. the spouses and children of naturalized citizens;
  2. recognized refugees;
  3. stateless children;
  4. those residents abroad in the service of the Irish state; and the people of “Irish descent or Irish associations”
Since in my present situation, I consider myself somewhat of a political refugee and a ‘stateless child” of Irish descent, it is most respectfully requested, given my strong Irish heritage and the facts provided above the following requests be considered:
  A waiver of the current requirement regarding application of dual citizenship for U.S. citizens whose grandparents were not born on Irish soil.

  In lieu of the above and in light of the media-exposed U.S. extraordinary rendition program, should it become necessary, it is requested that political asylum be provided to me and my family members in Ireland (or a foreign embassy of Ireland).

  If neither of the above requests are approved, then I may be offered no recourse in the future but to denounce my U.S. citizenship and return to my roots in Ireland as a legalized citizen of Ireland through the application process vice a U.S. citizen…a citizen of the world but a ‘Man Without A Country’.

I pray in the name of truth and justice that you give my request serious consideration since the events of my past several years has destroyed my family, career, reputation, and finances when I was merely attempting to abide by U.S. laws and regulations in full support of our constitutional rights of freedom of speech.  It appears that the torch on the Statue of Liberty that once shone so brightly as a beacon of hope in a land so many once admired and emulated has dimmed in recent years.
I am very proud of my Irish heritage and recall once ‘How the Irish Saved Civilization’ previously in the history of humankind on our beautiful planet.  I am merely one human being of Irish descent who is attempting to play a small part in restoring civilized society to its previous form through my engagement in this political process.
 Very respectfully,

        Vice President Biden

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